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39 Cards in this Set

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There was once a farmer and his wife

Era uma vez (existia) um fazendeiro e sua mulher

There was a problem with the update

Houve um problema com a atualização

There was a bomb on the plane!

Tinha uma bomba no avião

There was a error

Houve um erro

She had been married before

Ela tinha sido casada antes

The system had been developed by professor David

O sistema tinha sido desenvolvido pelo prof dave

She had been hired as a project manager

Ela tinha sido contratada como gerente de projeto

His obedience had beem tested

A obediência dele tinha sido testada

And now she was married again

Ela estava casada novamente

He was detained by the us customs

Ele foi detido pela alfandega americAna

She was caught in the explosion

Ela foi pega na explosao

It was writting in the stars

Estava / foi escrito nas estrelas

And what a pair of fools they were

E Que par de tolos eles eram

They were all together in one place

Eles estavam todos juntos em um local

They were very poor

Eles eram muito pobres

They were at the beach

Eles estavam na praia

Wich of them

Qual deles?

Wich of them matter, and why?

Qual deles importa, e por que?

Wich of them is more efficient?

Qual deles é mais eficiente?

Listem to the story and decide for yourself

Ouça a historia e decida você mesmo

You have to think for yourself

Você tem que pensar por conta propria

Go and see for yourself

Va e veja você mesmo

What to expect when you work for yourself

O que esperar quando você trabalha por conta propria

But nobody thought that jack hannaford was stupid

Thought - pensava

I thought I was dreaming

Eu pensei que estava dormindo

And you thought dragons didnt exist...

E você pensou que dragões não existiam....

He tought he had won

Ele pensou que tinha ganhado

He walked all around the country looking for ways to play his tricks

Procurando por

Im looking for a job

Procurando um emprego

Who are you looking for?

Quem você ta procurando?

I still havent found what Im looking for

Aindaaa n encontrei

Few strangers were able to make the difficult journey to their home

Poucos desconhecidos foram capazes de

We were able to finish the project

Nos fomos capazes de finalizar o projeto

They were able to make accurate predictions

Eles foram capazes de fazer previsões precisas

How were you able to find me?

Como você foi capaz de me encontrar?

Where did you come from?

De onde vc veio?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Onde vc se ve em 5 anos?

My favorite sport are tennis and golf

Meus esportes favoritos sao

I am in two minds

Eu estou em duvida