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18 Cards in this Set

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1828 Presidential Election was between who?

Andrew Jackson & John Q. Adams

What do Jacksonians calls themselves?


What do Adams group calls themselves ?

National Republican

Who won the 1828 Presidential Election?

Andrew Jackson

What were the reforms made by Andrew Jackson?

1. Administration Reform

2. Bank / financial reform

Administration Reform

- Dismissed senior dmfederal official

- Appointed Friends

- Spoils System : newly elected officials appoints loyal members of their own party to public office

Bank / financial Reform

- Jackson destroyed Bank of the U.S

- felt the bank helped few rich in the East at the expense of ppl in the west.

- Bank applied for New Charter to replace old

- Congress passed a bill granting the charter

- Jackson vetoed & stop depositing government money in the Bank of the U.S (deposits instead in a few state banks)

- Closure of Bank of the U.S

Why did the Whites coveted the land in Mississippi ?

The land was suitable for growing cotton.

What happened to the Indians when Jackson passed "Indian Removal Act" of 1830?

-Indians were transported to reservations

- Indians gave 100million acres of good land, but received 30 million acres of bad land.

- Some Indians resisted.

How did the Cherokee Indians resistated?

-Drafted a constitution

- Established a state within a state (Georgia)

- Georgia did not recognize Cherokee Nation.

- Jackson backed Georgia

- Cherokee were forced to leave Georgia for Olkahama

What are the problems faced by Southerners?

1. Competition of New fertile cotton land in the West.

2. Northerns criticism of slavery

3. Slavery problem

- slaves bought freedom

- slaves rebellion

How did the Southerners react when the new tariff law passed?

(lower than desired by them)

- view it as tyranny

South Carolina

- wanted to abolish the new traffis law.

- wanted to secede from the Union (US)

What did South Carolina do when are warned by Jackson?

Ignored the warning

- passed a law to nullify the new tariff law.

-authoritized the raising of an army.

How did Jackson respond with South Carolina's action?

-threatened to use force on South Carolina

Why did South Carolina finally backed off?

Did not get support from other Southern States

Jackson received support from who?

Poor & Rich

Esterners & Westerners

Abolitionist & Slaveholders

Minority Groups - Catholic , immigrant

What are Jackson's Opposition known as.


What happened in the 1840 Presidential Election?

General WH Harrison (Whigs) won.

Van Buren (Democrats) lost