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28 Cards in this Set

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Occupation Land Reform
During Occupation, Americans took 1/3 of land from landlords, gave it to peasants. Big change, but long considered by Japanese.
root binding
all parties, no matter what ranking or status are consulted
contributed to reason for post-war success
International Military Tribunal
post-WWII trial of war criminals
most notable is who was not tried: the emperor, the U.S. and the unit that test biological weapons
Yasakuni Shrine
Shrine dedicated to Japanese soldiers
controversial because some war criminals are enshrined there and also because politicians continue to visit, violating separation of religion and state
General Douglas MacArthur
Led U.S. campaigns in Asia during WWII and was put in charge of the post-war occupation of Japan.
Gained trust and respect of Japanese people.
Article 9
Part of the Japanese constitution that states the Japanese forever give up the right of war and to have a standing army. Written by American officials and still hotly debated.
Hideki Tôjô
General in Japanese army. Militant. Prime minister for several years, including the war years
Sexual harassment. After battles, protections against harassment have increased, but bc it is difficult to talk about sex in Japan, the vagueness of these makes them nearly null
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Created by Showa japanese gov't with idea of uniting asia and rooting out west. Initially met with enthusiasm and then realized japan and west were not that different.
Lifetime employment
In 70s and 80s system was common. provided good benefits, regular salary increases and early retirement. Incentivized employees to work dilagently.
cram schools that prepare students for national examinations. criticized for contributing to high pressure system and for affordability problems
Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Govt economic advisory board during post war. Coordinated between industries, regulated foreign trade and made investment decisions. Criticized by outsiders for giving Japan an "unfair advantage"
salary man. Dutiful and devoted to his job. Guaranteed lifetime employment but does not have a life outside work and rarely takes a vacation
Lytton Commission
Commission by League of Nations to ascertain Manchukuo's legitimacy. After meeting with Japanese and Chinese officials, quickly decided not
Rape of Nanking
6-week period of mass murder and rape in Chinese city that represents the larger brutality of Japanese soldiers who ran free unchecked or even encouraged by commanders.
Akio Morita
co-founder of Sony. Represents Japanese business practices of valuing every individual and long-term interests. e.g. suggestion boxes and criticizing criticizing
Ishiwara Kanji
Japanese army general. Believed war with west was inevitable and wanted upper hand. Tried to instigate conflict between china and japan by blowing up railroad tracks. Unsuccessful but keeps trying.
Aspect of japanese business practices that pushes responsibility for storage/ quick creation of parts onto subcontractors. A reason for success
Blood Brotherhood
A group of idealistic youths whose goal it was to root out political and business parasites. Culminated in assass on pm in 1932.
Control Faction
One of two factions in the army. Valued mechanization, economy, and fighting spirit. Imperial Way faded after a coup d'etat by a separate group.
the bullet train. Marked new technological stage for japan. Also a sign of japanese culture; everyone's opinion is heard.
Marco Polo Bridge Incident
Soldier failed to return after training exercise. Fighting between japanese and chinese soldiers breaks out. Japanese apologize. Chinese refuse to back down, launching sino-japanese war.
Oil Shock
1973. Japanese economy contracted and later recovered, but never to same break-neck speed. But, marked surge in American consumption of Japanese fuel-efficient cars.
The Liberal Democratic Party. Center-right party that ruled Japan for more than 50 years. Helped move beyond occupation, but was also marked with scandal.
Shintaro Ishihara
Author of "Japan Can Say No," gov of Tokyo, and ultra nationalist. Book was about how America needs to stop Japan bashing and realize that it's system is the problem, not Japan
Postdam Declaration
After emperor sent letter looking for peace, allies declared Japan needed to surrender unconditionally or face utter destruction. Also, disarm armies and accept allied occupation.
Japan bashing
1980's. Fear and dislike of flood of Japanese cars and products led to semi-subtle attacks on Japan in American popular culture.
National Exam System
Set of exams students must take to advance to high levels of education, culminating in university exam. Sets up high-pressure system. Linked with desire to be sarariman. Also with juku system.