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35 Cards in this Set

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open Javascript Console in Chrome

Option + Command + J on a Mac

What does REPL stand for and what does a REPL do?

REPL stands for read, evaluate, print loop. A REPL lets you type in code and evaluate it on the fly, basically letting you watch your code execute as you type.

Write a statement that evaluates to the number 22 in the console.

20 + 2

What would the string “i’m a string” evaluate to in the console?

“i’m a string”

What is string concatenation? Give an example.

String concatenation is combining two or more strings into a single string.

For example: “Hello ” + “ World” = “Hello World”

How can you access previous commands in the console?

Press the up key.

What does the .alert() function do?

The alert function opens up a pop-up box with whatever text you pass to it.

What does .prompt() do?

The prompt function opens up a pop up box with a text field that allows the user to type an answer, which it will then return to your code.

What are the seven data types in JavaScript?

Numbers, Strings, Boolean, Objects, Functions, Null and Undefined.

What is the difference between null and undefined?

Undefined means that a variable does not yet have a value, while null means that a variable has no value whatsoever.

Enter an expression in the console that evaluates to NaN.


How can you determine the type of a value in JavaScript?

The typeof operator.

typeof 15

typeof “cats”

typeof alert

typeof 15/”cats”


greater than


Less than


equality (converts the operands if they are not of the same type, then applies strict comparison)


strict equality (if two operands are strictly equal without type conversion)


not equals


strict not equals (if two operands are strictly not equal without type conversion)


greater or equal


less or equal











What is the % operator called and what does it do?

The % operator is the modulus operator in JavaScript and it returns the remainder from dividing the two arguments.

5 % 2 = 1

(5 / 2 = 4)

(5 - 4 = 1) remainder is 1

What is the order of arithmetic operations in JavaScript


Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, then Subtraction.

What is string concatenation and how do you do it?

String concatenation combines two strings together. String concatenation is accomplished with the + operator with two strings as arguments.

What happens if you concatenate a string and a number?

The number is converted to its string equivalent and then regular string concatenation occurs.

EX: “Hi” + 1 = “Hi1”

What does it mean to “escape” a character? Give some examples of escaped sequences in JavaScript.

The backslash escape character turns special characters into string characters:

examples are: \n, the newline character, \, the backslash escape character, and \t, the tab character, to name a few.

How can you quickly determine the length of a string?

Apply the length property on the string.

hello = 'Hello World';


Declare a variable whose name is car and assign your favourite car to it.

var car = "Skoda"

Find the length of the following sentence without manually counting the characters and spaces:

var sentence = "Please use the Contact us facility if you have any further issues or to report this e-mail as suspicious"


Let’s say we start with an empty parking lot. In the morning, people go to their jobs and want to secure their parking spot. Declare a variable called numCars and set its value to 0. Then, increment the variable by seventy, but without using the variables name twice in the new statement.

var numCars = 0; numCars += 70;

When the cars get into the parking lot, the car count is reported to the central controlling unit of the parking lot. Build a string called carCounterMessage that uses numCars to say: "There are now 70 cars in the parking lot!" You should not hardcode any value.

var numCars = 0; numCars += 70; var carCounterMessage = "There are now " + numCars + " in the parking lot!"