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24 Cards in this Set

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What are the reasons for a smart-site extension set being used?

For ease of accessb, To prevent dislodgement of the cannualc, To improve infection control by reducing contamination

When must a Burette be changed?

24 hours

How often does a continuous infusion line need changing?

96 hours

What length of time can a cannula or venflon be insitu if put in via ambulance?

48 hours

What length of time can a cannula or venflon be insitu if put in the hospital?

96 hours

Why is an extension set used?

To prevent dislodgement of the cannula. To decrease chance of infection. To have more than one access

What are the benefits to using a burette?

More accurate than a bag. More cost effective. Has to be used for children

What causes speed shock?

Administering intravenous medications to fast

What are the clinical signs of speed shock?

flushed face, headache, a tight feeling in the chest, irregular pulse, loss of consciousness,and cardiac arrest.

Under what circumstance can a nurse refuse to administer the medication?

If they are not certified to give the medication. If the medications is not listed on the approved giveing list in the clinical area for students. Student nurse should refuse to administer if they are not actively supervised by an RN

Why must a blood transfusion be commenced within 30 minutes of leaving the blood bank?

Increased risk of bacterial infection if unrefridgerated.

What solutions are compatible with blood products?

0.9% Sodium Chloride

What are the medical observations (vital signs) for a patient recieving blood products?

As the patient is receiving blood products you should do baseline observations prior to transfusion. You must then stay with the patient for the first 15 minutes and observe for any side effects. Repeat vital signs at 15 mins and again at the end of the transfusion. Ensure that the patient is visualised every 30 minutes.

When administering blood products, when is a line change required?

After every 4th bag or 12 hourly (whichever comes first)

What is the FIRST action you would take if your patient had a severe reaction to recieving blood products?

Stop the blood but keep vein open with normal saline

What is the dose and strength of adrenaline given for an anaphylaxis when the patient still has a heartbeat and what is the best place to put it?

0.3-0.5mg 1:1000 Adrenaline (0.3-0.5mL) administered intramuscularly in the upper outer thigh.

How long can a bag of IV fluids be infused?

24 hours

What are the exceptions to changing the cannula by 96 hours?

In pateints with poor veins, when it is likely to be removed within 24 hours, the elderly and children if no clinical sign of infection

Why are medications given intravenously?

Provides an immediate effect, precise administration, some meds can not be administered by other routes, for convenience and comfort of pt

What are the seven rights of administration?

Right pateint, time, drug, dose, route, reason, documentation (allergies)

List four things you need to know before administering drugs?

indications, contraindications, usual dose, side effects, mechanism of action

If reserving part of a dose, how is the syringe labeled?

Name of med, date, time of 1st use, amount of dilutent and signature

List the requirements for a legal prescription

date, medication, frequency and duration of course, route, legible, correct chart, indication for use, allergy status, pt label

What must never be added to IV solutions?

Fat emulsions, blood products, sodium bicarb, 50%dextrose, mannitol, amino acid complexes