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30 Cards in this Set

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61. What reaction will be positive if encapsulated bacteria is present?
a. Quellung reaction. If an encapsulated bug is present, the capsule swells when specific anticapsular antisera are added.
b. Quellung = capsular “swelling”
62. 6 Encapsulated bacteria? Some Killers Have Nice Shiny Bodies.
1. Strep pneumoniae.
2. Klebsiella pneumoniae
3. Haemophilus influenzae type B
4. Neisseria meningitidis
5. Salmonella
6. group B strep.
b. Their capsules serve as antiphagocytic virulence factors.
63. How do vaccines work?
a. For vaccines containing a polysaccharide capsule antigen, a protein is conjugated to the polysaccharide antigen to promote T-cell activation and subsequent class switching.
b. A polysaccharide antigen alone would not be recognized and presented by T cells; therefore, only IgM antibodies would be produced.
64. Urease-positive bugs?
1. Proteus
2. Klebsiella
3. H. Pylori
4. Ureaplasma.
65. Pigment produced by Actinomyces israelii?
a. Yellow “sulfur” granules, which are composed of a mass of filaments and formed in pus.
66. Pigment produced by S. aureus?
a. Yellow pigment.
67. Pigment produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
a. Blue-green pigment. “AERUGula is green.
68. Pigment produced by Serratia marcescens?
a. Red pigment.
b. Think red maraschino cherries.
69. Protein A?
a. Binds Fc region of Ig.
b. Prevents opsonization and phago.
c. Used by S. aureus.
70. What bugs secrete IgA protease (cleaves IgA)?
1. S. pneumoniae
2. H. influenzae type B
3. Neisseria
b. Helps them colonize respiratory mucosa.
71. What is the function of the M protein and which bug uses it?
a. Helps prevent phagocytosis in group A streptococcus. (pyogenes).
72. Exotoxin Source, chemical nature, and location in genes?
a. Secreted by some G+ and G- bacteria.
b. Polypeptide
c. Located in Plasmid or bacteriophage.
73. Endotoxin Source, chemical nature, and location in genes?
a. Outer cell membrane of most G- bacteria.
b. Composed of lipopolysaccharide (released when lysed)
c. Located in Bacterial chromosome.
74. Toxicity of exotoxin vs. endotoxin?
a. Exotoxin- High (fatal dose on order of 1 μg). Induced high-titre antibodies called antitoxins.
b. Endotoxin- Low (fatal dose on order of hundreds of micrograms). Poorly antigenic.
75. Vaccines against exotoxin?
a. Toxoids used as vaccine.
76. Vaccine against endotoxin?
a. No vaccines available.
77. Heat stability of exotoxin vs. endotoxin?
a. Exotoxin- destroyed rapidly at 60C (except staph enterotoxin)
b. Endotoxin- head stable at 100C for 1 hr.
78. Endotoxin typical diseases?
a. Meningococcemia, sepsis by G- rods.
79. Superantigens?
a. Bind directly to MHC II and TCR simultaneously, activating large numbers of T cells to stimulate release of IFN-γ and IL-2.
80. Bugs w/ Superantigen exotoxins?
a. S. aureus
b. S. pyogenes.
81. S. aureus superantigen?
a. TSST-1 superantigen causes toxic shock syndrome (fever, rash, shock).
b. Other S. aureus toxins include:
i. Enterotoxins-that cause food poisoning.
ii. Exfoliatin- Causes staph scalded skin syndrome
82. S. pyogenes superantigen?
a. Scarlet fever-erythrogenic toxin causes toxin shock-like syndrome.
83. ADP ribosylating A-B toxins?
a. ADP ribosylating A-B toxins interfere w/host cell function. B(binding) components bind to a receptor on host cell surface, enabling endocytosis.
b. A (active) component then attaches and ADP-ribosyl to a host cell protein (ADP ribosylation), altering protein function.
84. Bugs which use ADP ribosylating A-B toxins (4)?
1. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
2. Vibrio cholerae
3. E. coli
4. Bordetella pertussis
85. Corynebacterium diphtheriae ADP ribosylating A-B toxin?
a. Inactivates elongation factor (EF-2) (similar to pseudomonas exotoxin A)
b. Causes pharyngitis and “pseudomembrane in throat”.
86. Vibrio cholerae ADP ribosylating A-B toxins?
a. ADP ribosylation of G protein stimulates adenylyl cyclase
b. Pumps Cl- into gut and decreases Na absorption.
c. H20 moves into gut lumen; causes rice-water diarrhoea.
87. E. coli ADP ribosylating A-B toxins? (“Labile like the Air, stable like the Ground.
a. Heat-labile toxin stimulates Adenylate cyclase.
b. Heat-stable toxin stimulates Guanylate cyclase.
c. Both cause watery diarrhoea.
88. Bordetella pertussis ADP ribosylating A-B toxins?
a. Increases cAMP by inhibiting Gα1
b. Causes whooping cough
c. Inhibits chemokine receptors, causing lymphocytosis.
89. Clostridium perfringens exotoxin?
a. α toxin, a Lecithinase that acts as phospholipase to cleave cell membranes and causes gas gangrene.
b. Get double zone of hemolysis on blood agar.
90. C. tetani exotoxin?
a. Blocks the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine; causes “lockjaw”.