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20 Cards in this Set

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Arrays definition?
Arrays are a way to collect similar primitive types or similar classes together.
Steps to declare arrays?
1) Declare a variable to hold Array
2) Declare a new array object and assign it to the array variable.
3) Store information in the array
How to Declare a variable to hold Array?
Use [ ] to declare array variable and differentiate from a regular variable.
ex: String [ ] request ;
How to Declare a new array object?
1) Use the 'new' operator
2) Initialize the content of the array
ex: Integer [ ] requests = new integer [3] ;
How to Store information in the array:
ex: Integer [ ] testScore = new integer [41]
testScore [40] = 920 ;
We set the 41st slot in the array to a value of 920.Value is checked against array index range.
when Changing Array object value do we copy that value ????
When assigning a value to an array object we are only referencing and not copying that value
Does java support multi-dimensional arrays???
If not what does it support then??
No, but Java supports making an array of arrays.
What are block statements?
Are statements bounded by braces { } and executed within these boundaries.
if Conditional statement definition?
When is it used?
Is a decision making mechanism, it executed only when a certain condition has been met (Boolean condition), bounded by { }
Switch conditional statement definition?
When is it used?
The practice of testing a variable against a value, if it does not match it ,it will be tested against another one until a match is found.
Switch Example
switch variableName {
case 'A':
system.out.println ("");
case 'b': then have default:" to exit"
for Loops definition and when to use?
Used to repeat a statement until a condition is met
example of a for loop
for (initialization ; test ;increment){
while and do loops
for and while and do loops are similar choosing which one depends on programing style.
do-while Loop?
Similar to while Loop but the condition is executed at least once before testing for true or false.
how to break out of a Loop
using the break command when the condition is fulfilled.
Label Loops?
when loops has a label telling them where to start executing conditions again. Could be used to execute out of the loop if needed.they are marked with a colon :
Example Labeled Loop
for (int i = 0 ; i<10 ; i++){
break out;
Conditional Statement Def.?
Is an expression that returns a Boolean value that in return chooses a value based on the true or false.
example of a Conditional Statement?
int ourBestScore = myScore > yourScore ? myScore : yourScore

If true will return myScore if false will return your Score