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68 Cards in this Set

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Things that we want or need


What are some examples of goods

Things that can be used or consumed and touched or held such as books clothing food computer lawnmower

Involve the work that’s done to provide some thing wanted or needed


What are some examples of services available

Education such as teacher, health such as the doctors, communication, customer service, waitresses and waiters

A measure used to evaluate the health of a country’s economy

Gross domestic product or GDP

The total value of the goods and services produced in a country during a specific period of time usually a year

The gross domestic product

People grow and make all the things they need to live

Traditional economic system

People on their own business and set the cost of the goods

Market economic system

The government owns and controls businesses and sets cost of goods sold

Command economic system

A combination of traditional, market, and command economies. USA is an example

Mixed economic system

What are the three basic questions that economic systems have to answer

1. What to produce

2. How to produce

3. For whom to produce

What are for factors of production that influence economic growth within a country

Natural resources, human capital, capital goods, and entrepreneurship

All of the things found in or on the earth gifts of nature

Natural resources

All the skills, talents, education and abilities that human workers possess and the value that they bring to the market place

Human capital

What are two types of natural resources

Non-renewable and renewable

What are examples of natural resources

Land, water, sun, plants, time, air, Minerals, oil

What can affect human capital

A country’s literacy rate

All of the goods that are produced in the country and then used to make other goods and services

Capital goods

What are examples of capital goods

Tools, equipment, Technology, computers, lumber

People who provide the money to start and operate a business


Bring together natural, human, and capital resources to provide foods or services to be provided by their business


True or false

The higher a countries gross domestic product the better standard of living for the people within the country


Citizens have a very limited role in government one person has all the power


Supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation involving free elections


One person rolls for life usually as a result of inheriting the position as a member of a certain family power may or may not be limited


One person rolls the nation with no limits on his power and does whatever he wishes


Those who ruled you so because they are members of a particular religious faith


Citizens elect members of parliament and then the member select the leader the leader works with or through the legislature


Systems of government in which the leader is constitutionally independent of the legislature


Citizens directly elect leader who work separately from legislature


And parliamentary democracy is the legislature or parliament holds much of the power and Elects Who to be the chief executive

Prime Minister

In a parliamentary democracy who represents the country at ceremonial functions but typically holds very little real power

Head of state

In countries with presidential democracy power is divided between separate what

Executive and legislative branches

And a presidential democracy who is elected by the people and also acts as the head of state in some cases

The chief executive

The head of government this is a country’s top powerful official who manages the day-to-day activity of the government

Chief executive

Leader who officially represents the nation during ceremonial events but in reality holds very little political power

Head of state

In the past the United Kingdom was a powerful what


In the United Kingdom who is the chief executive of the national government that holds the most political power

Prime Minister

In the United Kingdom who is the head of the state who performs mostly ceremonial duties and hold a little political power


In the United Kingdom how our leaders chosen

The Prime Minister is elected by members in parliament from the majority party

Citizens elect members of parliament and then the members of parliament vote for the Prime Minister

How is the British monarch chosen

It is a position inherited through the family line

The United Kingdom’s bicameral legislature is called what


The two houses of legislature in the United Kingdom are called what

The house of lords in the house of commons

What role do the citizens of the United Kingdom have in selecting the leaders

Citizens do not directly elected leader only members of the house of commons

Citizens can choose representatives from many political parties

What kind of government does the UK have

Parliamentary democracy

In Germany who is the powerful chief executive and head of the military


In Germany who is the official head of the state and has very little power


In Germany how Is the chancellor chosen

The leader of the majority party in Germany is legislature indirectly elected by the German people

In Germany how is the president chosen

A special committee of representatives from the legislature appoint the president

Germany’s bicameral legislature is called what


What are the two houses in Germany called



Who Elects members of the houses in Germany

Citizens age 18 or older elect members to both houses

Who elects the chancellor in Germany

Members of the Bundestag house

What type of government does Germany have

Parliamentary democracy

Germany’s constitution establish rights and personal freedoms for German citizens including freedom of speech and religion equal rights for women and equal education for all

Basic law

In the past what kind of Government did Russia have


What kind of government does russia have now

Presidential democracy

In Russia who is the chief executive with the most political power

The president

In Russia the president can do what

Issued orders without approval of the legislature And appointment and government officials including the Prime Minister

In Russia who is the head of state and helps with the day-to-day running of the government

The Prime Minister

In Russia how is the president chosen

Directly elected to serve by the citizens for a six-year term term

How is the Prime Minister and Russia elected

The president then appoints a Prime Minister to be had a state

Russia’s legislature is called what

Federal assembly

Rash is federal assembly includes two houses called what

Federation council and the state duma

And Russia how our representatives elected to the state duma

Citizens vote

In Russia members of the federal counselor are elected how

They are appointed by Rush as many lower district governments

Russia has What kind of government

Presidential democracy

In Russia what role do the citizens have in government

Citizens age 18 and older are free to vote or run for office

They have a lot more influence over the government today then they did many decades ago