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57 Cards in this Set

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rash of erythema migrans

An annular rash with a bright red outer border and partial central clearing (seen in lymes disease)

how to switch from dabigatran to warfarin

Start warfarin now and stop dabigatran in 3 days

major mechanism of action of metformin

decreases serum glucose results by inhibition
of gluconeogenesis in the liver

Sulfonylureas and meglitinides mechanism of action

stimulate insulin release from the pancreas

thiazolidinediones mech of action

sensitize peripheral tissues to insulin.

alpha-glucosidase inhibitors mech of action

Carbohydrate absorption in the small intestine
is inhibited

asthma FEV1 and FEV1/FVC

Reduced FEV1 and a decreased FEV1/FVC ratio

aki +/- a maculopapular rash, fever, and
arthralgias after starting a new medication

acute interstitial nephritis

Infantile gonococcal infection tx

Intramuscular injection of ceftriaxone (Rocephin)

Topical antibiotics are appropriate for prophylaxis, but not for treatment.

what nasal med is beneficial effect for symptoms of the common cold in an adult?

Ipratropium (Atrovent) nasal spray

what HTN med may slow the demineralization of bone

thiazide diuretic

recommendations for malasma


metabolic abnormalities is most likely to be seen in patients with stage 4 kidney disease?


picture in 33

Erythema multiforme (EM) is an acute, often recurrent, inflammatory condition. While it is associated with many different causes such as drugs, infections, and physical agents, it is most commonly associated with acute upper respiratory infections, herpes simplex virus, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae

negative predictive value

true negatives/(true negatives+false negatives)

In women with polycystic ovary syndrome, the risk is increased the most for carcinoma of the


Which one of the following cardiac rhythm abnormalities is most common in patients with
anorexia nervosa?

sinus brady

The recommended treatment regimen for gonorrhea is

ceftriaxone, 250 mg intramuscularly+ azithro 1g orally

Regional analgesia in laboring patients increases the risk of

vacuum- or forceps-assisted delivery

In a meta-analysis, no statistically significant
impact was found on the risk of cesarean delivery, maternal satisfaction with pain relief, long-term backache, or immediate effect on neonatal status as determined by Apgar scores.

sevelamer to lower his serum calcium. The
drug accomplishes this by

blocking intestinal absorption of phosphate, which lowers parathyroid hormone secretion

For which type of renal calculus is acidification of the urine indicated?

Calcium phosphate and styruvate.

Cranberry juice or betaine can lower urine pH

Uric acid, cystine, and calcium oxalate
stones tend to form in acidic urine

initial treatment in graves

BB and methimazole

severe hepatocellular damage has been reported w/ PTU

recommended duration of thromboprophylaxis following total
hip arthroplasty, starting from the day of surgery and including outpatient prophylaxis?

35 days


coarse rattling respiratory sound somewhat like snoring, usually caused by secretion in bronchial airways

headache that is severe unilateral pain that lasts from 15 minutes to 3 hours. The pain is generally extremely sharp, continuous, and incapacitating. In addition to the pain, the headaches are associated with at least
one of the following ipsilateral signs: conjunctival injection, lacrimation, nasal congestion, miosis or ptosis, eye edema, and forehead and facial sweating

Cluster headache

headaches tend to be diffuse, bilateral, almost daily headaches. Pt takes headache medication daily. Tend get worse with physical or mental exertion. Temporal

overuse headache

often unilateral but they are usually pulsatile, and are associated with nausea and vomiting or
photophobia and phonophobia.


midsystolic ejection-type murmur, heard loudest at the right second intercostal space parasternally

aortic stenosis

a diastolic descrescendo blowing-type murmur best heard at the left fourth intercostal space at the lower left sternal border

aortic regurgitation

Which pain med is CONTRAINDICATED in patients w/ cirrhosis

NSAIDS- due to the risk of precipitating hepatorenal syndrome

Acetaminophen, while toxic in high doses, can be used safely in dosages of 2–3 g/day.

well-demarcated, dark red patches in the inguinal region bilaterally. When examined with a Wood’s light the area fluoresces coral-red. dx? tx?

Corynebacterium minutissimum, a condition known as erythrasma. This organism commonly complicates intertrigo, often in the groin or interdigital spaces. Erythromycin is the most effective treatment for this bacterial infection.

Traumatic event in past 4 weeks, now suffers dissociative symptoms including amnesia, a reduction in awareness of his or her surroundings, numbness, and detachment. Dx? tx? at risk for?

Acute stress disorder (ASD)



An ABI >? indicates noncompressible arteries (calcified vessels). next step


D) MR or CT angiography of the lower extremities

verapamil effect on CHF

due to its negative inotropic effect, is associated with worsening heart failure and
an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events.

which is more likely to cause hypoglycemia? glyburide or glipizide

glyburide is more likely to cause hypoglycemia than glipizide

female w/ low libido and no mental reasons for it. (1) recurrent deficiency or absence of sexual desire or receptivity to sexual activity, and (2) distress about such a deficiency. Tx?

hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD)

Topical testosterone

thrombosed hemorrhoid presenting within 72 hours of the onset of symptoms. tx

Elliptical excision of the thrombosed hemorrhoid

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). tx?

A) Fiber supplements
B) Neomycin
C) Citalopram (Celexa)
D) Alosetron (Lotronex)
E) Lubiprostone (Amitiza)

SSRI or tricyclics

fiber shows no benefit

neomycin used in constipation-predominant IBS

Lubiprostone - chronic constipation

Alosetron - approved to treat severe diarrhea-predominant IBS only in women who have not improved with conventional therapy.

According to the American Diabetes Association, screening for diabetes mellitus in the
asymptomatic patient with no risk factors should begin at which age?


long-term use of tamoxifen assoc w/

endometrial cancer

Which one of the following is more likely to occur with an aromatase inhibitor such as letrozole (Femara


asthma: Symptoms less than or equal to twice weekly, nighttime awakenings 2 times/month,
short-acting -agonist usage 2 days/week, no interference with daily activities, and normal FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio at baseline


Symptoms >2 days/week but not daily, nighttime awakenings 3–4 times/month, short-acting -agonist usage >2 days/week but not more than once daily, minor limitation to daily
activities, FEV1 80% predicted, and normal FEV1/FVC ratio

Mild Persistent:

Daily symptoms, nighttime awakenings greater than once weekly but not nightly,
daily use of a short-acting -agonist, some limitation to daily activity, FEV1 >60% but <80% of
predicted, and FEV1/FVC ratio reduced by 5%

Moderate Persistent:

Symptoms throughout the day, nighttime awakenings nightly, short-acting -agonist
usage several times daily, extremely limited daily activities, FEV1 <60% of predicted, and FEV1/FVC
ratio reduced by >5%

Severe Persistent:

Which vesiculobullous diseases is associated with gluten sensitivity?

Dermatitis herpetiformis

Depression. what works the fastest

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

preparticipation physical. Marfans. test?


CAP, tx w/ azithro, still has cough. CXR a single
thin-walled cavity lesion in the left lower lobe. tx?

A) doxycycline
B) clindamycin (Cleocin)
C) metronidazole (Flagyl)
D) trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra)

clinda has the best aerobic coverage

which one of the following would be a contraindication
to bupropion?
A) Diabetes mellitus
B) Gout
C) Hypertension
D) Hyperthyroidism
E) A seizure disorder

E) A seizure disorder

lower the seizure threshold and should not be used in patients who have a history of a
seizure disorder or who drink heavily

Wheezing associated with feeding is most
commonly due to

gastroesophageal reflux disease

Which one of the following activities is most likely to be impaired in early dementia?
A) Dressing
B) Eating
C) Toileting
D) Grooming
E) Cooking


Which one of the following opioid medications would NOT be detected by this drug screen?
A) Codeine
B) Fentanyl
C) Hydrocodone
D) Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
E) Morphine

B) Fentanyl

the most common cause of secondary hypertension in the middle-aged
population, and can be diagnosed from

Primary hyperaldosteronism

A plasma aldosterone/renin ratio

the most common cause of secondary hypertension in the Elderly population, and can be diagnosed from

Renal MRA may demonstrate renal artery stenosis

Which one of the following medications used to treat psychiatric disorders is associated with an
increased risk of agranulocytosis?
A) Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
B) Lithium
C) Aripiprazole (Abilify)
D) Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
E) Imipramine (Tofranil)

A) Carbamazepine (Tegretol)

Which one of the following studies is important to obtain prior to treatment with testosterone replacement?
A) Hematocrit/hemoglobin
B) An FSH level
C) Hemoglobin A1c
D) A basic metabolic profile

Testosterone replacement can induce polycythemia, so baseline hematocrit/hemoglobin levels should be
obtained prior to treatment and repeated approximately every 6 months.