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56 Cards in this Set

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News Hole
the space left by advertisers in newspaper
SIG: only 1/3 of newspapers and 1/2 of magazine space, shows the dominance of advertising
% of ads $ spent on TV
24.4 % - more than any other form like Radio, Direct Mail, Others
ideas, facts or allegations spread to deliberately further one's cause, a form of manipulation - In the scope of public relations they can be very powerful and influence public
Torches of Freedom
The idea of women buying cigarettes, significant, changed societal expectations with the use of pseudo-events by Bernays - was the guy who revolutionized the idea of strategic communication (Easter Parade)
Consumer Culture
Has a negative effect on advertising- model of advertising with pervasive and intrusive - Buying things is a a main part of life - persuasive ads are better than quality products - It IS the culture's IDENTITY
Patent Medicines
In 1900 patent medicines made up 1/6 of all magazine ads - then muckraking in 1906 prompted the Food and Drug Act regulating such ads and instituting truth in advertising
Borrowed Interest
Leo's Burnett's idea for packaging- he said cereal boxes needs to be made exciting and to find an exciting idea and bond it to a product - consumer loyalty
Parity Products
Where you have two similar products that do the same thing so you need to show why yours is unique
Appealing to an audience who believes the same thing- In use with audience segmentation article by Turow --Shows how successsful campaigns needed to target specific audiences (tested by the VALS survey)
Market Segmentation
Turow's argument- subgrouping according to habits, demographics, geographics, psychographics
Maslow's Heirarchy
Popular in the 1950s and 1960s psychological theory, correct way to age and mature, progresses out of physiological needs
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, the path an ad needs to take (four stages) - succesful, attract attention, create interest, stimulate desire and promote action
Cost per thousand - the ideas of selling eyeballs, efficiency of ad placement
1984 Commercial
Apple computers, new style without even showing their products, Best Commercial of all time. Shows that great ads yield huge results
Technologies of Avoidance
Allow consumers to skip over ads like the remote, VCR, and TiVO, Ads concerned leads to product placement
Vampire Creativity
viewers remember ads, but not being sold, too entertaining like monkey's in the workplace
Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats, situational analysis and the imporant things to remember from research while planning an ad campaign (also business its taking stock of where you want to go)
Stopping Power
Ads need it to draw it to ad themselves, the thing it makes you stop what you're doing (like Vonage)
Walter Lippman
Harvard educated journalist and editor, Propaganda writer in WWI, feared the public was too easily manipulated and prone to stereotyping, wrote "public opinion" was skeptical of "manufacture of consent" SIG- public opinion can't govern so policy makes need to be separate
"In House" public relations
2/3 of PR professionals are in house- as opposed to agency - US government is the largest- this way you're directly tied
PR Newswire
Website online where press releases are posted for newspapers- News can be made by any writer about products or organizations - not actual news, written with one viewpoint
Another name for Phillip Morris, created in 2001 in response to lawsuits in attempt to "rebrand" the company
Claim of Special Responsibility
Turow's claim a media firm can make a target audience feel a special tie to the media that it'll even pay attention to ads, firms aid to specific marktet to cater to relationship
Presidential Approval Rating
Depends greatly on events, highest in history, shows how satisfied the public is with a president
Complementary Copy
Text or photos that praise or advertise products in magazine where advertised, sometimes required in some women's magazines - Shows the breakdown of the Wall between advertising and editorial
Invisible Government
in order to function smoothly, decisions of many shaped by few (propaganda), people are manipulated by invisible government they don't realize who they're influencing
Lara Logan
Talking about context and public diplomacy, talked about pseudo-events, chief foreign correspondent for CBS news, defended covering tragic news
Integrated Markeint Communications
Converging media agencies grabbing more of the pie, broadening their scope and vertical integration
Staged events to attract media attention like the Saddam Statue in Iraq, can win over public support with "news"
Consumers, Government Policymakers, Activists, Clients, shareholders, media outlets, need to decide who you're talking to- PR needs to pay attention to all of them
Creel Committee
Bernays- intended to influence US public opinoin supporting intervention in WWI, used propaganda, innovated using propaganda
Random Sample
Crutial for creating a good poll, way to screw it up if there is a sampling error, fairly represent the population
Response Rate
Another way to screw up a poll, example is ansering machines and cell phones being an increasingly big problem - SIG. A polls data could be invalidated if answering in a different time and place
Margin of Error
Small differences may be cancelled out bty this "margin of error" defined by 1/sqrt n - Small Sample = Large margin of error, some error gets absorbed
Psychological Operations - like dropping leaflets from planes, often carried out by the military, wider world of public diplomacy
Charlotte Beers
Queen of Madison Ave- Advertising giant brought in as undersecretary of State for Diplomacy - worked with AD council on campaigns failed in 2003 with an "emotional" campaign with no issue content
Karen Huges
Former TV news reporter, was dubbed the "most powerful woman in the U.S." Pitched war to the American people - Sold "Brand America"
Smart Bombs
Military showcased video of 'smart bombs' they hone in on their target, no casualties
Embedded Journalist
The militaries replacement for the smart bombs strategy, Bush takes it directly to the people, no censorship
Values and LifeStyles, psychographic system for target markets, separates it into 9 groups which allows advertisers to market specifically
Swift Boats Vets for Truth
the sponsored the infamous ad against John Kerry in 2004 election, it drove news coverage giving it free airtime, dictated the issues of the agenda- 3 battleground states
the effect of negative advertising by politicians where reduced turnout occurs, theory was disproven with an overall net positive affect, 5% independant down, but mobilized
Stealth Campaigning
Connections to advertisers, can benefit w/out name, someone else does the dirty work- hidden connection should be exposed for absolute truth to public
Political Action Committees, sponsor ads for politicians to push their own political agenda - not directly part of hte campaig, very powerful in the realm of government and politics
Negative Ads
Been happening since the 1950s, they are still the minority and not "attack ads" most were contrast and positive ads, often from outside sources
Resevoir of Credibility
government builds up rapport along with companies - storage padding company
Reason why approach
Customary way of advertising in 1908, gave reason why to buy, emotional became more popular - women were more of hte readers
finding the positive view of an event, spin doctors are good at this, blurs the line of fact and fiction
Identifying a corporation with associatve images and emotion for consumers
Claim of efficient separation
the claim that advertisers don't pay for audiences they don't want
A combination of selectively affluent with genuinely affluent - Significance was advertisers moved to targetting a more affluent audience with more disposable income
Generation X
under 30 in the 90s, david rather than goliath
Lincoln Group
Fed news to Iraqis
McDonald's lawsuit in the mid-1990s iinfo questionable practices, showed the benefits to taking on big companies
Dean for America
the grassroots blogging and fundraiserig to challenge bush
Battleground States
Iowak, NH where politicians spend the most time