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33 Cards in this Set

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A Windows application’s default start up object is:

The first form created.
Any procedure.
Any form created.
A procedure named Main.
The first form created.
Which statements about Form Name Properties and Form Files are true?

i. You assign a name to a form in its Name property, using the standard prefix of frm.

ii. A form should be assigned a name that describes the form’s purpose..

iii. The code associated with a form created in Visual Basic is stored in a Form File with a .vb extension added to the form’s Name property.

iv. If you change a form’s file name, the Name property changes automatically to match the file’s name .
all are true
At design time you can switch between forms by double clicking the form’s entry in the ________________ window.

Solution Explorer
Solution Explorer
A ______________ is a program structure that describes an object’s properties and methods.

Which statements about modal forms are true?

i. You show the form using either the ShowDialog method or the Show method.

ii. When a modal form is displayed, no other form can be displayed until the form is closed or hidden.

iii. When a modal form is displayed, no other statements in the procedure will execute until the form is closed or hidden.

iv. The general format to close a modal form is me.close(). .
all but i
A procedure or variable declarations used in more than one file should be stored in a ___________ Module.

Which of these statements are false?

i. You can designate either a form or a public procedure called Main as an applications startup object.

ii. A procedure designated as a startup object will display the default form automatically after all its statements are executed.

iii. Main can be written as a function instead of a procedure returning an integer value to indicate the success or failure of the code’s execution..

iv. You can designate either a form or a private procedure called Main as an applications startup object.
ii and iv only
Using the ___________ keyword makes a class level variable available to methods outside of the class.

To disable a menu item you:

set the Enabled property to false.
set the Show property to false.
set the Disabled property to true.
set the Visible property to false.
set the Enabled property to false.
Which one of the following is not a standard menu item that should always be added to your menu systems?

An About command on the Help menu.
An Exit command on the File menu
An Exit command on the Help menu.
An Exit command on the Help menu.
Which are characteristics of an Array?

i. An array stores multiple values of the same type using one name.

ii. Values stored within an array are called elements.

iii. An index is a number used to identify a specific element within the array.

iv. If n is the number of elements within an array, the index of the first element in the array would be 0 and the index of the last element in the array would be n-1.
all are true
In the declaration: Dim studentID(10) As Integer the number 10 refers to:

None of the above.

The maximum number of characters each element in the array can contain.

The initial value of the first element in the array

The index number for the last value in the array.

The number of elements in the array.
The index number for the last value in the array.
Assigning an integer to a variable, and then using that variable as a subscript to an array, allows you to utilize a ____________ to access each element of the array.

sub procedure or function
A special loop designed specifically to read values from arrays, but not to modify the values, is called:

a For…Next loop
a Do…Each loop
a For…Each loop
a Do…Until loop
a Do…While loop
a For…Each loop
If an array is declared with the following syntax: Dim studentID(10) As Integer the number statement studentID.Length will return a value of:

The maximum number of characters each element in the array contains.
What would the following snippet of code using an array named intValue of 50 integer values accomplish? Dim temp As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer

For i = 0 to (intValue.Length - 2)
For j = (i + 1) to (intValue.Length - 1)
If intValue(i) < intValue(j) Then
temp = intValue(i)
intValue(i) = intValue(j)
intValue(j) = temp
End If
Next j
Next i

It would sort the array from highest to lowest, so that intValue(0) would contain the largest value in the array, and intValue(49) would contain the smallest value in the array.

It would sort the array from lowest to highest, so that intValue(0) would contain the smallest value in the array, and intValue(49) would contain the largest value in the array.

It would make IntValue(0) the smallest value in the array

It would make all the array values in intValue alike.
It would sort the array from highest to lowest, so that intValue(0) would contain the largest value in the array, and intValue(49) would contain the smallest value in the array.
Which statements about arrays are true?

i. The word Preserve is optional, and when used with a ReDim statement makes sure that any existing values within the array are not destroyed.

ii. A ReDim statement redefines the dimension of an existing array

iii. A ReDim statement is used when the number of elements an array will contain is known at design time.

iv. The statement: Dim intValue() as Integer is incorrect syntax because the array size is missing.
all but iii and iv are true
To pass an array to a procedure or function, the parameter variable is declared as an array with

An array can not be passed to a procedure or a function.

the upper subscript left blank as open parenthesis

the upper subscript as a variable to be defined by the user within the sub procedure or function

the upper subscript defined
the upper subscript left blank as open parenthesis
In the multidimensional array declaration: Dim intValues(4, 15) as Integer the number 15 stands for:

The number of total values that can be stored in the array

The last dimension, where the array intValue starts at subscript 4 and ends at subscript 15.

The highest column subscript

The highest row subscript
The highest column subscript
In the multidimensional array declaration: Dim newValues(2, 5, 15) as Decimal the array dimension is:

Can not be determined
Which statements are true about Timer Controls?

i. A Timer Control is used to automatically execute code at regular intervals during the run of an application.

ii. A Timer Control responds to a Tick Event. To generate a Tick Event procedure, double click a Timer Control that has been placed within a form.

iii. A Timer Control has three important properties; Enable, Visible, and Interval.

iv. The Interval property works in milliseconds; therefore if the property is set to 100, the interval will restart every second.
all but iii and iv are true
When a control is ___________, it is positioned directly against one of the edges of a form.

Which statements about the random class are true?

i. The random seed value is based on the time of day down to the nano-second.

ii. The random seed value provides the initial input that generates the next random number in the series.

iii. The statement: Private rand As New Random(12) creates an instance of the Random class with a variable name rand, and with a seed of 12.

iv. The statements: Private rand As New Random Dim intNum As Integer = rand,next(100) assigns to intNum a randomly generated integer value somewhere between 0 and 99.
all but i is true
In a ______________ file, the data in the file must read from its beginning until its end.

sequential access
random access
sequential access
Which statements are correct for declaring and writing to a file:

Dim myFile as System.Streamwriter
myFile = WriteLine.File.Createtext(myData.txt)

Dim myFile as System.IO.Streamwriter
myFile = System. CreateText(“myData.txt”)

Dim myFile as Streamwriter
myFile = .File.CreateText(“myData.txt”)

Dim myFile as System.Streamwriter
myFile = File.Createtext(“myData.txt”)
Dim myFile as Streamwriter
myFile = .File.CreateText(“myData.txt”)
What does the WriteLine method of the StreamWriter class do?

It writes a line of data to a file, then writes a newline character immediately after the data.

It writes a line of data to a file, then writes a space character immediately after the data.

It writes a line of data to a file, then writes a tab character immediately after the data.

It writes a line of data to a file.
It writes a line of data to a file, then writes a newline character immediately after the data.
What is the difference between the WriteLine method and the Write method of the StreamWriter class?

The WriteLine method only writes text, while the Write method writes any data type.

The Write method writes a line of data to a file and writes a new line character at the end of the line; while the WriteLine method writes only the line of data,.

The WriteLine method writes a line of data to a file and writes a new line character at the end of the line; while the Write method writes only the line of data,.

There is no difference.
The WriteLine method writes a line of data to a file and writes a new line character at the end of the line; while the Write method writes only the line of data,.
The ________ method writes any unsaved information remaining in the file buffer and releases memory allocated by the StreamWriter object.

To determine a file exists, you should use the following method syntax:

To display a standard Windows.Save As dialog box, use the _________control.

To print output to the printer, you use the _________control.

To print a 3 column output of 10 spaces in each column, you would use the method:

A ______________ is a data type that is user created, containing one or more variables known as fields.
