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16 Cards in this Set

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A country is independent and doesn't what to invole it self in other countries.
America used to be in isolationism, but now they are a imperialist nation.
Yellow Journalism
A new paper that eggarates stories and make things seem worse then they are.
When the USS Maine exploded yellow journalism said that it was Spain how blew it up and that is one reasons why the Spanish American war started.
Rough Riders
The first US Volunteer Calvary, where they led the troops up Santiago where there was an American fleet and the US gained a colonial possession, Puerto Rico. Led by Theodor Roosevelt
Platt Amendment
Stated that Cuba had its independence, but the US had the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and build a naval base at Guantanamo Bay. Cuba was governed by the US by the Platt Amendment.
Roosevelt Corollary
Allows the US to intervene in Latin American affairs if needed, the Roosevelt Corollary is much like the Platt Amendment in Cuba
Dollar Diplomacy
Encouraged bankers and business leaders to invest in Latin America
Queen Liliuokalani
When US got Hawaii through Annex, they relatively peacefully overthrew Queen L. That was started by American planters and helped by the US marines.
William Seward
He was the secretary of state. He showed support for American expansion and he also bought Alaska and the Hawaiian Island
Commodore Matthew Perry
He went o Japan to start trade with the Japanese.
Spheres of Influence
Was when countries had monopolies over different parts of China for trade.
Guantanamo Bay
A main naval base for the Merrians
Theodore Roosevelt
During the war, Roosevelt took command of the first volunteer cavalry regiment. Leader of the rough riders.
William McKinley
In effort to stop the cruel treatment of the Cubans by the Spanish, President McKinley sent the USS Maine. He was also the one who started the Spanish and American War.
Anti-Imperialist League
A group of people that were against the whole idea of an imperialist nation.
Boxer Rebellion
China tried to rebellion on everyone trading with them, but they lost.
USS Maine
The USS Maine, docked in Havana Harbor, exploded killing 260 sailors and Spain was blamed.