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30 Cards in this Set

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29. Area of hypothalamus for hunger?
a. Lateral area- Destruction causes anorexia and starvation.
30. Area of hypothalamus for satiety?
a. Ventromedial area- Destruction causes hyperphagia and obesity..
31. What part of the hypothalamus regulates parasympathetics?
a. Anterior hypothalamus. “Anterior regulates pArasympathetics”
32. What part of the hypothalamus regulates sympathetics?
a. Posterior hypothalamus.
33. Where in the hypothalamus are sympathetics regulated?
a. Suprachiasmatic nucleus.
34. What part of the hypothalamus regulates heat conservation and production when cold?
a. Posterior hypothalamus.
b. If you zap the posterior hypothalamus, you become a Poikilotherm (cold-blooded, like a snake).
35. What coordinates cooling when hot?
a. Anterior hypothalamus.
b. “A/C= anterior cooling.
36. Sexual urges and emotions?
a. Septal nucleus. Destruction= Rage!
37. Function of posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis)?
a. Receives hypothalamic axonal projections from supraoptic (ADH) and paraventricular (oxytocin).
38. Thalamus?
a. Major relay for ascending sensory information that ultimately reaches the cortex.
39. Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) function (1 word)?
a. Visual. “Lateral light”
40. Medial Geniculate Nucleus (MGN) function?
a. Auditory “Medial Music”.
41. Ventral Posterior nucleus, lateral part (VPL) function?
a. Body sensation (proprioception, pressure, pain, touch, vibration via dorsal columns, spinothalamic tract).
42. Ventral posterior nucleus, medial part (VPM) function?
a. Facia sensation (CN V).
b. You put Makeup on your face and the sensory info is relayed through the VPM.
43. Ventral anterior/lateral (VA/VL) nuclei?
a. Motor. Motor is anterior to sensation in the thalamus, just like the cortex.
44. Blood supply to thalamus?
a. Posterior communicating
b. Posterior cerebral
c. Anterior choroidal.
45. What does the limbic system include?
a. Cingulate gyrus
b. Hippocampus
c. Fornix
d. Mammillary bodies.
46. What is the limbic system responsible for (famous 5 F’s)?
1. Feeding
2. Fleeing
3. Fighting
4. Feeling
5. Fucking.
47. Climbing and mossy fibres- function?
a. Input to cerebellum.
48. Purkinje fibres function?
a. Output of cerebellum.
49. What is the effect of dopamine from the SNc (substantia nigra pars compacta) binding to D1 receptors?
a. The SNc’s dopamine binds to D1 receptors in the EXCITATORY PATHWAY- Increased motion.
b. Therefore, loss of dopamine in Parkinson’s inhibits the excitatory pathway (decreased motion).
50. What is the effect of dopamine from the SNc (substantia nigra pars compacta) binding to D2 receptors?
a. The SNc’s dopamine binds to D2 receptors in the inhibitory pathway, inhibiting the inhibitory pathway (increasing motion).
b. Therefore, loss of dopamine in parkinson’s excited (disinhibits) the inhibitory pathway (increased motion). DOUBLE CHECK ON THIS.
51. What pathway connects Wernicke’s area (the associative auditory cortex) with Broca speech area?
a. Arcuate fasciculus.
52. Frontal lobe functions?
a. Executive functions- planning, inhibition, concentration, orientation, language, abstraction, judgement, motor regulation, mood.
53. What is most notable w/a frontal lobe lesion?
a. Lack of social judgement.
54. Supply of Anterior cerebral A?
a. Medial surface of brain- leg-foot area of motor and sensory cortices.
55. Supply of Middle cerebral A?
a. Lateral aspect of brain, trunk-arm-face area of motor and sensory cortices.
b. Includes Broca’s and Wernicke’s speech areas.
56. Most common site of circle of Willis aneurysm and effect?
a. Anterior communicating artery- Visual field defects.
57. What can happen to the Posterior communicating artery?
a. Common area of aneurysm.
b. Causes CN III palsy.
58. What is the Lateral striate a branch of and what does it supply?
a. Division of middle cerebral artery.
b. “arteries of stroke”
c. Supplies internal capsule, caudate, putamen, globus pallidus.