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11 Cards in this Set

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1. Verify the doctors order Introduce yourself /check the patient. check the MAR
2. Wash Hands
3. Check the bottle Type
Introduce yourself. Read the Order.
Wash your hands
look for expiration date
4. Select appropriate tubing
5. Open the Bag, insert using Sterile technique
6. Hang the Bag
4. look for defects
5. dont let it touch anything.
7. Fill Drip chamber and flush w/o contaminiating
8. Calculate and set Drip rate
) (Dr. Order x Drip rate on the bag)/60 = DPM
Divide and Time for 15 sec. Then set the rate.
9. Label the tubing as to when it should be changed
Change the tubint 72-96 hours
10. Lable the IV Bottle
USE Time/Date/Flow rate Initials
Wash your hands
Always always always wash your hands.
Starting an IV LINE Solution
Starting IV line
1. Review the ORDER
2. WASH your hands
1. Review the ORDER check to be sure that they can have it. etc.
3. Equipment Check
4. Identify the Patient arm band name/ date of birth intoductions
Cotton Ball, Alcohol pads, Chlorhexidine, iodine swab tourniquet, tape, IV needle, dressing materiel Tegederm
5. Apply torniquet to locate the vein
6. REAlease the tourniquet
7. Cleanse the site
7. Put on gloves
8. Tear the tape
book says 6-8 inches not practical
use the correct motion to cleanse the site
8. Reapply the tourniquet
9. Insert needle. Get the flash. advance catheter using sterile technique SECURE with a strip of tape before you...
Sterile technique. Dont touch the catheter.