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17 Cards in this Set

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Cycle of homelessness

What is homelessness?

Anyone who lacks a fixed, regular, safe, and adequate shelter, resources, and community ties. (Stewart B. McKinney act)

living in a shelter, temporary housing, or with family could all be considered homeless.

Definition of Poverty

the extent at which an individual does with out resources (bridges out of poverty, 2001)

Who is at risk for homelessness?

everyone who lacks resources, disabled, mental health issues, undocumented immigrants, single moms, runaways, lower education levels, unemployed

Characteristics of Homeless population.

28% domestic violence

25% chronic substance abuse

50% incarceration (more men)

20% mental illness

13% are employed

9% of homeless men are vets

Race of Homeless population

49% African American

35% caucasian

13% Latinos

2% native americans

1% asians

What is the fastest growing population of homeless

families with children 44%

How does a decline in public assistance affect poverty and homelessness.

since 2001, there is a 40% increase in people participating in food stamps and other assistance programs

% of income that should be going to housing?


severely burdened households are paying more than 33% of their income on housing

What issues do children have when they are hungry?

They don't learn as well, have fatigue, weight loss, more colds, difficulty concentrating, anemia

Why are people homeless?

lack of affordable housing, money, work

mental illness, physical disability, substance abuse.

Three types of homeless:

Temporary homeless

Episodically homeless

Chronically homeless

Temporary homeless

fire, flood victims, relocating

*only happens one time

Episodically homeless

evicted, unstable employment, violence, welfare, interrupted support.

in and out of homelessness

Chronically homeless

mentally ill, substance abuse,

homeless for extended periods of time.

Issues for homeless population

-illness, lice, bedbugs, diarrhea, viral illness, HepA, TB,

-immunizations behind

-speech behind in children

-vision issues

- may be overweight (not healthy food options)

Stewart b McKinney Homeless Assistance Act 1987

children have a right!

facilitate need for:

health care


