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36 Cards in this Set

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Cranial Nerve I./ (sensory/motor?)

Olfactory (sensory)

Cranial Nerve II. (sensory/motor?)

Optic (sensory)

Cranial Nerve III. (sensory/motor?)

Oculomotor (motor)

Cranial Nerve IV. (sensory/motor?)

Trochlear (motor)

Cranial Nerve V. (sensory/motor?)

Trigeminal (sensory & motor)

Cranial Nerve VI. (sensory/motor?)

Abducens (motor)

Cranial Nerve VII. (sensory/motor?)

Facial (sensory & motor)

Cranial Nerve VIII. (sensory/motor?)

Acoustic (sensory)

Cranial Nerve IX. (sensory/motor?)

Glossopharyngeal (sensory & motor)

Cranial Nerve X. (sensory/motor?)

Vagus (sensory & motor)

Cranial Nerve XI.(sensory/motor?)

Spinal Accessory (motor)

Cranial Nerve XII.(sensory/motor?)

Hypoglossal (motor)


I. (sensory)

Smelland smell interpretation, ­including peristalsis, salivation, and sexualstimulation


II. (sensory)

Vision,including visual acuity and peripheral vision


III. (motor)

Extraocular movements (EOMs): Upward, Medial, Downward, Up and inEyelidraising and pupil constriction


IV. (motor)

EOMs:down and in


V. (sensory & motor)

Ophthalmic branch (s): sensation to the cornea, conjunctiva, nasal ­mucosa,forehead, and nose Maxillary branch: sensation to the skin of the cheek and nose,lower eyelid, upper jaw, teeth, oral mucosa Mandibular branch:sensation to the lower jaw and motor function to muscles of mastication


VI. (motor)

EOMs: lateral


VII. (sensory & motor)

Taste and sensation for the anterior two thirds of the tongue and soft palate; servesas the primary motor nerve for facial expression


VIII. (sensory)

Hearing & equilibrium.


IX. (sensory & motor)

Pharyngeal muscle elevation for swallowing and speech; parotid gland secretion; general sensory (pain, touch, temperature) function


X. (sensory & motor)

Provides most ­parasympathetic ­innervation to a large region; ­effects includedigestion, ­defecation, slowed heart rate, and reduced ­contraction strength

Spinal Accessory

XI. (motor)

Swallowing and speaking; innervates the muscles that turn the head and elevates the shoulders(shoulder shrug)


XII. (motor)

Tongue movement

Test for CN I

Olfactory (s): Ask the client to smell and identify different scents.

Client should be able to identify odor.

Test for CN II

Optic (S) : Ask patient to read from 14 in. away.

Patient should be able to read with each eye together and separately.

Test for CN III

Oculomotor (m):

Reaction to light: Approaching from the side, use a penlight and observe the pupil. Both illuminated and nonilluminated pupils should constrict.

Reaction to accommodation: Ask patient to look at near and far object, alternating. Move an object toward's their nose. Pupils constrict when looking at near object, dilate for far; converge when moved towards nose.

Test for CN IV

Trochlear (m): Penlight 1 ft in front of eyes, move in "H" pattern. Both eyes should move together as necessary.

Test for CN V

Trigeminal (S, M):

When patient looks up, touch sclera to elicit blink reflex.

With eyes closed, wisp a cotton ball over forehead. (light touch)

Test for deep sensation, use alternating blunt and sharp ends of an object. Determine sensation to warm and cold.

Test for CN VI

Abducens (m): Penlight in "H" movement. Coordinated lateral eye movement.

Test for CN VII

Facial (S,M): Ask patient to smile, raise eyebrows, frown, puff cheeks, close eyes tightly. Identify various tastes placed on tip of tongue.

Test for CN VIII

Acoustic (S): Ticking watch identification in both ears (hearing). Walk across room and access gait (balance).

Test for IX

Glossopharyngeal (S,M): Say "ah" and have the patient yawn to observe upward movement of the soft palate. Elicit gag reflex. Note ability to swallow.

Test for CN X

Vagus (S,M): Ask patient to swallow and speak (note hoarseness).

Test for CN XI

Spinal Accessory (m): Shrug shoulders against resistance. Turn head against resistance.

Test for CN XII

Hypoglossal (m): Stick out tongue and move from side to side.