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46 Cards in this Set

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beautiful lady tricks and slays invading general
wise counsel on how to live a good life
record of the Jewish revolt v. the Greeks
1 Maccabees
Match the following books with an OT book which has some similarity: 1 Maccabees, Ecclesiasticus, Judith
Joshua, Esther, Proverbs
True or false: During the Greek Period- immediately following the Babylonian Period- the Jews were challenged by Hellenistic lifestyle
false; why:The Greek period immediately followed the Persian period, not the Babylonian Period.
True or false: the term gospel was one coined (invented) by early Christians to describe the story of Jesus' life and mission
False; it was not invented by Christians. It was already around and was often use in conjunction with the Emperor of Rome.
The conquering of the Mediterranean world by Alexander the Great posed an immediate oppressive threat to the Jewish people
False; Jews enjoyed freedom as they were loyal to the government
At the time of Jesus, Jewish people were faced with both Greek cultural infiltration and Roman political domination
Which period in the intertestamental era was described as "tolerance turning to terror?"
Greek Period
"the crisis of Exile?"
Babylonian Period
"return and rehabilitation" ?
Persian Period
" a brief space of independence"?
Maccabean Period
" an iron fist of domination"?
Roman Period
What value do the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha have in common?
Provide some insight into history of intertestamental period
In Luke's Gospel, the account of Jesus' birth is given from the viewpoint of
In Matthew Gospel, the account of Jesus' birth is given from the view point of
Describe two beliefs which took on sharper focus among Jews during intertestamental era which reflect the idea of dualism
1. angels and demons
Sadducees or Pharisees... interested in maintaining the status quo "fundamentalists"
... accepted oral tradition as authoritative in addition to scripture
Pharisees; Their basis of authority was the Tanak and "oral tradition"
...most influential in village synagogues
Pharisees; Their primary sphere of influence were the village synagogues.
the elite aristocracy in Jewish society
Jewish people tended to think of themselves as " The..." and all other as Gentiles- a word which literally means " the..."
the people; the nations
Two "entertainments" in Greek life which posed a challenge to Jewish morality and religion
The theater and athletics
What does the term Evangelist mean in Gospel study?
A reference to one of the Gospel writers
The term ' Gospel is translated from a Greek word which literally means:
Good message
The Roman emperor at the time of Jesus' birth?
Caesar Augustus
Who used the term gospel more, Paul or the Gospel writers? About how many time for each
Paul; 60; 12
The issue of Genre Identity...What is a Gospel? Why is it important to know?
To what literary classification or category does 'Gospel' belong?; Important to understand what is being read
What is a biography?
A telling of someone's life
usually consists of a famous person remembering and retelling anecdotes about significant events in which he was involved.
A particular type of biographical writing in the ancient world, which had a specific purpose; namely, to prompt praise for the person being written about.
Not a "literary" classification. Refers to a "sworn testimony" used in a court of Law.
Plot, characters, setting.
moves through conflictual situations- often suspenseful- toward a conflictual resolution/ending.
What is the nature of the Gospels?
They are selective and interpretive accounts of the life of Jesus
Purpose of the Gospels?
To elicit a response- particularly, a response to faith
Why monotheism was described as a more radical term than monolatry.
Monothiesm was much more exclusive. It meant that the persons holding such a view acknowledged the existence of only one god and worshiped him/her/ it alone. Monolatry on the other hand acknowledged the existence of other gods but worshiped only one. In a pluralistic society, monotheism may have appeared intolerant, counter-cultural, and potentially troublesome.
How the term Diaspora is important for understanding the historical background for the NT times.
The Diaspora, scattering of believers throughout the nations, led to the creation of the synagogue, emphasis on obedience to the Torah and oral law,
How some feature of Matthew’s genealogy for Jesus points to his “audience” (readers).
Matthew's genealogy includes Women, Foreigners, and persons of low moral reputation. Significance according to Mobley: God's purpose fulfilled through imperfect vessels, Jesus descended from type that he came to deliver
How long was the intertestamental period
roughly 500 years
Tobit...similar to
'short story' adventure with religous overtones. Job
philosopher who began to think in dualistic terms
Alexander the great
world conquerer; missionary of Koine greek and Hellene culture
Antiochus IV: forced ...
program of oikumene
Maccabeues means?
The Hammerer
Hanukkah means
feast of lights