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7 Cards in this Set

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What is CPAM and what does it do?

Cabin Pressurization Acquisition Module

It is a message gathering unit.

Received info from pitot/static 3

Will signal “cabin” aural warning at cabin pressure of 10,000 ft

How many outflow valves are there?

2 outflow valves:

- Electro-pneumatic valve ( controlled by “AUTO” controller)

- Pneumatic valve ( slaved to the Electro-Pneumatic one) ; will work on its own only in “Manual” mode

When will the pressurization sequence ne terminated completely?

Once the door is open or the air conditioning will be off

How is the cabin pressure controlled?

By the CPCS ( cabin pressure control system)

It regulates the cabin air exhaust rate supplied by the ECU

What is the definition of icing condition?

On the ground:

- SAT<= 10 degrees Celsius

- visible moisture/ clouds/ fog with vis =<1 SM/ rain snow sleet

- snow, sleet, ice, sw, slush

In the air:

- TAT =< 10 degrees Celsius

- visible moisture, clouds, fog with =<1SM vis

What are the electrically heated components?


Pitot tubes/ AOA vanes

Pitot/Static tube

TAT probes

Ice detectors

Static Port

Lavatory water drain, service nipples

Pressurization static ports

What components are Pneumatically heated ?

Engine inlets

Horizontal stabilizer leading edges

Wing leading edges