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40 Cards in this Set

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Sutures of the cranium?

Coronal= borderline between frontal bone and parietal

Sagittal= separates head lengthwise, between parietals

Lambdoid= borderline between parietal and occipital in back

Cranium is supported by...

Cervical vertebrae 1-7:

C1 vertebra"atlas" (allows up and down motion)


C2 vertebra "axis" ( allows "no" motion of head")

(note: you can palpate C7 along the spine when someone flexes their head foreward aka vertebra prominens)

Facial expressions controlled by which cranial nerve?

CN VII- the facial nerve

A mneumonic for the 12 cranial nerves:

On, Old, Olympus, Towering, Tops, A, Friendly, Viking, Grows, Vines, And, Hops

Name the 1st 3...

CNI: Olfactory Nerve- smell

CNII: Optic Nerve- use snellen chart/visual field

CNIII: Oculomotor Nerve- see if they can follow ur finger in a "T" shape (10-2 o'clock, 6'o'clock)

A mneumonic for the 12 cranial nerves: On, Old, Olympus, Towering, Tops, A, Friendly, Viking, Grows, Vines, And, Hops

Name the next 3...

CNIV: Trochlear Nerve- follow ur finger @ 7 and 5 o'clockCNV: Trigeminal Nerve- sensation of anterior tongue and regions in picture, clench jaw, do blink test

CNVI: Abducens Nerve-> follow ur finger @ 3 and6 o'clock
CNIV: Trochlear Nerve- follow ur finger @ 7 and 5 o'clock

CNV: Trigeminal Nerve- sensation of anterior tongue and regions in picture, clench jaw, do blink test

CNVI: Abducens Nerve-> follow ur finger @ 3 and6 o'clock

A mneumonic for the 12 cranial nerves:

On, Old, Olympus, Towering, Tops, A, Friendly, Viking, Grows, Vines, And, Hops

Name the next 3...

CNVII: Facial Nerve- furrow brow, clench eyes shut, smile, puff cheeks out

CNVIII: Vestibulocochlear Nerve- march in place with eyes closed, rinne and weber test

CNIX: Glossopharyngeal Nerve- sensation of posterior tongue and do a swallow or gag test

A mneumonic for the 12 cranial nerves:On, Old, Olympus, Towering, Tops, A, Friendly, Viking, Grows, Vines, And, Hops

Name the last 3...

CNX: Vagus Nerve- cough and "ahhh" test

CNXI: Accessory Nerve- turn head left/right against mild resistance

CNXII: Hypoglossal Nerve- protrude tongue test

Glands of the face

Parotid= largest, anterior to/below ear. not normally palpable, if it is, consider mumps vs cancer vs AIDS OR duct obstruction from diuretics/anticholinergics

Submandibular= below angle of jaw

Sublingual= below tongue

What blood vessel supplies the face (begins below angle of jaw, ascends to become temporal artery)

The external carotid artery which stems from the common carotid. Note: the internal carotid and internal jugular run under the sternomastoid muscle whereas the external jugular lies over this.

What are the muscles of the neck and what nerve supplies them?

Trapezius (head extension) and sternomastoid (head rotation/flexion)--> CN XI (spinal accessory)

The sternomastoid muscle connects from clavicle to behind ear bilaterally. This forms what?

the anterior triangle and posterior triangle 

the anterior triangle and posterior triangle

Describe the thyroid glands position

Straddles trachea with it's isthmus (bridge) over the 2nd and 3rd rings, this connects its two lobes.

What 3 things lie superior to the thyroid gland?

First the cricoid cartilage then further up is the thyroid cartilage, way up in the neck is the hyoid bone

Normally the thyroid's not palpable but if you can feel it...

Suspect goiter, Graves Disease is most common cause

If you feel hard/non-tender nodules on thyroid you have to rule out cancer

Give a rough approximation of the face/neck lymph nodes

Range from front of ear to behind, down neck to below clavicle, and run under the jaw (submental area)

What are the only four parts of the body where lymph nodes can be palpated?

1) head/neck

2) axillae

3) inner/under arms

4) inguinal area

Note that a child's lymph nodes are more easily felt than a baby's or and adult's

Describe 3 abnormal lymph node findings and what they imply (remember greater than 1 cm lymph node = lymphadenopathy)

1) Enlarged/tender = acute infection

2) Hard/non-tender = cancer vs HIV vs hodkins lymphoma

3) Unilateral, supra-clavicular, hard/non-tender = concern for neoplasm in thorax or abdomen

When do the posterior and anterior fontanels close in a baby?

Posterior @ 1-2 months

Anterior @ 9 months-2 years

Note: @ 6yrs old, head will be 90% its final size, at this age you can stop head circumference measurements

What characterizes a tension headache?

pain is usually frontal or posterior with "band-like" tightness

Poor posture/depression/anxiety precipitate these

What characterizes a migraine?

Pain tends to be above/behind eyes into temple/cheek area. Often has N/V with vision changes. Laying down helps

Note: Stress letdown, pre-menstruation, chocolate/cheese consumption, and ETOH precipitate these

What characterizes a cluster headache

Pain is unilateral, typically same place, with nasal symptoms...occurs one or two times per day for .5hr-2hrs for a couple months then go into remission for several months. People with this often feel the needs to move to alleviate pain as opposed to laying down.

Note: Stress, ETOH, and environmental exposure often precipitate these.

Nuchal rigidity with fever should concern you for?

meningitis vs encephalitis

True vertigo is...

labrinthine-vestibular apparatus disease

Objective vertigo is...

Person feels like the room is spinning

Subjective vertigo is...

Person feels like they are spinning

Bells palsy aka "pirate face" is...

Lower portion of CN VII damage/inflammation but always consider stroke as a possibility and rule it out

Caput succeduaneum vs. cephalohematoma?

Caput S. = normal head coning from birthing

Cephalohematoma = bleeding under scalp from birth trauma, this equals greater risk for jaundice but generally resolves

Describe the tonic neck reflex in infants

Baby turns head to side when flat, arm/leg on same side of turn extend, while extremities of other side flex. If baby's positive after 5 months, suspect brain injury.

What is a senile tremor?

Benign, signs include head nodding and some tongue protrusion

Paget's Disease is...

Lower leg bowing and frontal bone overgrowth, usually in those over 80yrs, vertigo/progressive hearing loss possible

Acromegaly is...

Excess growth hormone from anterior pituitary

large jaw/nose/forehead

Torticollis is..

"twisted neck". most common is chin pulled toward the shoulder.

Symptoms : range of head motion, headache, or neck pain.

Sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle vs cervical vertebrae pathology

Pilar cyst

benign accumulation of sebum and keratin under skin layer, looks taut/shiny

Signs of fetal alcohol syndrome?

indistinct philtrum

flat midface

short nose

thin upper lip

Congenital hypothyroid signs...

By 3-6 months baby may have protruding tongue, narrow palperable fissures, puffy face, and wide open fontanels

Down syndrome (trisomy 21) signs...

Singular palmar crease

Short broad neck with webbing

Thick tongue

Upward slanting eyes

Facial features of a kid with chronic allergies?

Blue shadows under eyes, tired appearance

mouth may hang open for better breathing

Transverse line on nose from crunching it upward

Facial features of Cushing's disease (excess ACTH)...

Moonface, large jowls, acne on chest

Hyperthyroid vs hypothyroid features?

Hyperthyroid= Bulging eyes + goiter with tachycardia/sweating/thinning hair

Hypothyroid= Puffy face with dry skin and coarse hair

Scleroderma features?

"hard skin', connective tissue disease, hard shiny skin on forehead/cheeks, pursed lips, muscle atrophy in face