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126 Cards in this Set

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Canine - LU 1
In the 1st intercostal space, medial to the greater tubercle of the humerus, in the m. pectoralis superficialis.
ALARM (Mu) point for the Lung

Respiratory/lung problems
Canine - LU 5
On the transverse cubital crease, on the lateral side of the biceps brachialis tendon (with elbow flexed).

Clears Lung Heat, stimulates descent of Lung Qi, clears Phlegm (from Lungs), benefits the Bladder, relaxes sinews.

Pain in elbow, weakness in front leg, respiratory problems
Canine - LU 7
Proximal to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun above the transverse carpal crease.
MASTER POINT for the Head & Neck.
Opening point for the CV (Ren Mai).
COUPLE POINT for the Yin Qiao Mai.

Expels exterior Wind, stimulates Wei Qi & descent/dispersal of Lung Qi.

Head & neck problems, asthma, cough, urine retention, constipation, edema.

*more for exterior deficiency problems
Canine - LU 9
In the depression distopalmar to the most medial prominence of the radial styloid process, over the radiocarpal joint, medial to the radial artery & the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis.
Resolves Phlegm, tonifies Lung Qi & Yin, regulates Lung Qi, influences circulation of blood, blood vessels & the pulse.

Respiratory problems, chest pain, poor circulation.

*more for interior deficiency problems
Canine - LI 4
Between the 1st & 2nd metacarpal bones, approx in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal on the radial side.
MASTER POINT for the Face & Mouth.

Expels Wind Heat, calming & anti-spasmodic action, removes obstruction from the channel.

Face/Mouth problems, immune stimulation, fever, LI & LU problems, distal point for channel problems.
Canine - LI 10
2 cun distal to LI 11, between the extensor carpi radialis & common digital extensor.
Tonifies Qi.
Removes obstructions from the channel.

Distal point for channel problems, radial paralysis, abd problems.
Canine - LI 11
In a depression cranial to the elbow when flexed, in the transverse cubital crease, 1 cun cranial to humeral condylar crest.

Dispels wind & Heat, cools Blood, regulates Qi & Blood, resolves Dampness, benefits sinews & joints.

Fever, immune stimulation, urticaria, forelimb paralysis, abd pain, distal point for pharyngitis, tooth & neck pain.
Canine - LI 15
Cranial & distal to the acromion, on the cranial margin of the acromial head of the deltoideus.
Benefits sinews.
Promotes Qi circulation in the channel.
Stops pain along the channel.
Expels Wind.

Shoulder problems, atrophy/paralysis of the leg.
Canine - LI 20
In the nasolabial groove at the level of the most lateral aspect of the ala nasi.
ENDPOINT of the LI meridian (originates on contralateral forelimb).
Dispels wind Heat.
Opens nasal passages.

Rhinitis, sinusitis, fever, facial paralysis, epistaxis.
ST 1
On the conjunctival side of the point depicted midway on the lower eyelid, in the center, between the ventral border of the orbit & globe of the eye.
Local point.
Expels External & Internal Wind from the eye.

Eye problems, facial paralysis.
ST 2
On the infraorbital foramen, rostroventral to ST 1.
Expels External & Internal Wind from the eye.
Releases tendons & muscles.
Smoothes circulation of Qi & Blood.

Eye problems, facial paralysis.
ST 4
At the lateral corner of the mouth.
Expels Exterior Wind.
Benefits muscles & tendons of the face.
Removes obstructions from the channel.

Facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralagia, hypersalivation, lip fold dermatitis, eyelid spasms, stomatitis/gingivitis.
ST 6
In the depression in the belly of the masseter muscle, rostral to the angle of the mandible.
Dispels Wind affecting the face.
Removes obstructions from the channel.

Facial paralysis, toothache, masseter spasms.
ST 25
In the depression at approx the midpoint of a line drawn at a 90d angle to the ventral midline extending from the umbilicus to a line drawn between the nipples of the caudal thoracic & cranial abd mammary glands. 2 cun from midline.
ALARM (Mu) POINT for the Large Intestine.

Benefits LI function of transportation.
Good for all Excess patterns of the Stomach.

GI problems.
ST 35
In the depression below the patella and lateral to the patellar ligament.
"Lateral eye of the knee" or Dubi.
Expels Damp & Cold.

XIYAN (knee eyes)

Stifle pain (especially deep in the joint or in front of the stifle).
ST 36
3 cun distal to ST 35, distal to the tibial tuberosity & lateral to the cranial border of the tibia, in a depression approx in the middle of the cranial tibialis mm.
MASTER POINT for the Abd & GI tract.

Benefits ST function of descending.
Benefits the SP function of transformation & transportation.
Tonifies Qi.

All GI problems, stifle problems, tibial/fibular nn paralysis, immune stimulation, fever, anorexia, lethargy.
ST 40
8 cun proximal to the lateral malleolus, cranial to the fibula, 2 cun lateral from the tibial midline (1 cun lateral to ST 38), between the tibialis cranialis & long digital extensor.

Resolves all forms of Phlegm & Damp.
Clears Heat (esp ST Heat).
Opens the chest.

Respiratory problems with moisture, asthma, lumps anywhere, mental problems, anxiety, epilepsy, paralysis or the hindlimbs, Phlegm anywhere.
ST 41
On the dorsum of the rear foot at the level of the hock, between the tendons of the long digital extensor & cranial tibialis, approx at level of the tip of the malleolus.

Removes obstruction from the channel.
Eliminates Wind.
Clears Heat (esp ST Heat).
Clears the mind.

Hock pain, epigastric pain, headache & sore throat due to ST Heat, seizures.
ST 44
On the dorsum proximal to the web margin between the 2nd & 3rd toes, in the depression distal & lateral to the 2nd MTP joint.

Clears Heat from the channel & stomach.
Stops pain along the channel (esp. mandibular pain).
Eliminates Wind from the face.

Toothache, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis (with LI 4), ST problems due to Heat, mastitis.
ST 45
On the lateral side of the 2nd digit at the base of the nail.
ENDPOINT of the meridian.

Dispels Heat.

Distal point for stifle problems, mouth problems, any problems along the meridian, GI problems, fever.
SP 4
In the depression distal to the base (prox end) of the 1st metatarsal bone. If there is no 1st MT, then it is in the depression distal to the base of the 2nd MT on the most medial aspect.
OPENING POINT for the Chong Mai.
COUPLE POINT for the Yin Wei Mai.

Tonifies ST & SP.
Pacies ST.
Removes obstructions in the channel.

GI problems, uterine problems, hock pain.
SP 6
3 cun directly above the tip of the medial malleolus, on the caudal border of the tibia, on the line drawn from the medial malleolus to SP 9.
MASTER POINT for the caudal abd & GU areas.
Where all 3 Yin meridians cross.

Benefits the SP function of transformation & transportation.
Transforms Dampness & Damp Heat.

All GU, caudal abd & immune problems.
SP 9
On the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia, in the depression between the caudal border of the tibia & the gastrocnemius mm.

Benefits SP function of transformation & transportation.
Dispels & transforms Dampness.
Eliminates Heat, esp in Lower Burner.

Caudal abd/GU problems, immune stimulation, edema, stifle problems (esp with swelling), benefits urination.
SP 10
When stifle is flexed, the point 2 cun, above the craniomedial border of the patella, on the bulge of the cranial portion of the sartorius.

Removes Blood stasis (esp uterus).
Cools Blood (good for Blood Heat conditions).

Stifle problems, estrous problems, allergies, urticaria.
HT 3
On the medial side of the elbow, between the end of the transverse cubital creas & the medial epicondyle of the humerus when the elbow is flexed.

Removes obstructions fromt he channel.
Calms the mind.
Clears Heat.

Epilepsy, depression, chest pain, axillary area, elbow area, numbness.
HT 7
On the transverse crease of the carpal joint, in the depression lateral to the flexor carpi ulnaris & superficial digital flexor tendons.

Calms the Shen.
Pacifies the Heart.
Clears the channels.

Calms the mind, anxiousness, cardiac problems.
HT 8
In the depression on the palmar surface of the foot, between the 4th & 5th metacarpals, prox to the MCP joint. Position re: metacarpal pad varies depending on breed & leg position; may be underneath pad or prox to it.

Clears Heart Fire & Heart Phlegm Fire.
Calms the mind.

Mental problems, cardiac problems.
HT 9
On the medial aspect of the nail bed of the 5th digit of the front foot.
END POINT of the meridian

Subdues Wind.
Opens Heart orifices.
Dispels Heat.

Good for restoring consciousness, cardiac/chest pain, distal point on the meridian, fever.
SI 3
Proximal to the MCP joint ont he lateral side of the 5th MC.
OPENING POINT for the GV (Du Mai).
COUPLE POINT for the Yang Qiao Mai.

Expels Interior Wind from Du Mai & Exterior Wind from SI channels.
Clears the mind.
Benefits the sinews.

Epilepsy, headache, neck & upper back pain, forelimb problem along the meridian.
Combine with BL 62 to treat entire neck & back.
SI 8
On the medial side of the elbow, between the medial humeral epicondyle & the olecranon.

Resolves Damp Heat.
Removes obstructions fromt he channel.
Calms the mind.

Acute swellings of the glands in the neck & throat, neuralgia or paralysis of the ulnar nn, problems in the elbow/shoulder/neck, epilepsy.
SI 9
In the large depression caudal to the proximal humerus, along the caudal border of the deltoid & between the long & lateral heads of the triceps brachii.
Activates the meridian.
Alleviates pain.
Benefits the shoulder & forelimb.

Shoulder problems, pain & stiffness of the entire forelimb, radial nn paralysis.
SI 19
Rostral to the tragus, directly ventral to TH 21, at the caudal border of the mandible, slightly dorsal to the condyloid process, with mouth open.
END POINT of the meridian.
MEETING PLACE of the SI, GB & TH meridians.

Ear problems, TMJ problems.
SI 3
Proximal to the MCP joint on the lateral side of the 5th MC.
OPENING POINT for the GV (Du Mai).
COUPLE POINT for the Yang Qiao Mai.

Expels Interior Wind from Du Mai & Exterior Wind from SI channels.
Clears the mind.
Benefits the sinews.

Epilepsy, headache, neck & upper back pain, forelimb problem along the meridian.
Combine with BL 62 to treat entire neck & back.
SI 8
On the medial side of the elbow, between the medial humeral epicondyle & the olecranon.

Resolves Damp Heat.
Removes obstructions fromt he channel.
Calms the mind.

Acute swellings of the glands in the neck & throat, neuralgia or paralysis of the ulnar nn, problems in the elbow/shoulder/neck, epilepsy.
SI 9
In the large depression caudal to the proximal humerus, along the caudal border of the deltoid & between the long & lateral heads of the triceps brachii.
Activates the meridian.
Alleviates pain.
Benefits the shoulder & forelimb.

Shoulder problems, pain & stiffness of the entire forelimb, radial nn paralysis.
SI 19
Rostral to the tragus, directly ventral to TH 21, at the caudal border of the mandible, slightly dorsal to the condyloid process, with mouth open.
END POINT of the meridian.
MEETING PLACE of the SI, GB & TH meridians.

Ear problems, TMJ problems.
BL 1
0.1 cun dorsal to the medial canthus.
Disperses Wind.
Cools Heat.
Clears vision.

Eye problems, calming.
BL 2
At the medial extremity of the eyebrow, int eh supraorbital notch.
Expels Wind.
Brightens the eyes.
Soothes the Liver.
Stops pain.
Removes obstructions from the channel.

Eye problems, glaucoma.
BL 10
In the depression of the cleidocervicalis, medial to the wing of the atlas & overlying the transverse foramen, in the area of the atlantoaxial jxn, lateral to the cervcoauricularis superficialis, approx 1 cun lateral to the dorsal midline.
Dispels Wind.
Benefits vision.
Sensitivity here might indicate problems in the contralateral hindlimb.

Cervical, shoulder & back problems, vision & brain problems.
BL 11
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra, midway fromt he spinous process to the medial border of the scapula.

Increases Qi.
Eliminates pathogenic Wind.
Nourishes Blood.
Soothes sinews.
Eases pain.

All bone problems, neck problems, shoulder/forelimb problems, lung problems.
BL 12
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra, midway to the medial border of the scapula.
Eliminates Wind.
Promotes Lung fxn of dispersing Qi.
Good for problems related to either Wind or trachea.

Cervical & back problems, respiratory problems.
BL 13
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra, midway to the medial border of the scapula.

Dispels & promotes Lung function of dispersing Qi.

Lung & medial forelimb problems.
BL 14
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra, midway to the medial border of the scapula.
ASSOCIATION (SHU) POINT for the Pericardium.

Anxiousness, respiratory problems, caudal forelimb problems.
BL 15
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra, midway to the medial border of the scapula.
Benefits Heart.
Calms the mind.
Regulates the circulation of Qi & Blood.

Cardiac problems, anxiousness.
BL 17
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra, in the depression caudal to the medial border of the scapula.
ASSOCIATION (SHU) POINT for the Diaphragm.

Regulates Qi circulation.
Tonifies Blood.
Pacifies the Stomach.

Anemia, low WBC, clotting problems, wasting diseases, fatigue, nonresponsive skin problems, immunostimulation, lung/heart/stomach problems.
BL 18
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra.

Benefits the liver fxn of patency of the flow of Qi.
Dispels & transforms Damp Heat from the Liver & Gallbladder.
Clears the mind.
Brightens the eye.

Muscle & tendon problems, stomach & eye problems.
BL 19
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra.
ASSOCIATION (SHU) POINT for the Gallbladder.

Benefits the Liver fxn of patency fo the flow of Qi.
Dispels & transforms Damp Heat from the Liver & Gallbladder.
Calms the Stomach.

Problems along the meridian (e.g., hip area & sciatica), muscle & tendon problems, brain problems, GI problems.
BL 20
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra.

Benefits the Spleen function of transformation & transportation.
Benefits the Spleen function of raising Qi.
Dispels & transforms Dampness.

Problems along the meridian (e.g., medial stifle), bleeding problems, GI problems, edema, obstetrical problems.
BL 21
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 13th thoracic vertebra.
ASSOCIATION (SHU) POINT for the Stomach.
Benefits the Stomach function of descending.
Dispels & transforms Dampness.

Problems along the meridian (e.g., lateral stifle), GI problems.
BL 22
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra.
ASSOCIATION (SHU) POINT for the Triple Heater.
Regulates the transforming function of Qi.
Eliminates Dampness.

*The Triple Heater is closely associated with the hormonal/endocrine system of the body (thyroid, adrenal, gonad).

Hormonal/endocrine problems, GI problems, pain in the caudal back.
BL 23
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.
Tonifies Kidney.
Strengthens the brain, bone & marrow.
Benefits the mind.
Brightens the eye.
Strengthens the caudal back & stifle.
Benefits the Kidney function of dominating water metabolism.
Dispels & transforms Dampness.
Benefits the ear.

GU problems, LS problems, asthma, back problems, ear problems.
BL 25
1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebra.
ASSOCIATION (SHU) POINT for the Large Intestine.

Benefits the Large Intestine function of transportation.

Problems along the meridian in the contralateral forelimb, neck, face & mouth; problems in the caudal back, GI (esp LI), and hip area.
BL 28
Lateral to the 2nd sacral foramen, in the depression between the medial border of the dorsal iliac spine & the sacrum.
ASSOCIATION (SHU) POINT for the Bladder.

Strengthens Kidney Yang.
Regulates water passage & promotes functions of the urinary & repro systems.

Problems in the neck & back, GU problems, abd pain.
BL 35
In the crease just lateral to the tail base, 0.5 cun lateral to the GV channel. (Point location assisted by lifting the tail.)
Anal area & distal colon.

Anal sacculitis, diarrhea, rectal prolapse.
BL 36
In the muscular groove between the biceps femoris & the semitendinosus, just distal to the tuber ischii.
Indicator of problems in the hip area when sensitive.

Hindlimb problems, sciatica, caudal back problems, rectal prolapse, anal sacculitis, prostate problems.
BL 39
On the lateral end of the popliteal crease, on the medial border of the tendon of the biceps femoris. Just lateral to BL 40.
LOWER HE-SEA POINT for the Triple Heater (esp the Lower Burner).

Diagnostic point for the hock.

Opens water passages in the Lower Burner.
Benefits the Bladder.
Good for any Excess patterns assoc with fluids & Dampness in the Lower Burner.

Hock problems, hindlimb problems, urinary problems.
BL 40
In the center of the popliteral crease.
MASTER POINT for the caudal back & hip region.

Clears Heat.
Resolves Dampness.
Cools the Blood.
Removes obstructions from the channel.
Eliminates Blood stasis.

Problems with the caudal back, hip & stifle, paralysis of hindlimbs, GI problems, genital problems, skin problems, fever, heat exhaustion.
BL 52
3 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra, at the lateral border of the longissimus, lateral to BL 23.
Similar to BL 23.
BL 23 + BL 52 reinforces the effects of BL 23.
Lifts the spirit & willpower.
BL 54
Dorsal to the greater trochanter.
Local point.

Hindlimb problems, esp the hip & pelvis, sciatica, local myositis.
BL 60
In the depression cranial to the tuber calanei, at approx the midpoint of a line drawn fromt he tip of the lateral malleolus to the point of insertion of the common calcaneal tendon. This point is lateral & slightly prox to KID 3.

Expels Wind.
Clears Heat.
Removes obstructions from the channel.
Relaxes tendons.
Strengthens the caudal back & hock.
Alleviates swelling & pain throughout the body (ASPIRIN POINT).

Hock, back, neck & head problems, weakness/paralysis of the hindlimbs, GU problems, headaches, epilepsy.
BL 62
In the depression at the level of the joint space between the talus & calcaneus, distoplantar to the lateral malleolus in the standing position & directly distal to the lateral malleolus when the hock is flexed at 90 degrees.
OPENING POINT for the Yang Qiao Mai.
COUPLED POINT for the GV (Du Mai) meridian.

Relaxes sinews.
Eliminates Interior Wind.
Benefits the eyes.
Clears the mind.

Eye problems, epilepsy, insomnia, problems with the hock & lateral mm of the hindlimb, neck & back pain.
BL 67
On the lateral aspect of the nail bed of the 5th digit of the rear foot.
END POINT of the Bladder meridian.

Bladder control, difficult labour, malpositioned fetus, retained placenta, eye problems, general pruritus, problems along the meridian (e.g., back & hock problems), fever.
In the depression on the plantar surface of the foot, between the 2nd & 3rd metatarsal bones, prox to the MTP joint. May be prox to or underneath the pad.

Tonifies Yin.
Dispels Heat.
Subdues Wind.
Calms the mind & restores consciousness.

Shock, fever, anxiousness, distal point on the meridian (e.g., hock problems), paralysis of hindlimbs, epilepsy.
In the depression cranial tot he tuber calcaneus, at approx the midpoint of a line from the tip of the medial malleolus to the point of insertion of the common calcaneal tendon. Medial & slightly distal to BL 60.

Tonifies the Kidneys.
Benefits the Kidney function of dominating Water metabolism.
Strengthens caudal back.
Cools Heat.

Hock problems, paralysis of hindlimbs, caudal back pain, GU problems (esp kidneys).
In the depression at the level of the joint space between the talus & calcaneus, distoplantar to the medial malleolus in the standing position & directly distal to the medial malleolus when hock flexed at 90 degrees.
OPENING POINT for the Yin Qiao Mai.
COUPLE POINT for the Ren Mai.

Nourishes Yin.
Cools Blood.
Benefits the eyes & throat.
Calms the mind.
Promotes uterine function.
Opens the chest.

Dry throat/eyes (esp older patients), insomnia, epilepsy, skin diseases associated with Heat in the Blood, uterine problems & prolapse, chest pain (with PC 6).
2 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, cranial to the common calcaneal tendon.

Tonifies Kidneys.
Resolves Damp (esp Lower Burner).
Strengthens caudal back.

Edema in the lower hindlimbs, caudal back problems, GU problems, diarrhea.
PC 3
In the cubital crease, on the medial side of the biceps tendon.

Clears Heat.
Cools and moves Blood.
Calms the stomach.
Calms the mind.
Opens Heart orifices.

GI problems, cardiac problems, heat stroke, febrile seizures, nervousness, pain in the elbow/forelimb.
PC 6
2 cun above the transverse crease of the carpus, between the tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis & flexor carpi radialis.
MASTER POINT for the Chest & Cranial Abd.
OPENING POINT for the Yin Wei Mai.
COUPLE POINT for Chong Mai.

Calms Heart & Shen.
Regulates Qi.
Suppresses pain.

Cardiac or chest problems, calming the mind (Shen), nausea (best point), cranial abd problems.
PC 8
In the depression on the palmar surface of the foot, between the 2nd & 3rd MC's, prox to the MCP, on the medial side of the 3rd MC bone. May be prox to or underneath the pad.

Clears Heart Fire.
Calms the mind.

Cardiac problems, epilepsy, mental disturbances, gastritis, stomatitis, ulcers in the oral cavity, pain in the elbow/forelimb, pododermatitis.
TH 3
On the dorsum of the forefoot, between the 4th & 5th MC's, in the depression prox to the MCP joint.

Clears exterior Wind Heat & interior Heat.
Removes obstructions from the channel.
Regulates Qi (esp Liver Qi).
Benefits the ear & mind.

Ear problems, headaches, pain along neck/forelimb, inability to move digits, fever, depression & mood swings (esp with GV 20).
TH 5
2 cun above the carpus, on the cranial aspect of the interosseous space between the radius & ulna.
OPENING POINT fo the Yang Wei Mai.
COUPLE POINT for the GV (Du Mai).

Expels Wind Heat.
Removes obstructions from the channel.
Subdues Yang (esp Liver Yang).
Benefits the ear.

Headaches/pain in the temporal area of the head, TMJ problems, neck/forelimb pain, ear problems, fever.
TH 10
Just proximal to the olecranon, on the midline.

Removes stagnation (esp Liver Qi).
Resolves Dampness & Phlegm.
Relaxes tendons.
Clears Heat.
Regulates the Nutritive & Defensive Qi.

Headache/pain in the temporal area of the head, neck/forelimb pain (esp elbow), any swollen/enlarged LN's or blands (esp throat/neck), fever, depression, mood swings.
TH 14
Caudal & distal to the acromion, on the caudal margin of the acromial head of the deltoid.
Clears Heat.
Expels Wind & Dampness.

Shoulder problems, suprascapular & radial nn paralysis.
TH 17
Ventral to the ear, in the depression between the mandible & mastoid process.
Expels Wind.
Benefits the ear.

Ear problems, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ pain, upper neck pain.
TH 21
Rostral to the suprtragic notch, directly dorsal to SI 19, at the caudal border of the mandible, dorsal to the condyloid process with the mouth open.
Opens the ear.
Disperses Heat.

Ear problems (esp assoc with Rising Liver Yang), TMJ pain.
TH 23
In the depression of the lateral aspect of the eyebrow.
END POINT for the meridian.

Eye problems, facial paralysis.
GB 1
Lateral to the lateral canthus, in the depression of the lateral side of the orbit.
Eye problems, facial paralysis.
GB 2
Rostral to the intertragic notch, directly below SI 19, at the caudal border of the condyloid process of the mandible, with mouth open.
Expels Exterior Wind.
Benefits the ears.
Removes obstructions from the channel.

Ear problems, TMJ problems.
GB 20
In the dorsocranial aspect of the neck, below the occipital bone, in the depression medial to the jugular process of the occipital bone in the depression between the sternomastoideus and the sterno-occipitalis.
Dispels interior & external Wind.
Dispels Wind Heat & Wind Cold.

Neck problems, brain problems, fever, eye & ear problems, pharyngitis, rhinitis.
GB 21
In the deep depression just cranial to the supraspinatus mm & between the omotransversarius & trapezius pars cervicalis mm, approx level with the midpoint of a line drawn from the scapulohumeral joint to the dorsal midline, just cranial to T1.
Neck & shoulder problems.
GB 24
In a depression in the 7th intercostal space, caudal to the costochondral junction of the 7th rib.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Gallbladder.

Benefits the Liver function of patency of Qi.
Dispels Damp Heat from the Liver & Gallbladder.

Muscle soreness, liver problems, gallbladder problems, abd problems.
GB 25
On the lateral side of the abdomen, on the lower border of the 13th rib.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Kidney.

Lumbar pain, kidney & GU problems, GI problems.
GB 29
1/3 the distance between the greater trochanter & the cranial dorsal iliac spine.
Removes obstructions from the channel.

Hip problems, pain in caudal back & hindlimbs, paralysis of hindlimbs.
GB 30
Midway between the greater trochanter & the tuber ischii.
Benefits the caudal back & hindlimbs.

Hip region problems, biceps femoris problems, femoral/tibial/fibular nn paralysis, sciatic nn pain/paralysis.
GB 31
In the depression in the vastus lateralis mm just cranial to the border of the biceps femoris, 7 cun dorsal to the transverse popliteal crease.
Dispels Wind.
Relaxes the sinews.
Relieves itching.

General pruritus, hindlimb paralysis, pain in caudal back & hindlimbs.
GB 33
When stifle is flexed, point is 3 cun above GB 34, lateral to the stifle joint, in depression between biceps femoris tendon & femur. In hollow prox to lateral epicondyle of femur at stifle, between bone & tendon.
Stifle problems (esp on lateral aspect or involving ligaments & tendons in that area).
GB 1
Lateral to the lateral canthus, in the depression of the lateral side of the orbit.
Eye problems, facial paralysis.
GB 2
Rostral to the intertragic notch, directly below SI 19, at the caudal border of the condyloid process of the mandible, with mouth open.
Expels Exterior Wind.
Benefits the ears.
Removes obstructions from the channel.

Ear problems, TMJ problems.
GB 20
In the dorsocranial aspect of the neck, below the occipital bone, in the depression medial to the jugular process of the occipital bone in the depression between the sternomastoideus and the sterno-occipitalis.
Dispels interior & external Wind.
Dispels Wind Heat & Wind Cold.

Neck problems, brain problems, fever, eye & ear problems, pharyngitis, rhinitis.
GB 21
In the deep depression just cranial to the supraspinatus mm & between the omotransversarius & trapezius pars cervicalis mm, approx level with the midpoint of a line drawn from the scapulohumeral joint to the dorsal midline, just cranial to T1.
Neck & shoulder problems.
GB 24
In a depression in the 7th intercostal space, caudal to the costochondral junction of the 7th rib.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Gallbladder.

Benefits the Liver function of patency of Qi.
Dispels Damp Heat from the Liver & Gallbladder.

Muscle soreness, liver problems, gallbladder problems, abd problems.
GB 25
On the lateral side of the abdomen, on the lower border of the 13th rib.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Kidney.

Lumbar pain, kidney & GU problems, GI problems.
GB 29
1/3 the distance between the greater trochanter & the cranial dorsal iliac spine.
Removes obstructions from the channel.

Hip problems, pain in caudal back & hindlimbs, paralysis of hindlimbs.
GB 30
Midway between the greater trochanter & the tuber ischii.
Benefits the caudal back & hindlimbs.

Hip region problems, biceps femoris problems, femoral/tibial/fibular nn paralysis, sciatic nn pain/paralysis.
GB 31
In the depression in the vastus lateralis mm just cranial to the border of the biceps femoris, 7 cun dorsal to the transverse popliteal crease.
Dispels Wind.
Relaxes the sinews.
Relieves itching.

General pruritus, hindlimb paralysis, pain in caudal back & hindlimbs.
GB 33
When stifle is flexed, point is 3 cun above GB 34, lateral to the stifle joint, in depression between biceps femoris tendon & femur. In hollow prox to lateral epicondyle of femur at stifle, between bone & tendon.
Stifle problems (esp on lateral aspect or involving ligaments & tendons in that area).
GB 34
In the depression caudal & distal to the head of the fibula.

Benefits the Liver function of patency of the flow of Qi.
Dispels Dampness from the Liver & Gallbladder.
Strengthens the caudal back & hindlimbs.

Tendonitis, hindlimb pain & weakness, stifle problems, paralysis of tibial/fibular nn, GI problems.
GB 39
3 cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus, in the depression between the caudal border of the fibula & the tendons of the peroneus longis & brevis mm.

Benefits the Essence.

Brain & SC problems, hindlimb paralysis, pain/stiffness in neck & rear legs (esp stifle & back), any Kidney Yin Deficiency problem.
GB 41
In the depression distal to teh junction of the 4th & 5th MT bones, on the lateral side of the tendon of the extensor digitorum longus.
OPENING POINT for the Dai Mai.
COUPL POINT for the Yang Wei Mai.

Clears Damp Heat (esp from the genital area).
Promotes the smooth flow of Liver Qi.

Vaginitis, cystitis, urethritis, pain/stiffness in head/neck, hindlimb pain/stiffness (esp hip & stifle), MTP pain (esp dorsal aspect).
On the medial aspect of the 2nd toe, distal to the MTP joint, midway between the dorsal & medial aspect of the bone.

Clears Liver Fire.
Subdues Liver Yang.
Cools Blood.
Subdues Interior Wind.

Epilepsy, insomnia, headaches, constipation, inflamed eye, cough with pain below the ribs.
On medial aspect of the 2nd toe, prox to the MTP joint, midway between the dorsal & medial aspect of the bone.

Subdues Liver Yang & sedates Liver in excess patterns.
Promotes flow of Liver Qi.
Dispels Interior Wind.
Calms mind & spasms.

FOUR GATES = Liv 3 + LI 4 bilaterally -- more profound effect on expelling Wind from face & calming mind.

Any Liver problem, mm spasms, headaches, epilepsy, eye problems, soreness in all joints of extremities (with LI 4) esp in medial tibiotarsal joint, genital problems.
On medial aspect of the stifle joint, caudal to the medial epicondyle of the femur. Prox to the medial end of the transverse popliteal crease (when stifle flexed) on the cranial border of the semimembranosus & semitendinosus mm.

Resolves Damp Heat & Damp Cold in the Lower Burner.
Relaxes the sinews.
Nourishes Blood.

GU problems, pain in medial stifle & thigh.
LIV 13
On the lateral side of the abdomen, below the free end of the 12th rib.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Spleen.

Benefits the Liver function of patency of flow of Qi.
Benefits the Spleen function of transportation.
Dispels & transforms Dampness.
Disperses food accumulation.
Balances Yin meridians when combined with LIV 14.

Muscle problems, abd/lumbar pain, chest pain, hepatitis, good for all Yin problems.
LIV 14
In a depression in the 6th intercostal space, caudal to the costochondral junction of the 6th rib.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Liver.
END POINT for the meridian.

Benefits the Liver function of patency of the flow of Qi.
Dispels food accumulation.
Removes congealed Blood.

Muscle problems, abd distention, hepatitis.
GV 1
In the depression between the anus & base of the tail.
Where the GV joins the CV.
Links GB & KID meridians.
Regulates intestines.

Perineal swelling & prolapsed rectum (with CV 1), initiates defecation in newborns, GI/GU problems, dysfunction of hindlimbs, any GV or spinal cord problem.
GV 3
Variable location. Is the largest deficiency point located between L4-5, L5-6 or L6-7.
Tonifies Kidney Yang.
Strengthens caudal back & hindlimbs.

Caudal back pain (esp if radiates to hindlimbs), weakness/atrophy of hindlimbs.
GV 4
On midline between L2-3.
Benefits the Kidney function of dominating Water metabolism.
Benefits Yang (esp Kidney Yang).
Benefits the lumbar area & stifles.
Strengthens original Qi.
Eliminates Interior Cold due to Yang deficiency.

Kidney problems, caudal back/stifle problems, GU & GI problems assoc with Interior Cold derived from Yang deficiency.
GV 14
On midline between C7 & T1.
MEETING POINT for all Yang meridians.

Dispels Wind Heat.
Clears the brain & calms the spirit.

Neck & back problems, any forelimb problems, fever, heat stroke, respiratory problems, brain problems.
GV 20
On the midline on a line between the anterior edge of the base of the ears in the notch between the sagittal crest & the frontal crest.
MEETING POINT for all Yang meridians.
Has a strong influence on Yang.
Benefits the Spleen function of raising Qi.
Benefits Yang.

Rectal & uterine prolapse, anxiousness, other brain problems, eye & ear problems, immunostimulation.
GV 26
In the intersection of the "T" formed below the nose, in the philtrum.
END POINT of the GV.

Stimulation results in increased brain activity, increased cardiac & respiratory rates, a significant endorphin release.
Clears the senses.
Cools Heat.

Shock, anesthetic apnea, coma, facial paralysis, calming, respiratory & circulatory stimulation in the newborn.
CV 1
In the depression on the caudal midline, approx halfway between the ventral border of the anal sphincter & the dorsal border of the vulva or the dorsal root of the scrotum.
Beginning of CV meridian.

Nourishes Yin.
Resolves Damp Heat.
Benefits Kidney Essence.

GU problems, mental problems, empirical point to promote resuscitation.
CV 3
4 cun caudal to the umbilicus on the midline.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Bladder.
MEETING POINT for 3 Yin meridians (SP, KID, LIV).

Regulates the uterus.
Alleviates Damp Heat.

GU problems.
CV 4
3 cun caudal to the umbilicus on the midline.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Small Intestine.

Benefits the Kidney function of dominating Water metabolism.
Restores Yang.

GI problems (esp caudal abd), GU problems, strong tonification point.
CV 5
2 cun caudal to the umbilicus on the midline.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Triple Heater.

Opens water passages.
Promotes the transformation & excretion of fluids from the Lower Burner.
Strengthens original Qi.

GU problems, GI problems, ascites.
CV 6
1.5 cun caudal to the umblicus on the midline.
SEA OF QI - regulates & tonifies Qi.
Tonifies Yang.
Resolves Dampness.

GI problems, GU problems, extreme physical & mental exhaustion, depression.
CV 8
In the center of the umbilicus.
Tonifies, warms & stabilizes Yang (esp when Yang has collapsed).
Strengthens Spleen Yang.

Wind stroke of the flaccid type, extreme weakness, GI problems (esp chronic diarrhea), prolapsed rectum.
CV 12
Halfway between the umbilicus & the xiphoid process.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Stomach.
INFLUENTIAL POINT for all Yang organs.

Benefits Stomach function of descending.
Benefits the Spleen function of transportation & transformation.
Dispels & transforms Dampness.
Disperses food accumulation.

GI problems.
CV 14
Halfway between CV 12 and the xiphoid process.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Heart.

Benefits the Stomach function of descending.
Calms the spirit.

Cardiac problems, anxiousness, GI problems.
CV 17
On the ventral midline, at the level of the 4th intercostal space.
ALARM (MU) POINT for the Pericardium.
INFLUENTIAL POINT for Qi (some say respiratory system also).

Connects the PC to the LU, KID, & SI meridians.

Respiratory & chest problems, epistaxis, anhidrosis.
CV 22
At the cranial tip of the manubrium.
Facilitates & regulates the movement of Lung Qi.
Cools the throat & clears the voice.

Upper/lower respiratory problems, esophageal spasms, nervous vomiting.
(Coxa Angle)
In the depression ventral to the cranial dorsal iliac spine on the lateral aspect of the wing of the ilium.
Coxofemoral arthritis & pain, hip dysplasia; hindlimb lameness, weakness, paralysis, atrophy.
The tip of the tail.

(Wei-Duan in cats)
Clears Heat.
Moves Qi & Blood stagnation along spine.

Heatstroke, shock, abd pain/paralysis.

**DO NOT use in degenerative myelopathy patients (too strong).**
same as Wei-Jian, for cats.
Tip of tail.
Clears Heat.
Moves Qi & Blood stagnation along spine.

Heatstroke, shock, abd pain/paralysis.

**DO NOT use in degenerative myelopathy patients (too strong).**
In the depression below the patella & medial to the patellar ligament. Unrelated to any meridian.

With ST 25 = "eyes of the knee".
Expel Wind Damp.

Stifle pain (esp when the pain is in the front of the stifle or deep inside the joint).
On the dorsal midline of the head, between the eyebrows.
Dispels Wind.
Calms the mind.

Convulsions, anxiety, rhinitis, sinusitis & assoc headaches.
(Elbow association point.)
TCVM #57 (YU-CHUAN) or #62 (XIE/CHI).

In the depression in the space between the lateral epicondyle of the humerus & the tendon of the triceps brachii, just dorsal to the anconeal process, at approx the level fo the tip of the olecranon process.
Elbow dysplasia, OA of the elbow, neuralgia, forelimb lameness, radial nn paralysis.