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112 Cards in this Set

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Exa (E)
10^18 (speed/time), 2^60 (data storage)
Peta (P)
10^15 (speed/time), 2^50 (data storage)
Tera (T)
10^12 (speed/time), 2^40 (data storage)
Giga (G)
10^9 (speed/time), 2^30 (data storage)
Mega (M)
10^6 (speed/time), 2^20 (data storage)
Kilo (K)
10^3 (speed/time), 2^10 (data storage)
milli (m)
10^-3 (speed/time), 2^-10 (data storage)
micro (μ)
10^-6 (speed/time), 2^-20 (data storage)
nano (n)
10^-9(speed/time), 2^-30 (data storage)
pico (p)
10^-12 (speed/time), 2^-40 (data storage)
femto (f)
10^-15 (speed/time), 2^-50 (data storage)
atto (a)
10^-18 (speed/time), 2^-60 (data storage)
unsigned integer byte
8 bits long, 0-255
unsigned integer word
16 bits long, 0-65,535
unsigned integer double word
32 bits long, 0-2(^32)-1
unsigned integer quad word
64 bits long, 0-2(^64)-1
signed integer byte
8 bits long, -128-+127
signed integer word
16 bits long, -32,768-+32,767
signed integer double word
32 bits long, -2(^31)-2(^31)-1
signed integer quad word
64 bits long, -2(^63)-2(^63)-1
overflow condition
a number that cannot be expressed in the current bit string you are working with
logical shift
used to multiply and divide unsigned intergers
Shift logical left (SHL)
used to multiply unsigned integers by 2(^n), where n are the bits shifted
Shift logical right (SHR)
used to divide unsigned integers by 2(^n), where n are the bits shifted
Arithmetic shift
used to multiply and divide signed integers
shift arithmetic left (SAL)
used to multiply signed integers by 2(^n), where n are the bits shifted
shift arithmetic right (SAR)
used to divide unsigned integers by 2(^n), where n are the bits shifted
used for encryption, like the Caesar cypher
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
floating-point standard, where numbers are broken into 3 parts: sign bit, exponent and significand
American Standard Code for Information Interchange, 8-bit representation of Latin alphabet
16 bit, all world's languages represented
Analog signal
continuous sigjnalswith potential for infinite resoluton
common audio formats
1. WAV-Waveform Audio Format
2. MP3- Moving Pictures Experts Group, v1, Audio Layer-3
common image formats
1. BMP - bitmap
2. PNG - portable network graphics
data compression
a reduction in data size so that data can be stored or transmitted mloreefficiently
lossless compression
reduces size w/out losing quality
lossy compression
reduces the file size smaller than lossless, but sacrifices quality of the file to do so
Windows file compression utility
*nix-based file compression utility
Storage-program concept
modern architecture using a:
memory-storage area for programs when running
I/O-input and output devices for interaction
Little Man Computer
created by Dr. Stuart Madnick @ MITin 1965 and revised in 1979, which is still an accurate representation of how computers work
a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified computer task
tangible computer components
assembly language
low-lvl programming language for computers where each statement corresponds to a single machine language instruction
machine language
a system of instructions executed directly by the CPU in binary
LMC Accumulator
3 digit GPR used by the ALU. Executes arithmetic operations and logic decisions, temporarily holds input and output data
LMC Program Counter (PC)
2 digit SPR used to point the CU to the correct memory address of the next instruction
Instruction Register (IR)
3 digit SPR used by the decoder to decode the instruction
Memory Address Registry (MAR)
2 digit SPR used to point to the correct memory address to read/write data
Memory Data Register (MDR)
3 digit SPR used to hold data to be read/written to the A or memory
represents instructions for LMC to execute
machine code
opcodes after assembly to instruct the computer on the instructions and order to execute
Code segment
hold machine code
Data segment
holds data defined within the code
Heap segment
holds data of 2 types: initialized and uninitialized (run-time), houses linked list
Stack segment
holds temp data, like CALs and RETs, operates in LIFO
segment of code within a program that performs a specific task that is relatively independent of the rest of the program
Big Endian
read left to right, top down, used in ARM processors
Little Endian
read right to left, bottom up, used in x86 processors
LMC Operand addressing
Immediate - register load
Direct -memory data load
Indirect (offset)- data-> mem addy -> same data-> mem addy
Indexed/based (offset) - 2 are added for field locator
x86, several low-lvl operations combinedinto one instruction
x86 GPRs
Accumulator - AX, (EAX - 32 bit, RAX-64 bit)
Base- BX, base pointer to data segment
Counter - CX, counter for stringand loop ops
Data- DX, used for I/O ops for data xfer
Source - SI, string ops source pointer
Destination - DI, string ops destination pointer
Stack Pointer - SP, top of stack
Base Pointer - BP, base of stack
x86 Segment Registers
CS - points to the code
DS - points to the data
SS - points to the stack
ES - points to extra data in a tiered approach
FS - follows ES
GS - follows FS
x86 Program Status and Ctrl Register
reports the status of the program being executed (FLAGS)
Instruction Pointer Register (IP)
contains a pointer to next instruction to be executed
x86 data types
Fundamental- base data type
Numeric- allows for math ops to be performed
Floating Point- allows for fractions
Pointer- allows reference to memory location
Bit Field- contains bits for Boolean values
String- multiple segments of bits or bytes
Packed SIMD- single instruction, multiple data
x86 Instruction types
Data transfer
Bit Manipulation
Ctrl Transfer
Floating point
Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE)
x86 operand addressing
Assembler and Compiler
I/O Port
x86 modes of operation
Protected - the default mode
Sys Mgmt
1 instruction for 1 operation, data processing in registers not in memory
Advanced RISC machine
13, 32-bit registers (R0-R12)
stack pointer (R13)
link register (R14)
Current Program Status Register
CPSR holds status of last instruction, such as flags. SPSR saves a copy when switching modes
ARM Instruction Pointer
the PC or R15 holds current instruction address
Arm Data Types
Packed SIMD
ARM Instruction Types
Data Transfer
Arithmetic and Logic
Ctrl Transfer
ARM operand addressing
Register Indirect
ARM Modes of Operation
User (usr)
System (sys)
Supervisor (svc)
Abort (abt)
Undefined (und)
Secure Moniter (mon)
ARM Privilege levels
PL0 - user mode
PL1 - all others
Bus lines
address line-location to read/write data
data line-transfers data
ctrl line-interrupts and syncing, indicates who has access to the bus
allows for communication of dissimilar buses since buses talk indifferent languages and speeds
I/O Module
interfaces with the processor, memory and 1 or more peripheral devices; similar to a CPU, but for only one purpose, may or may not have own memory
Device Interface
allows for a physical way for the peripheral devices to interface w/ computer
Bus Topologies
Multipoint-more than 2 components
point to point-2 components
Bus Protocols
serial - sequential, asynchronous; relies on handshaking
parallel - sequential over multiple data lines, higher overhead
series of steps to coordinate asynchronous communication in which each party agrees before moving to the next step
act of storing datain a region of memory known as a buffer
Bus arbitration
resolves bus ctrl conflicts
daisy-chain arbitration
bus access from highest to lowest priority
centralized parallel arbitration
direct ctrl lines for each device serviced by a master
distributed using self-select arbitration
highest priority between devices themselves
distributed using collision detect arbitration
device asks again, if collision is detected first time
Programmed I/O
periodically checks I/O devices for need to service
Interrupt driven I/O
asynchro; employs interrupts to CPU for I/O device service
synchro; disrupts prgm execution
CPU can ignore these
CPU must service this
incorrect memory access or division by zero at the A
software invoked; the Windows "are you sure?" window
serious error; hardware errors or illegal sys table value
memory-mapped I/O
memory address space assigned to I/O devices
direct memory access
provides a device ctrlr to/from memory w/out involving the processor
small, fast memory on CPU chip
replacement policy
how blocks of data in the cache are replaced
first in, first out
oldest block becomes first victim; high thrashing
least recently used
least used block in cache is first used
solves thrashing; random selection of victim block
direct mapped
each memory addy mapped to one or more cache addresses
fully associative
allows any memory block to be stored in any cache block
locality principle
the blocks around the transferred block are moved as well