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35 Cards in this Set

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what surrounds the large salivary glands?
capsule of conn tissue
rich in collagen fiber
what is shape of serous cells?
pyramidal w/ broad base resting on basal lamina and narrow apical surface w/ short, irregular microbilli facing lumen
how are groups of serous cells organized?
form spherical mass: acinus w/ small lumen in center
what is shape of mucous cells?
cuboidal to columnar
-nuclei oval and pressed toward bases of cells
how are groups of mucous cells organized?
-cyclindrical arrays of secretory cells surrounding lumen
what are demilunes?
cap tubules
where are myoepithelial cells found?
b/w basal lamina and basal plasma membrane of cells making secretory end pieces and intercalated ducts
how many myoepithelial cells per secretory unit? describe cells.
well developed and branched
what's shape of myoepithelial cells w/ intercalated ducts?
spindle shaped
lie parallel to length of duct
what are myoepithelial cell char?
resemble smooth muscle cells in contractility
have intercellular juncs among selves and w/ secretory cells
if they contract, accelerates saliva secretion
what's myoepithelial cell main func?
prevention of end piece distension during secretion due to increase in intraluminal pressure
what empties into intercalated ducts in duct system?
secretory end pieces
what can intercalated ducts divide/differentiate into?
secretory or ductal cells
what is seen in striations of striated ducts?
infoldings of basal plasma membrane w/ lots of elongated mitochondria parallel to infolded membranes
what are the intralobular ducts?
how do striated ducts become excretory ducts?
excretory ducts = interlobular ducts
striated ducts of ea lobule converge and drain into ducts in conn tissue septae separating lobules
what are excretory/interlobular ducts lined w/?
initially- pseudostratified/stratified cuboidal epithelium
distally- stratified columnar eepithelium w/ few mucus secreting cells
where does the main duct of ea major salivary gland empty into?
oral cavity
describe serous cells of parotid gland
rich in proteins w/ high amylase activity to digest carbs
what type of ducts in parotid gland?
what's commonly found in conn tissue of large salivary glands?
plasma cells
what do plasma cells in conn tissue of glands secrete?
which gland is made of only serous cells?
describe mucous tubules of submandibular gland:
have demilunes
what's the advantage of the lateral and basal membrane infoldings toward the vascular bed in submandibular gland?
increases ion transporting surface area 60 times, facilitating electrolyte and water transport
what secretes lysozyme?
cells that make demilunes in submandibular gland and sublingual gland
where do you find serous cells in sublingual gland?
on demilunes of mucous tubules
how are cells arranged that release enzymes from pancreas?
how can you tell diff from parotid gland and pancreas?
pancreas has no striated ducts and has islets of Langerhans
what type of cells are exocrine pancreatic acinus made of?
several serous cells surrounding lumen
-highly polarized cells w/ spherical nucleus and protein secreting
what separates the pancreatic lobules?
thin capsule of conn tissue that covers pancreas and sends septa into it
what surrounds acini of pancreas?
basal lamina supported by delicate sheath of reticular fibers
what controls pancreatic secretion?
what makes secretin release?
gastric acid pH <4.5
what enzyme promotes secretion of enzymes from zymogen granules?