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31 Cards in this Set

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Assume str1 is "Apples" and str2 is "apples".

True or False: str1.equals("Apples")


Assume str1 is "Apples" and str2 is "apples".

True or False: str1.equals(str2)


Correct format for compareTo() to find if str1 is less-than str2

str1.compareTo(str2) < 0

Indicate the result of comparing the first string with the second string.

Possible answers: less-than, equal, greater-than

"Apples", "Oranges"


'A' is less-than 'O'

Indicate the result of comparing the first string with the second string.

Possible answers: less-than, equal, greater-than

"merry", "Merry"


The coded value for 'm' is greater-than the coded value for 'M'

Correct format for compareTo() to find if str1 is greater-than str2

str1.compareTo(str2) > 0

Correct format for compareTo() to find if str1 is equal-to str2

str1.compareTo(str2) == 0

Given userText is "Think".

What character is at index 1 of userText?


Index numbering starts with 0. T is at index 0, h is at index 1.

Given userText is "Think"

To what character does this evaluate: userText.charAt(3)


Indexes start with 0, so 3 corresponds to the 4th character (0, 1, 2, *3*).

Given userText is "March 17, 2034".

What does userText.length() return?


Count every character including spaces.

Given userText is "March 17, 2034".

What does userText.isEmpty() return?


The string is not empty. Same as userText.length() == 0.

Given userText is "March 17, 2034".

What does userText.indexOf(',') return?


',' is the 9th character, so its index is 8.

Given userText is "March 17, 2034".

What is the index of the last character in userText?


There are 14 characters, so the index of the last character is 13.

Given userText is "March 17, 2034".

What character does userText.charAt(userText.length() - 1) return?


That's one way to get the last character.

Given userText is "March 17, 2034".

What does userText.substring(0, 3) return?


String starting with M and ending with r.

Remember: [substring(startIndex, endIndex] Returns substring starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex - 1. The length of the substring is given by endIndex - startIndex.

Given userText is "March 17, 2034".

What does userText.substring(userText.length() - 4, userText.length()) return?


That form gets the last 4 characters.

What is the correct notation for charAt()?


The "0" determines the character at a particular index of a string .

What is the correct notation for length()?

Given String userText

userText = "Happy"


Returns 5

What is the correct notation for indexOf(item)?

String userText = "Help me!"


That returns 3

What is the correct notation for substring(startIndex, endIndex)?

String userText = "http://google.com"

userText.substring(13, 17)

Returns ".com"

Correct notation for concat(moreString)?

String userText = "Hi"

String newText = "Hi there"

// userText is "Hi"

userText = userText.concat(" friend");

// Now "Hi friend"

newText = userText.concat(" there");

// newText is "Hi there"

Correct notation for replace(findStr, replaceStr) and replace(findChar, replaceChar)?

// userText is "Hello"

userText = userText.replace('H', 'j');

// Now "jello"

// userText is "You have many gifts"

userText = userText.replace("many", "a plethora of");

// Now "You have a plethora of gifts"

// userText is "Goodbye"

newText = userText.replace("bye"," evening");

// newText is "Good evening"

Correct notation for str1 + str2?

// userText is "A B"

myString = userText + " C D";

// myString is "A B C D"

myString = myString + '!';

// myString now "A B C D!"

What is str1 += str2?

Shorthand for str1 = str1 + str2.

// userText is "My name is "

userText += "Tom";

// Now "My name is Tom"

To what value does each evaluate?

userStr is "Hey #1?".

True or False?



'7' is not an alphabetic letter (a-z or A-Z.)

To what value does each evaluate?

userStr is "Hey #1?".

True or False?



'H' is alphabetic.

To what value does each evaluate?

userStr is "Hey #1?".

True or False?



That character is a space ' ' between the y and #.

To what value does each evaluate?

userStr is "Hey #1?".

True or False?



That character is '?'.

To what value does each evaluate?

userStr is "Hey #1?".

True or False?

Character.toUpperCase(userStr.charAt(1)) returns 'E'.


'e' becomes 'E'.

To what value does each evaluate?

userStr is "Hey #1?".

True or False?

Character.toLowerCase(userStr.charAt(2)) yields an error because 'y' is already lower case .


No error, just returns 'y'.

To what value does each evaluate?

userStr is "Hey #1?".

True or False?

Character.toLowerCase(userStr.charAt(6)) yields an error because '?' is not alphabetic.


No error, just returns '?'.