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150 Cards in this Set

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良好 [りょうこう]
/(adj-na,n) favorable/satisfactory
良識 [りょうしき]
/(n) good sense/
良質 [りょうしつ]
/(adj-na,n) good quality/superior quality
了承 [りょうしょう]
/(n,vs) acknowledgement/understanding (e.g. "please be understanding of the mess during our renovation")
良心 [りょうしん]
/(n) conscience
領地 [りょうち]
/(n) territory/dominion
領土 [りょうど]
/(n) dominion/territory/possession
旅客 [りょかく]
/(n) passenger (transport)
旅券 [りょけん]
/(n) passport
未知 [みち]
/(adj-na,n) not yet known
乱れる [みだれる]
/(v1) to get confused/to be disordered/to be disturbed
乱す [みだす]
/(v5s) to throw out of order/to disarrange/to disturb
満たす [みたす]
/(v5s) to satisfy/to ingratiate/to fill/to fulfill
/(adj) shabby/seedy
未熟 [みじゅく]
/(adj-na,n) inexperience/unripeness/raw/unskilled/immature/inexperienced
見苦しい [みぐるしい]
/(adj) unsightly/ugly
味覚 [みかく]
/(adj-na,n) taste/palate/sense of taste
見落とす [みおとす]
/(v5s) to overlook/to fail to notice
真ん円い [まんまるい]
/(adj) perfectly round
真ん丸い [まんまるい]
/(adj) perfectly circular
真ん前 [まんまえ]
/(n) right in front/under the nose
満月 [まんげつ]
/(n) full moon
丸める [まるめる]
] /(v1) to make round/to round off/to roll up/to curl up/to seduce/to cajole/to explain away
丸々 [まるまる]
/(adv,n) completely
/(adv) completely/perfectly/just as if
丸ごと [まるごと]
/(adv) in its entirety/whole/wholly
鞠 [まり]
/(n) ball
眉 [まゆ]
/(n) eyebrow
瞬き [まばたき]
/(n) wink/twinkling (of stars)/flicker (of light)
真心 [まごころ]
/(n) sincerity/devotion
at any rate; in any event
(adv,conj) that is; namely; i.e.
(adv) often; repeatedly; frequently
恐らく 【おそらく】
(adv) perhaps
自由に 【じゆうに】
(adv) freely
能ある鷹は爪を隠す 【のうあるたかはつめをかくす】
(exp) a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve; one shouldn't show off; the person who knows most often says least
雌伏雄飛 【しふくゆうひ】
n,vs) biding one's time building up strength till finally grasping an opportunity to launch out and flourish
羅刹 【らせつ】
(n) Rakshasa (type of evil spirit)
運試し 【うんだめし】
(n) try or test one's luck
真上 [まうえ]
/(n) just above/right overhead
滅びる [ほろびる]
/(v1) to be ruined/to go under/to perish/to be destroyed
滅ぼす [ほろぼす]
/(v5s) to destroy/to overthrow/to wreck/to ruin
捕虜 [ほりょ]
/(n) prisoner (of war)
/(v5k) to grumble/to complain
/(v1) to become dim/to become blurred
本質 [ほんしつ]
/(n) essence/true nature/reality
本格 [ほんかく]
/(n) propriety/fundamental rules
本体 [ほんたい]
/(n) substance/real form/object of worship
本音 [ほんね]
/(n) real intention/motive
本能 [ほんのう]
/(n) instinct
没落 [ぼつらく]
/(n) ruin/fall/collapse
/(adv,n) gradually/here and there/spots/pimples
/(n) (col) cheek
/(adv,n,vs) feel relieved
没収 [ぼっしゅう]
/(n) forfeited
母国 [ぼこく]
/(n) one's homeland
惚ける [ぼける]
/(v1) to grow senile/to fade
捕獲 [ほかく]
/(n,vs) capture/seizure
保温 [ほおん]
/(n) retaining warmth/keeping heat in/heat insulation
飽和 [ほうわ]
/(n) saturation
暴力 [ぼうりょく]
/(n) violence/mayhem
放り出す [ほうりだす]
v5s) to throw out/to fire/to expel/to give up/to abandon/to neglect
放り込む [ほうりこむ]
/(v5m) to throw into
葬る [ほうむる]
/(v5r) to bury/to inter/to entomb/to consign to oblivion/to shelve
暴風 [ぼうふう]
/(n) storm/windstorm/gale
褒美 [ほうび]
/(n) reward/prize
暴動 [ぼうどう]
n) insurrection/rebellion/revolt/riot/uprising
膨張 [ぼうちょう]
/(n) expansion/swelling/increase/growth
放置 [ほうち]
/(n,vs) leave as is/leave to chance/leave alone/neglect
呆然 [ぼうぜん]
/(adj-na,n) dumbfounded/overcome with surprise/in blank amazement
紡績 [ぼうせき]
/(n) spinning
報ずる [ほうずる]
/(v5z) to inform/to report
報じる [ほうじる]
/(v1) to inform/to report
放出 [ほうしゅつ]
/(n,vs) release/emit
蜂蜜 [はちみつ]
/(n) honey
裸足 [はだし]
/(n) barefoot
果たす [はたす]
/(v5s) to accomplish/to fulfill/to carry out/to achieve
破損 [はそん]
/(n) damage
弾む [はずむ]
/(v5m) to spring/to bound/to bounce/to be stimulated/to be encouraged/to get lively/to treat oneself to/to splurge on
恥じる [はじる]
/(v1) to feel ashamed
恥じらう [はじらう]
/(v5u) to feel shy/to be bashful/to blush
恥 [はじ]
/(n) shame/embarrassment
励ます [はげます]
/(v5s) to encourage/to cheer/to raise (the voice)
爆弾 [ばくだん]
/(n) bomb
爆破 [ばくは]
/(n,vs) blast/explosion/blow up
暴露 [ばくろ]
/(n,vs) disclosure/exposure/revelation
漠然 [ばくぜん]
/(adj-na,n) obscure/vague/equivocal
白状 [はくじょう]
/(n,vs) confession
薄弱 [はくじゃく]
/(adj-na,n) feebleness/weakness/weak
迫害 [はくがい]
/(n,vs) persecution
諮る [はかる]
/(v5r) to consult with/to confer
/(adj) stupid
/(adj) fleeting/transient/short-lived/momentary/vain/fickle/miserable/empty/ephemeral
捗る [はかどる]
/(v5r) to make progress/to move right ahead (with the work)/to advance
破壊 [はかい]
/(n,vs) destruction
映える [はえる]
/(v1) to shine/to look attractive/to look pretty
背景 [はいけい]
/(n) background/scenery/setting/circumstance
背後 [はいご]
/(n) back/rear
拝借 [はいしゃく]
/(n,vs) (hum) (pol) borrowing
敗戦 [はいせん]
/(n,vs) defeat/losing a war
把握 [はあく]
/(n,vs) grasp/catch/understanding
乗り込む [のりこむ]
/(v5m) (1) to board/to embark on/to get into (a car)/to ship (passengers)/to man (a ship)/to help (someone) into/(2) to march into/to enter
飲み込む [のみこむ]
/(v5m) to gulp down/to swallow deeply/to understand/to take in/to catch on to/to learn/to digest
罵る [ののしる]
/(v5r) to speak ill of/to abuse
/(adj-na,n) tranquil/calm/quiet
乗っ取る [のっとる]
/(v5r) to capture/to occupy/to usurp
臨む [のぞむ]
/(v5m) to look out on/to face/to deal with/to attend (function)
逃れる [のがれる]
/(v1) to escape
逃す [のがす]
/(v5s) to let loose/to set free/to let escape
脳 [のう]
/(n) brain/memory
年輪 [ねんりん]
/(n) annual tree ring
燃料 [ねんりょう]
/(n) fuel
念願 [ねんがん]
/(n) one's heart's desire/earnest petition
念 [ねん]
/(n) sense/idea/thought/feeling/desire/concern/attention/care
根回し [ねまわし]
/(n) making necessary arrangements
粘り [ねばり]
/(n) stickiness/viscosity
粘る [ねばる]
/(v5r) to be sticky/to be adhesive/to persevere/to persist/to stick to
熱量 [ねつりょう]
/(n) temperature
熱意 [ねつい]
/(n) zeal/enthusiasm
/(v5r) to tease/to coax/to solicit/to demand
妬む [ねたむ]
/(v5m) to be jealous/to be envious
抜け出す [ぬけだす]
v5s) to slip out/to sneak away/to excel
沼 [ぬま]
/(n,n-suf) swamp/bog/pond/lake
主 [ぬし]
/(n) owner/master/lover/god
抜かす [ぬかす]
/(v5s) to omit/to leave out
入浴 [にゅうよく]
/(n,vs) bathe/bathing
入手 [にゅうしゅ]
/(n,vs) obtaining/coming to hand
鈍る [にぶる]
/(v5r) to become less capable/to grow dull/to become blunt/to weaken
/(conj,exp) in spite of/nevertheless
日夜 [にちや]
/(n-adv,n) day and night/always
何気ない [なにげない]
/(adj) casual/unconcerned
名付ける [なづける]
/(v1) to name (someone)
懐く [なつく]
/(v5k) to become emotionally attached
情深い [なさけぶかい]
/(adj) tender-hearted/compassionate
情無い [なさけない]
/(adj) miserable/pitiable/shameful/deplorable
妬む [ねたむ]
/(v5m) to be jealous/to be envious
抜け出す [ぬけだす]
v5s) to slip out/to sneak away/to excel
沼 [ぬま]
/(n,n-suf) swamp/bog/pond/lake
主 [ぬし]
/(n) owner/master/lover/god
抜かす [ぬかす]
/(v5s) to omit/to leave out
入浴 [にゅうよく]
/(n,vs) bathe/bathing
入手 [にゅうしゅ]
/(n,vs) obtaining/coming to hand
鈍る [にぶる]
/(v5r) to become less capable/to grow dull/to become blunt/to weaken
/(conj,exp) in spite of/nevertheless
日夜 [にちや]
/(n-adv,n) day and night/always
何気ない [なにげない]
/(adj) casual/unconcerned
名付ける [なづける]
/(v1) to name (someone)
懐く [なつく]
/(v5k) to become emotionally attached
情深い [なさけぶかい]
/(adj) tender-hearted/compassionate
情無い [なさけない]
/(adj) miserable/pitiable/shameful/deplorable