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20 Cards in this Set

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215. Varicose veins?
a. Dilated, tortuous veins due to chronically ↑ venous pressure.
b. Predisposes to poor wound healing and varicose ulcers.
c. Thromboembolism is rare (compared w/stasis of deep veins).
216. Raynaud’s Disease?
a. ↓ blood flow to the skin due to arteriolar vasospasm in response to cold temps or emotional stress.
b. Called Raynaud’s phenomenon when 2º to mixed connective tissue disease, SLE, or CREST syndrome.
c. Effects small vessels.
217. Wegener’s granulomatosis is characterized by what triad?
1. Focal necrotizing vasculitis
2. Necrotizing granulomas in the Lung and upper airway!!!
3. Necrotizing Glomerulonephritis
b. Affects small vessels.
218. Symptoms of Wegener’s granulomatosis?
a. Hemoptysis
b. Hematuria
c. Perforation of nasal septum
d. Chronic sinusitis
e. Otitis media
f. Mastoiditis
g. Cough
h. Dyspnea.
219. Findings w/Wegener’s?
a. C-ANCA is a strong marker of disease!!!!
b. CXR may reveal large nodular densities
c. Hematuria and red cell casts (glomerulonephritis).
220. Treatment of Wegener’s?
a. Cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids.
221. Other ANCA-positive vasculitides (all affect small vessels)?
a. Microscopic polyangiitis
b. 1º pauci-immune crescentic glomerulo-nephritis.
c. Churg-Strauss syndrome
222. Microscopic polyangiitis?
a. Like Wegener’s but lacks granulomas.
b. P-ANCA (instead of C-ANCA).
c. Small vessels.
223. 1º pauci-immune crescentic glomerulo-nephritis.
a. Vasculitis limits to kidney.
b. “Pauci-immune= paucity of antibodies”.
c. Small vessels.
224. Churg-Strauss syndrome?
a. Granulomatous vasculitis w/eosinophilia.
b. Most often presents with Asthma, sinusitis, skin lesions, and peripheral neuropathy (e.g. wrist/foot drop).
c. Can also involve heart, GI, kidneys.
e. Small vessels.
225. Sturge-Weber disease?
a. Congenital vascular disorder that affects capillary-sized blood vessels.
b. Port-wine stains (aka nevus flammeus) on face.
c. Ipsilateral leptomeningeal angiomatosis (intracerebral AVM)
d. Seizures
e. Early-onset glaucoma.
226. Henoch-Schonlein purpura Symptoms?
a. Most common form of childhood systemic vasculitis.
1. Skin rash on butt and legs (palpable purpura)
2. Arthralgia
3. Intestinal haemorrhage
4. Abdominal pain
5. Melena
227. Cause of Henoch-Schonlein purpura?
a. Follows URIs
b. IgA immune complexes
c. Association w/IgA nephropathy.
228. Common triad of Henoch-Schonlein purpura?
1. Skin
2. Joints
3. GI
b. Multiple lesions of same age!!!!
229. Buerger’s disease (aka thromboangiitis obliterans)?
a. Idiopathic, segmental, thrombosing vasculitis of small and medium peripheral ARTERIES AND VEINS.
b. Seen in heavy smokers!!!!!!!!!!!
c. Note: Medium-vessel diseases cause thrombosis/infarction of arteries.
230. Symptoms of Buerger’s?
a. Intermittent claudication
b. Superficial nodular phlebitis
c. Cold sensitivity (Raynaud’s phenomenon)
d. Severe pain in affected part.
e. May lead to gangrene and autoamputation of digits.
231. Treatment of Buerger’s?!?
a. Smoking Cessation.
232. Kawasaki Disease?
a. Acute, self-limiting necrotizing vasculitis in infants/children.
b. Association w/Asian ethnicity.
c. Affects small and medium vessels.
233. Symptoms of Kawasaki?
a. Fever
b. Conjunctivitis!!!
c. Changes in lips/oral mucosa “strawberry tongue”
d. Lymphadenitis
e. Desquamative skin rash!!!!
f. May develop coronary aneurysms.
234. Tx of Kawasaki?
a. IV immunoglobulin
b. Aspirin.