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94 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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-motor coordination of voluntary movements, equilibrium and muscle tone
-does not initiate mvmt, but coordinates and smooths
-ex: many muscles needed in piano, swimming, juggling
-test with balance, gait, tandem walking, RAM, finger to finger, finger to nose, heel to shin
Spinothalamic Tract
-transmit pain, temp and crude or light touch (not precisely localized)
Posterior (dorsal) columns
-proprioception, vibration, finely localized touch (stereognosis)
CN 1
CN 2
CN 3
-Most EOM mvmt (motor)
-parasympathetic pupil constriction and lens shape
CN 4
-Down and inward mvmt of eye
CN 5
-Mastication muscles (motor)
-Sensation of face/scalp (sensory)
-Corneal reflex
CN 6
-Lateral mvmt of eye
CN 7
-Facial muscles (motor)
-Taste on anterior (sensory)
-Parasympathetic saliva and tear secretion
CN 8
-Hearing and equilibrium
CN 9
-Pharynx (motor)
-Taste on posterior (sensory) - can't test
-Parasympathetic parotid gland, carotid reflex
CN 10
-Pharynx/Larynx talking/swallowing (motor)
-General sensation (sensory)
-Parasympathetic carotid reflex
CN 11
-Trapezius and sternomastoid mvmt
CN 12
-Tongue (light, tight, dynamite)
Spinal Nerves
-31 pairs
Romberg test
-Stand, close eyes
-positive sign is loss of balance
-Cerebellar ataxia (MS, alcohol), loss of proprioception, loss vestibular function
Testing spinothalamic tract
pain (sharp vs. soft), temperature, light touch
-analgesia, anesthesia
Testing Posterior Column tract
Vibration, kinesthesia (move finger up or down), sterognosis, graphesthesia, two point descrimintation, extinction, point location
weakness rather than paralysis
-rapid, sudden jerk
-hiccup, arm or leg jerk while falling asleep
-severe with grand mal seizures
Essential tremor
type of intention tremor, most common tremor with older people
-benign, not associated with disease, but stress
-improves with sedatives, alcohol
-Slow, twisting, writhing, snake/worm
-cerebral palsy
Decorticate Rigidity
-Flexion of arm, adduction of arm, extension & internal rotation of leg
-lesion of cerebral cortex
Decerebrate Ridigity
-Extension, aduction, internal rotation of arms, extension of legs, teeth clenched, hyperextended back
-more ominous
-lesion in brainstem
Thumb, middle finger and 5th finger
C6. C7. C8
T4 (5th ICS)
4th most common cause of death in US
Sequence for complete neurologic exam
1. Mental Status
2. Cranial nerves
3. motor system
4. Sensory system
5. Reflexes
DTR grading
4 - very brisk
3 - brisker (normal patellar)
2 - average, normal
1 - dimished
0 - no response
Cremasteric reflex
elevation of the ipsilateral testical
Key sign with alzheimer's
memory loss
loss of smell
Visual acuity
tests for defect or absent central vision
occurs with cold exporsure or fatigue
-not significant
involuntary contraction of opposing muscle groups
all disappear while sleeping
Rest tremor
-when muscles are quiet and -supported against gravity
course and slow
-"pill rolling" parkinsonism
Intention tremor
cerebellar disease and MS
-posture stooped, trunk pitched forward
-flat supine, raise leg straight or flex thigh on abdomen, and extend knee
-resistance to straightening (hamstring spasm)
-one hand under neck, hand on chest, flex chin on chest
-flexion of hips

* positional defect gives sleepy appearance and impairs vision

* causes

- neuromuscular weakness (myasthenia


- CN 3 dysfunction

- Horner syndrome (sympathetic nerve damage)


neurogenic anosmia

unilateral loss of smell (in absence of nasal


abnormalities for CN 2

visual field loss

papilledema w/ increased ICP

optic atrophy (decreases visual acuity, color vision and contrast sensitivity)

pupil abnormalities

increasing ICP causes sudden unilateral, dilated

nonreactive pupil


deviated gaze

limited movement (inward/outward turning of


abnormalities of CN 5


decreased strength on one or both sides

asymmetry in jaw movement

pain with clenching of teeth


decrease/unequal sensation

in stroke, sensation lost on opposite side

abnormalities of CN 7

muscle weakness (lower eyelid sagging, escape of air from only one cheek pressed in, drooping on one side)

CNS - Stroke - affects lower face on one side

Peripheral system - Bell Palsy - affects upper AND lower face on one side

abnormalities of 9/10

absense/asymmetry of soft palate movement

or tonsillar pillar movement

in stroke, dysfunction in swallowing (risk for aspiration)

hoarse/brassy voice (vocal cord dysfunction)

nasal twang (weak soft palate)

abnormalities of CN 9


muscle weakness / paralysis occurs with stroke

or after injury to peripheral nerve (ex. lymph node removal)

abnormalities of CN 12



tongue deviates to side with lesions on nerve --> deviation toward paralyzed side

abnormalities of motor system

atrophy --> disuse, injury, LMN disease (polio, diabetic neuropathy)

hypertrophy - with isometric exercise

paresis / weakness - diminished strength

paralysis / plegia - absence of strength

limited ROM

Pain w/ motion

flaccidity (hypotonia with peripheral weakness)

spasticity /rigidity - occurs with central weakness

types of involuntary movements







abnormalities of RAM (rapid alternating movement)

lack of coordination

slow, clumsy, sloppy response (dysdiadochokinesia)

occurs w/ cerebellar disease

abnormalities of finger to finger test

lack of coordination

dysmetria - overshooting mark (occurs w/ cerebellar disorders, acute alcohol intoxication)

past pointing -constant deviation to one side

intention tremor when reaching to a visually directed object

abnormalities of finger to nose test

misses nose

when eyes closed, worse coordination

occurs with cerebellar disease or alcohol intoxication

abnormalities of heel to shin test

lack of coordination

heel falls off shin

occurs with cerebellar disease

abnormalities of gait

stiff, immobile posture

staggerring or reeling

wide base of support

lack of arm swing / rigid arms

unequal rhythm of steps / foot slapping / scraping of toe of shoe

ataxia - uncoordinated / unsteady gait

abnormalities of heel-to-toe / tandem walking

crooked line of walk

widens base to maintain balance

staggering, reeling, loss of balance

ataxia may appear here

indicates upper motor neuron damage (multiple sclerosis, acute cerebellar dysfunction like alcohol intoxication)

abnormalities to tip-top / heel walk

muscle weakness preventing this test

sways, falls or widens base of feel to avoid falling

positive Romberg signs

loss of balance with closed eyes (limits compensation / orientation of eyes)

occurs with cerebella ataxia (multiple sclerosis, alcohol intoxication), loss of proprioception, loss of vestibular function

abnormalities of shallow knee bend / hop in place
unable to perform due to weakness in quads, hip extensors
abnormalities of sensory system
note if distal sensory loss or specific dermatome
abnormalities of spinothalamic test

hypoalgesia - decreased pain sensation

hyper " - increased pan sensation

anal " - absent pain sensation

Abnormalities of ligh touch

Hypoesthesia - decreased touch sensation

hyper - increased touch sensation

anes- absent touch sensation

abnormalities of posterior (dorsal) column tract

unable to feel vibration

occurs with peripheral neuropathy (diabetes , alcoholism) --> often 1st sensation lost

p.n. worse at feet and gradually improves up the leg

abnormalities of kinesthesia position test
loss of position sense

abnormalities of tactile discrimination (fine touch test)

problems with tactile discriminiation

occur with sensory cortex or posterior column lesions

abnormalities of stereognosis

inability to identify object correctly (astereognosis)

occurs in sensory cortex lesions

abnormalities of graphesthesia

inability to distinguish number

occurs with lesion of sensory cortex

abnormalities of two point discrimination

an increase in distance it normally takes to identify 2 separate points

occurs with sensory cortex lesions

abnormalities of extinction

recognizes only 1 stimuli

occurs with sesory cortex lesion

stimulus extinguishes on opposite side of lesion

abnormalities of point locaiton

person cant localize sensation accurately, even with light touch

occurs with sensory cortex lesion

abnormalities of reflexes

clonus - set of rapid, rhythmic contractions of same muscle

hyperreflexia - exaggerated reflex when monosynaptic reflex arc is released from inhibiting influece of higher cortical levels

occurs with upper motor neuron lesions (stroke)

hypo - absence of a reflex (lower motor prob)

interruption of sensory afferents or destruction of motor efferents and anterior horn cells (spinal cord injury)

abnormalities of abdominal reflexes

superficial reflexes absent (w/ pyramidal tract disease)

- absent on contralateral side with stroke

abnormalities of L1 and L2 reflexes


absent in both UMN and LMN lesions

abnormalities of plantar reflect (L4 to S2)

abnormal response - dorsiflexion (except kids) of big toe/ toe fanning (positive Babinski sign),

occurs w/ UMN disease of corticospinal/pyrimidal tract

abnormalities of birth - 12 mo. development

_ high pitched, shrill cry - CNS damage

- persistence of reflex behavior beyond normal time

- failure to attain a skill by expected time

- weak, groaning cry or expiratory grunt (respiratory distress)

- lethargy, hyporeactivity, hyperirritability, significant behavior change all warrant referral

abnormalities of motor system (infants)

- delay in motor activity (occurs w/ brain damage, mental disability, peripheral neuromuscular damage, prolonged illness, parental neglect

- postures:

* frog (hips abducted, almost flat against table, externally rotated (normal only for breech)

* Opisthotonos - head arches back, stiff neck, extends arms/legs (occurs w/ brain stem or meningeal irritation or kernicterus)

* limb extension may occur w/ intercranial hemorrhage

* any continual asymmetry occurs w/ brachial plexus palsy

abnormalities of spasticity (infants)

* early sign of cerebral palsy

* after releasing flexed knees, legs quickly extend and adduct, even to scissoring motion

* baby also resists head flexion and extends back against hand

abnormalities of reach of objects (infant)

persistent one-hand preference 18 mo and younger

may indicate motor deficit on opposite side

abnormalities of landau reflect (infant head raise)

head lag - limp, floppy trunk, dangling arms and legs

indicates motor weakness, upper motor neuron disease, mental disability

abnormalities of sensory test (infants)

unusual rapid withdrawal (hyperesthesia)

occurs w/ spinal cord lesions, CNS infections, increased ICP, peritonitis

NO withdrawal = decreased sensation

occurs w/ decreased consciouslness, mental deficiency, spinal cord or peripheral nerve lesions

abnormalities of Babinski reflex (infant)

after 2 or 2.5 y/o, fanning doesnt disappear

occurs with pyramidal tract disease

abnormalities of tonic neck reflex
persistance after 4 to 6 months occurs in brain damage
abnormalities of moro reflex

moro absense or persistence after 5 mo. indicates severe CNS injur

* absence of movement in 1 arm --> fracture of humerus or clavicle and brachial nerve palsy

* absense of movement in 1 leg --> lower spinal cord problem, dislocated hip

* hyperactive movement (tetany or CNS infection)

abnormalities of stopping reflex
extensor thrust or scissoring, crossing lower extremities

abnormalities of motor assessment (preschool / school age)

muscle hypertrophy or atophy (muscular dystrophy),

muscle weakness

incoordination-staggering, falling, weakness climbing up/downstairs (muscular dystrophy), broad based gate/scissor

after 5 y/o, failure to hop --> gross motor skill incordination

abnormalities of pelvic muscles (PS / School age)

weak pelvic muscles (sign of muscular dystrophy)

child rolls to one side with supine

bend fwd to all 4 extremities

plan hands on legs, climb up themself

abnormalities of finger to nose test

test failure -eyes open --> gross incoordination

test failure, eyes closed --> minor incoordination