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54 Cards in this Set

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Is JavaScript case sensitive?
What do statements end with in JavaScript?
How do you comment in JavaScript?
// = single line
/* this is a multi-
line comment */
How do you integrate JavaScript into a block of HTML?
Are there variable "types" in JavaScript?
No. JS is a weakly typed language, so it's agnostic on type.
What is the syntax of an if loop?
if (condition) {
//code block evaluated if the condition is true
//code block is skipped if the condition is false
What is the difference between parentheses, brackets and braces?
parentheses ()
brackets []
braces {}
Strict equality

used to evaluate two variables. It evaluates them at the "type" level.

evaluates two variables (used in condition statements). Does not evaluate at the "type" level.
Assigning or setting a value

used to set values
Not equal

Used in condition statements
Not strictly equal

used in condition statements
Order of operations for JS
+ - * /
Logical "and" gate

used in condition statements. allows one to evaluate multiple conditions in a single line.
Logical "or" gate

used in condition statements. allows one to evaluate multiple conditions in a single line.
How can you increment a value "i" by 1?
i++ since the code reads left to right, this statement does not initially increment i. It increments it after the statement has been evaluated.

++i This statement increments i the first time around.
i += 1 This statement increments i the first time around.
How can you de-increment a value "i" by 1?

Same rules as incrementing.
What is a ternary operator? Please display the syntax of such an operator.
A ternary operator is a syntax expression for a basic conditional expression.

(condition) ? (what happens if the condition is true?) : (what happens if the condition is false);
What is necessary for a loop to work properly?
1. Index or counter (usually "i")
2. Something that checks the condition
3. Increment the index
While loop syntax
while (condition) {
//code to evaluate while the condition remains true
//code block incrementing the value
Do While loop syntax
do {
//code block with incrementing value
} while (condition);
For loop syntax
for ( index; condition checker; incrementor) {
//code block
What is a code break? What is the syntax?
A code break allows for one to "break" out of a loop. Upon evaluation, it will skip to the code immediately after the loop.

What is a "continue" in a code block?
If evaluated during a loop, "continue;" will break the sequence of the current iteration of a loop, and begin evaluating from the top of the loop again.
What is a function in JavaScript?
A block of code that will be executed when someone calls on it. It can accept parameters. Usually, these are defined at the top of a JS document.
What is the syntax of a function in JavaScript?
function functionName( parameters, are, separated, by, commas, no_parameters_required) {
Can a JS function return information?
Yes, but it is not required to return anything.
What happens if you provide a mismatched number of variables to a JS function?
Missing variables will be left as undefined. if your code can run with undefined variables, it will work. If not, it will not work.

Extra variables will simply be ignored.
What is a local variable?
A variable that exists only within a function.
What is a global variable?
A variable that exists within the whole document of code.
What is an array?
It is an object.
It is used to store multiple values in a single variable.
What indicates an array (3 ways)?
1. []; square brackets
2. new Array();
3. Array();

var variableName = [bla, bla, bla, 3, bla, bla, "hi"];
Can you have an empty array?
yes, you can populate an array later. For example:

var VariableName = [];

What are some methods for the array object?
how do you collect tag names from an HTML document and store them in a variable named "myArray"?
var myArray = document.getElementsByTagName("a");

//this code will find all "a" tags from the document "document" and place them in an array
Not a Number (output when a math expression didn't make sense)
function isNaN(variable);
returns true if the "variable" is not a number
returns false if the "variable" is a number
function !isNaN(variable);
returns true if the "variable" is a number
returns false if the "variable" is not a number

//easier to comprehend with the double negative
//ask yourself, is "variable" a number?
what is "Math" in JavaScript? (object or method)
what is the escape sequence for a quote?
" bla bla bla \"this is something i put in quotations\" bla bla bla."
What is a string in javascript? (method or object)
What does the ".split" method do to a string?
Splits the words of a string. makes an array of the words...
what is "Date" in javascript? (method or object?)
What will console.log(Date()) output in mozilla?
The current timestamp to the millisecond
Var today = new Date();


//what will this return?
returns month (0-11)
Var today = new Date();


//what will this return?
returns YYYY (not zero based)
Var today = new Date();


//what will this return?
returns the day of the month
Var today = new Date();


//what will this return?
returns 0-6 (day of the week)
Var today = new Date();


//what will this return?
returns hours (24)
What is a document in JS?
(Object) It is the root node of an HTML document and the "owner" of all other nodes.
What is an object in JS?
A special kind of data with properties and methods
What is a method in JS?
Actions that can be performed on objects


What is a property in JS?
Values associated with an object


What are the four steps towards creating a DOM element (using the example of a new text node)
1. Create variables for the new elements
var newHeading = document.createElement("H1");

2. Create new variables (nodes) for the text of the new element
var newText = document.createTextNode("Did you know?");

3. Append the text nodes with the new elements

4. Append the new element with the document
//appends the new element to a specified spot in the document ("trivia")