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41 Cards in this Set

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to want
I want
io voglio
you want
tu vuoi

voi volete
he wants

she wants
lui vuole

lei vuole
we want
noi vogliamo
they want
loro vogliono
to have to

to must
I have to

I must
io devo
you have to

you must
tu devi

voi dovete
he has to / must

she has to / must
lui deve

lei deve
we have to

we must
noi dobbiamo
they have to

they must
loro devono
to be able to / can
I am able to

I can
io posso
you are able to

you can
tu puoi

voi potete
we are able to

we can
noi possiamo
they are able to

they can
loro possono
to go
I go
io vado
you go
tu vai

voi andate
he goes

she goes
lui va

lei va
we go
noi andiamo
they go
loro vanno
to do

to make
I do

I make
io faccio
you do

you make
tu fai

voi fate
he does / makes

she does / makes
lui fa

lei fa
we do

we make
noi facciamo
they do

they make
loro fanno
to be

I am
io sono

io sto
you are
tu sei
voi siete

tu stai
voi state
he is

she is
lui / lei e'

lui / lei sta
we are
noi siamo

noi stiamo
they are
loro sono

loro stanno
to have
I have
io ho
you have
tu hai

voi avete
he has

she has
lui ha

lei ha
we have
noi abbiamo
they have
loro hanno