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11 Cards in this Set

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Abiotic vs.Biotic

Abiotic =Nonliving[ ex. water, sunlight]

Biotic=Living[ animals]

Predator vs. Prey

Predators hunt and feed on other organisms.

Parasite vs. Host

Parasites occupy or feed on another organism.

The host organism is always harmed by the parasite.

Autotroph vs. Heterotroph

Autotroph= producers


List 3 types of symbiotic relationships.

Mutualism=Both organisms benefit.

Commensalism=One organism benefits, the other is not affected.

Parasitism=The parasite is benefiting by harming the host organism.

Describe the relationship between the following terms:Species,Population,Community,Ecosystem.

A species is a group of the same organisms that interbreed; a population is all the individuals in a species in a certain area; a community is all the populations that are present in an area; an ecosystem is all the biotic and abiotic components of a specific enviorment.

How are the movements of energy and nutrients through ecosystems different?

Nutrients are constantly recycled in an ecosystem [cycle]. Energy is transferred up trophic levels and is lost in the form of heat .[ energy pyramid].

Differentiate between herbivores,omnivores, and carnivores.

Herbivores only eat producers. Carnivores on;y eat other animals. Omnivores eat both plants and animals.

Describe the 3 models of energy transfer through ecosystems? How is a food chain different than a food web?

Food chain, food web, energy pyramid.

State the similarities and differences between photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is used by plants and algae, uses sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide,

Chemosynthesis is performed by bacteria in hydrothermal vent communities, uses sulfur compounds,water, and carbon dioxide,

How can 2 similar species occupy the same the same habitat without competing with each other.

They live in the same habitat but occupy different niches (roles) in the habitat.