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100 Cards in this Set

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What covers the internal surface of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
transversalis fascia
extraperitoneal fat
parietal peritoneaum
What are the peritoneal folds contained in the infra-umbilical portion?
(1) median umbilical fold
(2) medial umbilical folds
(2) lateral umbilical folds
Does the median umbilical fold contain blood?
What covers the median umbilical ligament?
median umbilical fold
What is a remnant of the urachus?
median umbilical fold
What connects the fetal bladder to the umbilicus?
What covers the medial umbilical ligaments?
medial umbilical folds
What are remnants of the umbilical arteries?
medial umbilical folds
What is the only peritoneal fold that has blood flow?
lateral umbilical folds
What covers the inferior epigastric vessels?
lateral umbilical folds
What are shallow depressions lateral to the peritioneal folds?
peritoneal fossa
What are the 3 peritoneal fossa?
supravesicular fossa
medial inguinal fossa
lateral inguinal fossa
What fossa is between the median and medial umbilical folds?
supravesicular fossa
What fossa is between the medial and lateral umbilical folds?
medial inguinal fossa
What fossa contains the inguinal triangles?
medial inguinal fossa
What fossa is lateral to the lateral inguinal folds?
lateral inguinal fossa
What fossa includes the deep inguinal ring?
lateral inguinal fossa
What ligament is found in the supra-umbilical portion?
falciform ligament
What ligament extends from the superior abdominal wall to the liver?
falciform ligament
What ligament encloses the round ligament of the liver?
falciform ligament
What is a remnant of the umbilical vein?
round ligament of the liver
What region extends from ASIS to the pubic tubercle?
inguinal region
Where do structures enter and exit the abdominal cavity?
inguinal region
What is the site of a majority of the abdominal hernias?
inguinal region
Where is the spermatic cord in males?
inguinal canal
Where are the inguinal ligament and iliopubic tract?
inguinal region
What is a thickened fibrous band that retains structures in position agvainst the skeleton during movement?
What contains the hip flexors and neurovascular structures supplying the lower limb?
subinguinal space
What ligament is the inferior most portion of the external oblique aponeurosis?
inguinal ligament
Where do most fibers of the inguinal ligament insert?
medially into the pubic tubercle
Where is the lacunar ligament?
medial boundary of the subinguinal space
Where are the pectineal ligaments?
lateral fibers
What is a thickened inferior margin of the transversalis fascia that appears as a fibrous band parallel and deep to the inguinal ligament?
iliopubic tract
What reinforces the posterior wall and floor of theinguinal canal?
iliopubic tract
What weak area is the site of groin hernias?
myopectineal orifice
What contains vascular supply to the lower extremities?
myopectineal orifice
What is an oblique passage that passes inferomedially through the inferior anterolateral abdominal wall?
inguinal canal
What is parallel and superior to the medial half of the inguinal ligament?
inguinal canal
What does the inguinal canal contain in men?
spermatic cord
What does the inguinal canal contain in females/
round ligament
What contains blood and lympthatic vessels and the ilioinguinal nerve in both sexes?
inguinal canal
What are the 2 openings of the inguinal canal?
What opening of the inguinal canal contains the deep (internal) inguinal ring?
What opening of the inguinal canal contains the superficial (external) inguinal ring?
What is the internal entrance to the inguinal canal?
What fascia lines the inguinal canal?
transversalis fascia
Where do the vas deferens and the testicular vessels enter the inguinal canal?
What is the external exit to the inguinal canal?
What opening of the inguinal canal is superior and lateral to the pubic tubercle?
What prevents splitting of the superficial ring?
intercrural fibers
What develop in the superior lumbar region of the abdominal canal?
What connects the primordial testis to the anterolateral wall at the deep inguinal canal?
male gubernaculum
What is the diverticulum of the peritoneum?
processus vaginalis
What transverses the inguinal canal, carrying muscular and fascial layers of the abdominal wall?
processus vaginalis
What enters the primordial scrotum?
processus vaginalis
What normally degenerates and becomes the tunica vaginalis testis?
primordial scrotum
What is ensheathed in the musculofascial extensions of the abdominal wall?
ductus deferens
When are testis in pelvis?
12th week
When are testis near the deep inguinal ring?
28th week
When are testis in the scrotum?
32nd week
Where do ovaries develop?
superior lumbar region
Where does the processus vaginalis open into?
the developing labium majus
Do the ovaries descend through the inguinal canal?
What connects the ovaries and the primordial uterus to the developing labium majora?
female gubernaculum
What becomes the ovarian ligament and round ligament of the uterus?
female gubernaculum
What contains structures running to and from the testis?
spermatic cord
What suspends the testis in the scrotum?
spermatic cord
What begins at the deep inguinal ring, traverses the inguinal canal, and exits the superficial ring?
spermatic cord
What connects with the posterior aspect of the testis?
spermatic cord
What are the 3 fascial coverings of the spermatic cord?
internal spermatic fascia
cremasteric fascia
external spermatic fascia
What fascia runs from the transversalis fascia?
internal spermatic fascia
What fascia is from the fascia of the internal oblique muscle?
cremasteric fascia
What is innervated by the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve?
cremasteric muscle
What is an analagous muscle in the scrotal wall that assists with testicular elevation?
dartos muscle
What fascia runs from the external oblique aponeurosis?
external spermatic fascia
What are the constituents of the spermatic cord?
ductus deferens
testicular artery
artery of the ductus deferens
cremasteric artery with genitofemoral nerve
pampiniform venous plexus
sympathetic nerve fibers
lymphatic vessels
remnants of processus vaginalis
What are the two layers of the scrotum?
pigmented skin
dartos fascia
What divides the scrotum?
septum of the scrotum
What develops from labioscrotal swellings?
What is the arterial supply to the scrotum?
posterior scrotal branches of the perineal artery
anterior scrotal branches of the deep external pudendal artery
cremasteric artery
What is the nerve supply to the scrotum?
genital branch of the genitofemoral artery
anterior scrotal nerves
posterior scrotal nerves (branch of pudendal nerve)
perineal branch of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
What produce spermatozoa?
What is suspended in the scrotum by the spermatic cords?
What is the fibrous outer covering of the testis?
tunica albuginea
What divides the testis and contains highly coiled seminiferous tubules?
What do the seminiferous tubules empty into?
straight tubules
What do the straight tubules enter into?
rete testis
What surrounds the testis?
visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis
Where are the testis not surrounded by the visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis?
spermatic cord
What is the parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis connected to?
internal spermatic fascia
Where does the parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis extend into?
spermatic cord
What does the small amount of fluid between the two layers of the testis do?
allows for movement of the testis
What is the elongated structure on the posterior aspect of the testis?
What is the site of sperm maturation?
What transport the sperm from the rete testis to the epididymis?
efferent ductules
What is a tightly coiled duct that appear solid?
Where does the epididymis become the ductus deferens?
tail of epididymis
What is the epididymis composed of?
Where are the coiled ends of the efferent ductules?
head of epididymis
Where are the convoluted ducts of the epididymis?
body of epididymis