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149 Cards in this Set

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Question: Without calculating, just by feeling, how many days do you think an average American lives? Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, billions of days? A - Tens of thousands. On average 28,251 to be exact. What do you need to do to survive and replicate? What do you do to get past your walls, challenges, and barriors? Acknowledge the need to accelerate the learning curve through disiplined focus... Obtain useful S & R strategies from others... Through practice and training internalize this knowledge in your automated motor responce for practical real life application
Maslow's hierarchy of needs: 1 - Pyhsioligical: The most basi needs, such as air, water, food, warmth, sleep, and sex. 2 - Safety: Establishing stability and consistency in a chaotic world. In modern times this is mostly psychological. 3 - Love: The need to belong. People desire to be loved and accepted by others. 4 - Esteem - This internally generated feeling usually results from achieving competence in or mastering a task. Attention, recognition, and social status come from others. 5 Self-Actualization: We disire to become everything that we are capable of becoming. People who hae met all of thier lower needs can then maximize thier potential.
Dynamic social homeostasis - is the balance between the drive to protect ourselves from others and the drive to align ourselves with others.
We most focus on three vital areas of life: health, wealth, and love. Deficiencies in any one of these categories will creat problems in the other two
Don't bother trying to convince her, argue with her, or engage her in any other way on a purely logical level. Logic should never e used as a motivator in the field, because what a woman thinks she likes or says she likes, is not necesarilly what she responds to in reality.
Simulate Her Emotions: As long as it feels right, your romantic interest will invent her own reasons for what is happening. In other words, a woman will come up with a thousand reasons that she should have sex with you - but she will also come up with a thousand reasons for why she did.
Never be apathetic - Instead of olny trying to give her "good" emotions while avoiding "bad" ones, stimulate her with a range of feelings including curiosity, fascination, connection, idignation, validation, laughter, embarrassment, happiness, sadness, and feel value loss.
You've never talked to me like that before… I like it!
Moxie - Inventive courage - If you don't work to steer the conversation onto intersting topics, the woman may accidentally raiseher own boring topics - and then she'll feel bored and blame it on you. Make things happen. Take responsibility for your shared wexperience with her. Foster a shared moment and lead her from one thing to the next with moxie. If she's boring and bored, it's your fault.
A shit test - Can you take her crap. IF you can't how in the world are you going to protect her from other people's crap
When a woman pushes and feels that resistance, it allows her to feel secure with you. This is what she is looking for. But if she doesn't feel that resistance, then she will keep pushing until she walks all over you and then seeks challenge elsewhere.
Don't act as if things are a big deal. They aren't… Don't complain or be emotionally punishing. Instead of being the ehiny or emotionally abusive boyfriend whenever she pulls a fast one, be the guy who has plenty of relationship options.
Be fun and playful… Be challenging to women… Ebrace your passions… Develop your social circle… Your objective isn't to have sex with her. It's to allow her to fall in love with you.
Quote: Why do you suppose we only feel compelled to chase the ones who run away? Vicomte De Valmont, Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Cats don't take orders, but they can be tempted to chase. If you tie a feather to the end of a string and use it properly, you can get a cat to perform acrobatics. But issn't it interesting that if you put the feather down in fron fo the cat, it will turn up its nose?
Women are more socially savvy because they have had more practice. They have been approached more times. By the time a 10 reaches the age of twenty-four years old, she may have been approached thousands of times. Be the exception.
Typically, if a girl is giving off an IOI through proximity, she will stand five to eight fee away from you facing away. Dynamic social homeostasis brings her within rance to observe you and welcome your possible approach - but prevents her from coming too close. With proximity if you open her, she will open receptively.
Three Second Rule: Within three seconds of spotting a woman you are attracted to, you must open her set. You'll seem natural, social, and you don't always have to have a legitimate target to enjoy interacting with people.
Don't hold your drink in front of your chest like a security blanket. Hold it down low to you hip or don't hold one at all.
Guys are just ugly girls: Yes, there are other guys at the venue but they aren't competition. They don't smile, they don't surround themselves with peope who are talking and laughing. Instead, they hold a beer to their chest and thry to look cool. These guys are not really competition.
Be desireless and be excellent. The tao of Steve.
In conversation it's good to give a complement and follow it with a question. Another stratey is to think of a question you might normally ask and rephrase it as a comment. Instead of "how many brothers and sisters do you have?," say, "I bet you're the yougest in your family." Practice spontaneoous conversation.
Truth one: I do get intimidated by it all. Truth Two: do does everyone else
Broncos and Nuggets Team and Stats
Football positions
Basketball positions
It was a message more than a feeling, a message that tolled like a bell; change, change, change…. That was when she slapped at me, when I struck her hand and she snatched it back, like I was the fire.
Turns out that in her heart our girl was more Penelope than Whore of Babylon… But that didn't mean she reclused herself entirely from the world of men. (For all her "fidelity" she would never be a sister who like being without male attention.) even in this rough perioud, she had her princes-in-waiting, brothers willing to brave the barbed-wire minefields of her affections in the hope that beyond that cruel midden Elysium might await. The poor deluded chumps.
Life was not always pleasant. Plenty of acts of violence, plenty of beatdowns and knifings. He himself survived any number of gank-attemps, and after each shoot-out, after each dribe-by, he always combed his hair and straightened his tie, a dandy's reflex. He was a true gangster, gully to the bone, lived the life all those phoney rap acts can only rhyme about....
Success, after all, loves a witness, but failure can't exist without one.
Shrugging off her weariness, she did what many women of her background would have done. Posted herself beside her portrait of La Virgen do Altagracia and prayed. We postmodern platanos tend to dismiss the Catholic devotion of our viejas as atayistic, an embarrassing throwback to the olden days, but it's at these moments, when all hope has anished, when the end draws near, that prayer has dominion.
She would be a new person, she vowed. They said no matter how far a mule travels it can never come back a horse, but she would show them all.
These days I have to ask myself: What made me angrier? That Oscare, the fat loser, quit, or that Oscare, the fat loser, defied me? And I wonder: What hurt him more? That I was never really his friend, or that I pretended to be?
That's life for you. All the happiness you gather to yourself, it will sweet away like it's nothing. If you ask me I don't think there are any such things as curses. I think there is only life. That's enough.
Every snake thinks it's biting into a rat until the day it bites into a mongoose.
I would let myself grow dark in the sun, no more hiding from it, let my hair indulge in all its kinks, and she would have passsed me on the street and never recognized me. That was the dream I had. But if these years have taught me anything it is this: you can never run away. Not ever. The only way out is in.
Tarde venientibus ossa… To the late comers are left the bones.
Where was the girl who had noticed him checking out a flaquita the week before and said, half joking, Only a dog likes a bone…"
Bruja ways: And at that moment, for reasons you will never quite understand, you are over come by the feeling, the premonition, that something in your life is about to change. You become light-headed and you can feel a throbbing in your blood, a beat, a rhythm, a drum. Bright lights zoom through you like photon torpedoes, like comets. You don't know how or why you know this thing but that you know it cannot be doubted. It is exhilarating.
Pariguayo; instead of joining the fun the outlanders would simply stand at the edge of t dances and watchl Which of course must have seemed like the craziest thing in the world. Who goes to apart to watch? Thereafter, the Marines were pariguayos - a word that in contemporary usage describes anyoby who stands outside and watches wile others people scooup the girls. The kid who don't dance, who ain't got game, who lets people clown him - he's the pariguayo
When going out; don't be outcome dependant. Go out to have fun and then do it.
Bantar is the art of jovial conversation. It breaks the ice and allows parties to relax and process tension. It doesn't need to be logical it's using imagination to create a scene that only you and the other party can be a part of or share in something that know one else gets. Make them a cook, a ninja, a pirate, a body gaurd any role. Then let the imagination go - GIve a cute ninja outfit.
Bantar will shift into rapor cause you will learn things about the other party that you will share in common. We both like ninjas. We both like to cook. It goes Bantor, Keno, Report.
Negs - work great on girls with low self esteme. They focus on peoples insecurities and points out their flaws. So if your into dating strippers, dancers, or girls with lots of baggage negs work great. Not so great with self assured girls - you just look like a douche
Disqualification is almost the opposite of approval seaking. - There is active - where you actively bring up your own weaknesses in a confident and academic way i.e. and reactive - when you react to a compliment/ or critique.... Agree if they give you a compliment and then putting yourself in the bad cattegory. "You have great style!" - thank you, BUT I still can't figure out how to match brown shoes to any of my outfits. Or if they give you a critique (already putting you in the bad category) you agree as well and then compliment thier insight. It shows that you do not need thier approval. You are approval giving not approval seaking.
"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul."
The SEMICOLON (;) has a few uses - - - Use a semicolon to separate two related but independent clauses. Note that , if the two clauses are very wordy or complex, it is better to use a period instead. Example - People continue to worry about the future; our failure to conserve resources has put the world at risk..... Use a semicolon to separate a complex series of items, especially those that contain commas.... I went to the show with Jake, my close friends; his friend, Jane; and her best friend, Jenna.
The colon ( : ) has multiple uses…. Use the colon to introduce a list. Be careful not to use a colon when denoting a regular series. Usually, the word following suggests the use of a colon. Use only after a full sentence which ends in a noun…. The professor has given me three options: to retake the exam, to accept the extra credit assignment, or to fail the class.INCORRECT - The Easter basket contained: Easter eggs, chocolate rabbits, and other candy.
Tea Baggers the 9/12ers, the seperatist groups that pretend that it's about policy they are clearly white identity and white power movements. What they don't like about the president is that he's black, or that he's half black. They will pretend that this is not the case with these people. If you have legitimate problems with the presidents policy that's fine, but these people who are being lead by the Rush Lims and Glenn Becks, Michelle Bockmans. They are no different then any other white identity movement that is part of our history. But people hesitate to recognize and admit that this is straight up racist. And the repulican party has been willing to carry water for the racist since the 1950s. They, fox news, AM radio all are happy feed into it. There is a tasset nudging towards vilance. How obvious does it have to be? There could be a reality show called, "I didn't know it was racist."
The dash ( - ) should be used when making a brief interruption within a statement, a sudden change of thought, an additional comment, or a dramatic qualification. It can also be used to add parenthetical statement, such as further clarification, but should still be relevant to the sentance. Otherwise, use parentheses. Keep in mind that the rest of the sentance should still flow naturally. Try to remove the statment within the dash from the sentence; if the sentence appears disjointed or does not make sense, then you may need to revise. There should be spaces before and after the dash.... An introductory clause is a brief phrase that comes - yes, you guessed it - at the beginning of a sentence.... This is the end of our sentence - or so we thought.
Cornel West
Bankers and corporate elites need to recognise that if they make a profit they have to share it with their workers. Greed has run amuck! The middle class is shrinking and an economic team that still views jobs as an afterthought. They talk about recovery, and for who, banks, wall street, but not for the escelating unemployment.
Economic Stats for the Middle Class: Since 2000 Family health care has gone up 90%, college has gone up 40%, also housing. These are the bills that the middle class have. Their wages have been flat and costs have gone through the roof and now they hold 5.2 trillion dollars of debt in the last 8 years. A stable economy is build on the middle class. "My wealth doesn't make you poorer" Yes it does. In the 80s the top 1% had 8% of the economic pie and now they have 23%. This is where the money goes. CEO 30 years ago made 30 times what the average worker makes now they make 344 times.
If 100 jumbo jets crashed tomorrow the world would be united in morning but every day the same number of people die of hunger related deceases.
Cornel West
Blind faith can lead you to fall off many a cliff.
Banter: One liners - Clearly, you're boyfriend isn't spaking you enough. Are you always like this or just with guys you like? Don't make me get the bible out. Oh you have baggage? Can I call you a bellhop? You know what? You're awesome. We need to find you a man! OR You can help me find a woman!
When you go as far as you can go with the game you're still alone. The way of the Superior Man…. If you're purpose in life is to attrack a woman/man then you haven't dug far enough into your own pschyee to find the real purpose. But ultimately if that's your real purpose the person you want to attract will not be available because you are not available for a healthy relationship, you are not trustworthy. You have to become the person you are looking for, someone who is emotionaly stable, balanced, balanced lifestyle, knows what they are going for in the world, has a healthy relationship with family or at least a healthy acceptance of their family, is in good general health and shape. You have to be able to develope your sence of self, really become interested in you, not in a narcesistic way, but develope a relationship with your life and what that is in the world.
Story Telling: If you are in conversation with anyone and you feel compelled to tell a story - make sure it's in context of the conversation - be sure that it is also is about yourself in a non-arrogant way (not attractive). Describe it visually, was it hot, did you have a bead of sweat, was the guy next to you stank, what was the environment like. Paint a vivid picture. Make sure that the emotional content is communicated and clear. Learn about timing, learn about a funny punchline - these are things you know. Everything can be a story. Share details and info about your life, reveal your personality, make a connection - that is the most important part. They give a strong glimpes into who you are. Say arts, travel, and the history of NASA. You might tell a story about each and then all of the sudden the other party has the idea that you got something going on.
How to build a story out of something simple. Tell me the story of you leaving your appartment? What there anything that challenged you in this experience? Did anything happen out of the ordinary? Bad traffic? Crazy bum? The small details of the story are way more important then the end of the story. The details help you relate to the experience.
Everyday of my life is a gift. A miracle. I won't settle for less than having it all. To experience everthing possible life can offer. To live a life with meaning. To smile and laugh often. Until the day I leave this amazing jouney.
Subtle is the Lord, but malicious He is not… Nature hides her secret because of her essential loftiness, but not by means of ruse… Maybe God is Malicious… Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot, but does not really bring us any closer to the secret of the 'old one'. I, at any rate, am convinced that HE does not throw dice... Whether you can observe a thing or not depends on the theory which you use. It is he theory which decides what can be observed.
a speck of dust on this planet is halfway in size between the planet and an atom.
Is trying to memorize this list: computer, x-ray crystallography, micro-g, ISS, phenomenon, theory, conjecture, mathematics, space, wave, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic spectrum. What a nerd.
(Putting on glasses) "The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the reamaining side."
What do you say when someone asks what you do: I'm not a police officer if that's what your asking. Says: I love you. - Well it helps not to know me. Says: …well that was predictable (just call the shot esp in a bad situation like a phone call or interuption)... What are you talking about?...
The Political List: American Civil Liberties Union, United States Congress, bicameralism, chambers of parliament, Legislature, non-profit organizations, Cold War, Satellite state, non-governmental organizations, Foundation, Senate, House of Representatives.
Mos Def
Shame is a prison you know?! Ya well descretion is a fortress and your staring and looking too closely. There so much about me that I hide that careful eyes will recognise. You're no soldiar. You're soft bright eyes never have to survey the battle field much less it's collected relics of which I am one. I can't look at your right now but that doesn't matter cause you can look at me. If descretion is a fortress then you are threatening to destroy it by simply standing at the gates and refusing to leave... I can't look at you right now but you can look at me. Do you see me?
and the word for the way I feel is Smexzy - smart, mexican, and sexy!
It turns out that I have amazing patience when it comes to cute!
Tactics for talking to vanella or prude people about sex: You don't have to ask for personal experiences or even share your personal experiences, "Some people find that a plug up their butt can be really pleasurable…" Sometimes people will feel alienated if they can not keep up with others sexual experiences. You can't take someone who isn't ok with saying that he's eating pussy and talk to them about all the nastyness. You have to ease people into the conversation.
Is Capitalism evil? It is a way to structure an economy and a political ideology. Old style: if you work hard you are able to do well. They style is dead. In the real world it is a pyramid scheme not mayberry. It garunteers that the richest 1 percent in America have more finacial wealth than the bottom 95 percent combined. That is what capitalism is today. It is rigged so that people can not climb up. Small business are completely screwed. Capitalism has gone of the rails.It's become croneism, it's become corporate wellfare. It needs regulation.
Capitalism: It's like there is one pie on the table and one guy gets 9 slices and everyone else gets 1 slice to fight over. It is greed run rampent, a structure with no principles which encourages the wickedness in people.
Our policies need to change fundimentally. They had all our smart people go to wall street to create all these fake darivitives which then destroyed our economy. They put the money towards wars that should not be fought, instead of the education and technology sectors. We are not investing in the future or in industries (Education & Tech) that can produce products and generate wealth. The treasury the FED wrote a check to Goldman Sachs for 12 billion dollars when they were bailing out AIG to conduit payments because they were a counter party, 100 cents on the dollar. The totality of what Arnold Duncan has to rebuild our K - 12 programs with these incentives is 4.3 billion. Goldman Sachs got 3 times as much as we are investing in the schools. It's not just raising taxes, it's also about how we are spending the money we have. The administration has not changed policies fundamentally.
As long as we are pathetic we might as well act like it's cute - like the youtube puppy that can't get up.
It's a good thing for the banks that the supreme court legalized sodomy.
Momma/ bible
... we fill our lives with things, and again with things; if we consider ouselves so unimportant that we must fill every moment with action, when will we have time to journey across the desert as did the Magi? Or sit and watch the stars as did the shepherds? Or brood over the coming of the child as did Mary? ...there is a desert to travel. A star to discover. And a being within ourselves to bring to life.
A simple fact: decisions made very quickly can be every bit as good a decisions made cautiously and deliberately. Our unconscious is a powerful force. But It's fallible.
The power of knowing in the first two seconds, s not a gift given magically to a frotunate few. It is an ability that we can all cultivate for ourselves.
In the Negative Sentiment Override state, people draw lasting conclusions about each other. If their spouse does something positive, it's a selfish persondoing a pisitive thing. It's really hare to change those states, and those states determine whether when one part tries to repair things, the other party sees that as repair or hostile manipulation.
The Four Hoursemen of Emotion: Defensiveness, stonewalling, criticism, and contempt. Gottman overseves one, in fact, there is one emotion that he considers the most important of all: contempt. Partnerships that show contempt to eachother will not last. You would think that criticism would be the worst, because criticism is a global condemnation of a person's character. Yet contempt is qualitatively different from criticism. WIth criticism Imight say to my wife, "you never listen, you are really selfish adn insensitive." but if I speak from a superiour plan, that's far more damaging, and contempt is any statement made from a higher level. Lots of time it's an insult: You're a bitch. You're scum. It's trying to put that person on a lower plan than you. It's hierachical. Closely related to disgust, and what disgust and contempt are about is completely rejecting and excluding someone from the community. Typicaly women are more critical and men are more likely to stonewall. But if you can messure contempt then you don't need to know much more about a person's relationship.
A way to messure a person's profile - Random personality profile…. 5 dimensions: Extraversion. Are you sociable or retiring? Fun-loving or reserved? Agreeableness. Are you trusting or suspicious? Helpful or uncooperative? Conscientiousnes. Are you organized or disorganized? Self-disciplined or weak willed? Emotional stability. Are you worried or calm? Insecure or secure? Openness to new experiences. Are you imaginative or down-to-earth. Independent or conforming?
Clues to personality - Identity Claims: deliberate expressions about how we would like to be seen by the world - a framed cop of a magna cum laude degree from Harvard… Behavioral residue: inadertent clues we leave behind: dirty laundry on the floor, or an alphabetized CD collection. Thoughts and feeling regulators: changes we make to our most personal spaces to affect the way we feel when we inhabit them: a scented candle in the corner, or a pile of artfully placed dcorative pillows on the bed.
Medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded 100s of concersations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never een sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found a couple clear differences between the two groups... The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, "First I'll examine you, and then we will talk the problem over" or "I will leave time for your questions." more likely to engage in avtive listening, saying and asking patients to expand on this or that and were more likely to laugh and be funny during visits. Interestingly there was no difference in the amount or quality of information they gae their patients. It was how they talked to their patients that made the difference. In the end it came down to a matter of respect, and the simplest way that respect is communicated is through tone of voice. The most corrosive tone of voice anyone (doctor) can assume is a dominant tone.
The Brain: The ventromedial area plays a critical role in decision making. It works out contingencies and relationships and sorts through the mountain of information we get from the outside world, prioritizing it and putting flags on things that demand our immediate attention. People with damage to thier ventromedial area are perfectly rational, can be highly intelegent, but lack jedgment. Addicts can articulate ery well the consequences of their behavior. But they fail to act accordingly. That's because of a brain problem. Damage in the ventromedial area causes a disconnect between what you know and what you do.
If mary said at the start of the evening that she wanted womone intelligent and sincere, that in no way means she'll be attracted only to intelligent and sincere men. It's just as likely that john, whom she likes more than anyone else, could turn out to be attractive and funny but not particularly sincere or smart at all. Second, if all the men mary ends up likeing during the speed-dating are more attractive and funny than they are smart and sincere, on the next day, when she's asked to describe her perfect man, Mary will say that she likes attractive and funnymen. But that's just the next day. If you ask her again a month later she'll be back to saying that she wants intelligent and sincere. The description that she starts with is her conscious ideal: What she believes she wants when she sits down and thinks about it.
White man in the interview: Chances are you'll lean forward a little less, turn away slightly from him or her, close your body a bit, be a bit less expressive, maintain less eye contact, stand a little farther away, smile a lot less, hisitate and stumbel oer your words a bit more, laugh at jokes a bit less. Does that matter of course. Spose the conversation is a job interview and supposet the applicant is a blacm man. He's going to pick up on that uncertainty and distance, and that may well make him a little less certain of himeslf, a littl lessconfident, and a little less frendly. And what will you thik then? You may well get a gut feeling that the applicant doesn't really have what it takes, or maybe that he is a bit standoffish, or that he doesn't want the job.
We see a tall person and we swoon.
Spontaneity isn't random! How good people's decisions are under the fast moving, high-stress conditions of rapid cognition is a function of training and rules and rehearsal. For example a rule of improve is the idea of agreement, the notion that a very simple way to create a story - or humor - is to have characters accept everything that happens to them.... In life, most of us are highly skilled at suppressing action. All the improvisation teacher has to do is to reverse the skill and he creates very 'gifted' improvisers. Bad improvisers block action, oftern with a high degree of skill. Good improvisiers nurture and develop action. Good improvisers seem telepathic; everything looks pre-arranged, this is because they accept all offers made - which is something no 'normal' person would do.
Van Riper: "The first thing I told our staff is that we would be in command and out of control," echoing the words of the mangement guru Kevin Kelly. "By that, I mean that the overall guidance and the intent were provided by me and the senior leadership, but the forces in the field wouldn't depend on intercate orders coming from the top. They were to use thier own initiatie and be innovative as they went forward." "He never got specific guidance from me of how to do it. Just the intent.
I never got specific guidance on how to run this life! Just intent. See me hit my stride soon.
We would use the wisdom, the experience, and the good judgment of the people we had.
Van Riper didn't always have a clear idea of what his troops were up to. It meant he had to place a lot of trust in his subordinates. I was, by his own admission, a "messy" way to make decisions. But it had one overwhleming advantage: Allowing people to operate without having to explain themselves constantly turns out to be like the rule of agreement in improv. It enables rapid cognition.
Recognizing someone's face is a classic example of uconscious congition.
What are you taling about? You know, you get caught up in forms, in matrixes, in computer programs, and it just draws you in. They were so fucused on the mechanics and the process that they never looked at the problem hilistically. In the act of tearing something apart, you lose it's meaning.
Quite the opposite: That all that extra information isn't actually an advantage at all: that, in fact; you need to know ery little to find the underlying signature of complex phenomenon. All you need is the evidence of the ECG, blood pressure, fluid in the lungs, and ustable angina... Golman's algorithm indicates, though, is that the role of those other factors is so small in determining what is happening to the man right now that an accurate diagnosis can be made without them. In fact... that extra information is more than useless. It's harmful. It confuses the issues. What screws up doctors when they are trying to predict heat attacks is that they take too much information into account.
There are, I think, two improtant lessons here. The first is that truly successful decision making relies on balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking. Bob Golomb is a great car salesman because he is very good, in the moment, at intuiting the intentions and needs and emotions of his customers. but he is also a great salesman because he understands when to put the brakes on that process - when to consciously resist a particular kind of snap judgement.The second lesson is that in good decision making, fugality matters.To be a successful decision maker, we have to edit.
Snap judgements can be made in a snap because they are frugal, and if we want to protect or snap judgements, we have to take steps to protect that fugality.
It's like the weather. A commander does not need to know the barometric pressure of the winds or even the temperature. He needs to know the forecast. If you get too caust up in the production of information, you drown in the data.
Say you are looking at a chess board. Is there anthing you can't see? No. But are you gauranteed to win? Not at all, because you can't see what the other guy is thinking. More and more commanders want to know everything, and they get imprisoned by that idea. They get locked in. But you can never know everything. (Truth Three)
We can learn a lot more about what people think by observing their body language or facial expressions or looking at their bookshelves and the pictures on their walls than by asking them directly.
When we put something in our mouth and in that blink of an eye decide whether it tastes good or not, we are reacting not only to the evidence from our taste buds and salivary glands but also to the evidence of our eyes and memories and imaginations, and it is foolish of a company to serice one dimension and ignore the other.
But the truth is that for the most imprtant decisions, there can be no certainty. Market research doesn't mean shit. Most know this.
Crème brulee is the test of any restaurant… It comes down to the quality of the vanilla. I don't like my crème brulee adulterated, because then you can't taste through to the quality of the ingredients.
Now I'm talking about the loss of a much more fundamental ability, namely the ability to know our own mind…. (We know why jelly is good) but suddenly we're asked to stipulate, according to a list of terms, why we think that, and the terms are meaningless to us. Texture, for instance. What does that mean?
Perhaps the most common - and the most important - form of rpid cognition are the judgmets we make and the minute that we are in the presence of someone, we come up with a constant stream of predictions and inferences about what that person is thinking and feeling. When somone says, "I love you," we look into that person's eyes to judge his or her sincerity. We pick up signals that lead us to "Idon't thnk he liked me" or "I don't think she's very happy."
If you were to approach a one year old child who sits playing on the floor and do something a little bit puxxling, such as cupping your hands over hers, the child would immediately look up into your eyes. Why? Because what you have done requires explanation, and the child knows that she can find an answer on your face. This practie of inferring the motivations and intentions of others is classic thin-slicing. It is picking up on subtle fleeting cues inorder to read someones' mind.
We think of the face as the residue of emotion. What his research showed, though, is that the process works in the opposite direction as well. Emotion can also start on the face. The face is not secondary billboard for internal feelings. It is an equal partner in the emotional process.
But our ivoluntary expressive system is in many ways even more important: it is the way we have been equipped by evolution to signal our authentice feelings.
At 175 we bigin to see an absolut break down of cognitive processing… The forebrain shits down, and the mid-brain - the part of your brain that is the same as your dog's (all mammals have that part of the brain) - reaches up and hijacks the forebrain. Have you ever tried to have a discussion with an angry or frightened human being? You can't do it... you might as well try to argue with your dog. You're blind. Arrousel leaves us mind blind...
Lee vs Hooker in the civil war…His ability to sense Hooker's indecision, to act on the spur of the moment, to conjure up a battle plan that would take Hooker by surprise - his ability, in other words, to move quickly and instiively on the field of battle - was so critical that it is what made it possible for him to defeat an army twice the size of his. Judgment matters: it is what separates winners from losers.
Sigmund Freud: When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. In vital matters, however, such as the choice of a mate or a profession, the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within ourselves. In the important decisions of personal life, we should be governed, I think, by the deep inner needs of our nature.
El ultimo hombre, the extreme homie, bean headed, god's laugh, do right
Law 8: Make other People come to you - use bait if necessary… When you force the other person to act, you are the one in control. It is always better to make your opponent come to you, abandoning his own plans in the process. Lure him with fabulous gains - then attack. You hold the cards.
The aggressive person is rarely in full control. He can't see more than a couple of moves ahead, cannot see this concequences of this bold move or that one. Because he is constantly being forced to react to the moves of his every growing host of enemys until his unforseen concequences of his own rash actions, his aggressive energy is tuned against him.
Why am I always having to react to events instead of direct them. What is the point of chasing here and there? Trying to solve problems and defeat my enemies if I never feel in control? Because your idea of power is wrong. You have mistaken aggressive action for effective action and most often the most effective power is to stay back and to keep calm and let others be frustrated by the traps you lay for them. Playing for long term power than coit victory. Keep the initiative, to get others to react to your moves, to keep the opponent on the diffensive. The one who has control has power.
Two things must happen to place you in the position: You must master your emotions and to never be influenced by anger. You must also play on peoples natural tendencey to react agrily when pushed and baited. The ability is to make others come to you is a weapon far more powerful then a tool of aggression.
Manipulation is a dangerous game once someone suspects he's being manipulated it becomes harder to control him. But when you a make your opponent come to you create the illusion that he is controlling the situation He doesn't feel the strings that pull him.
Law 9: Win through your actions, never through argument… Any momentary triumph you think gained through argument is really a pyrrhic victory: The sesentment and ill will you stir up is stronger and lasts longer than any momentary changes of opinion. It is much more powerful to get others to agree with you through your actions, without saying a word. Demonstrate, do not explicate!
Learn to judge your moves by their long term effects to other people. The problem in trying to prove a point or gaining a victory through argument is that you never know who the people how it effects the people you are argueing with. They may appear to agree with you politely but inside they may resent you.
Even the best argument has no solid foundation because we have come to distrust eh slippery nature of words. And days after agreeing with someone we often revert to our old oppinion out of sheer habit. Words are a dime a dozen. We will say anything to help our cause. We'll quote the bible, refer to crazy stats. Who can be persuaded by bags of air like that? Action and demonstration are much more powerful and meaningful. They are there before our very eyes for us to see. Yes now the statues nose looks just right. There are no offensive words, no misinerpritation. No one can argue with a demonstrated proof! The truth is generally seen and rarely heard.
LOP 12
Use selective honest and generosity to Disarm your victom… One sincere and honest move will cover dozens of dishonest ones. Open hearted gestures of honesty and generosity bring down the guard of even the most suspicious people. Once your selective honesty opens a hole in their armor, you can deceive and manipulate them at will. A timely gift - a Trojan hourse - will serve the same purpose.
Say what you're gonna say or prepare for eternal fucking silence; let's not play the fucking game where I pull the words from your mouth declare - or shut the fuck up!
He realizes that his system can be difficult and that he's often accused of going overboard with elaborate schemes. He responds with a shrug. "Look, the workings of an automatic transmission are more complicated than a manual transmission," he says. "To simplify a complex event, you need a complex system."
GTD Wired
THE AXIOM: Humans have a problem with stuff. Allen defines stuff as anything we want or need to do. A tax form has the same status as a marriage proposal; a book to write is no different than a grocery list. It's all stuff.
GTD Wired
GTD RULE ONE: Collect and describe all the stuf. Everything must be inventored with distinction ro prejudice. Errands, emails, a problem with a friend; It all must be noted for processing. Small objects, such as an initation or a receipt, go into a pile. Everything else can be represented with a few works on a piece of paper ("find keys,""change jobs"). Once the stuff is collected, processing begins. Anything that requires two minutes or less is handled on the spot. The remainder is governed by the second rule.
GTD Wired
GTD RULE TWO: All stuff must be handled in a precise way. Allen offers dozens of clever tricks for classifying, labeling, and retrieving stuff. Expert users of GTD never leave old emails cluttering their inbox, for instance. Nor do they have to rigle through a bunch of paper to see fi there's anthing crucial they've left undone. Emails to be answered are in a separate folder from email that merely have to be read; there's a file for every colleague and friend; stuf that must be done has been identified and placed on one of several kinds of to-do lists. Allen calls his to-do lists next-action lists. which are subject to the third rule.
GTD Wired
GTD RULE THREE: Items on the next-action list should be described as concretely as possible. Breaking down stuff into physical actions, allen says, is the key to getting things done.
GTD Wired
He compares the person working at a desk with a person walking through the forest. Any email could be either a snake in the grass or a berry," he says. "Which is it?" To resolve this question by reference to one's highest purpose would be inefficient. When it comes to processing incoming signals, Allen recommends sorting by the most immediate criteria: How long will it take, what is your location, what devices do you have at hand, what other people are present?
GTD Wired
Look at the list and think about the way it makes us feel. He guesses that our feelings include a mixture of grief and relief. The relief, he suggests, comes from the simple fact of making the list. But where does the grief come from? "These items represent agreements you haven't kept with yourself," Allen says. "What happens when you break an agreement with yourself is that your self-esteem plummets."
He sets his own goals and uses his own methods to achieve them. Allen's list of open loops includes getting GTD adopted in schools, learning to type 80 words a minute, becoming better at small talk, and achieving a high net worth. This ambitious mind-set, with its combination of boldness and conventionality, says something about where Getting Things Done is coming from, and to whom it is aimed. The book is for people who are striving hard. "The people who take to GTD are the most organized people," Allen says, "but they self-assess as the least organized, because they are well-enough organized to know that they are fucking up."
GTD Wired
Among the normal array of equipment in Allen's office, one item stands out. It is an hourglass with two minutes of sand. Any clock would serve equally well to mark the strict interval GTD gives us to process something the first time we handle it, but Allen's hourglass is as much a talisman as a practical tool. In a medieval painting, it would symbolize death. Here, the hourglass is a symbol of virtue. It regulates our attention. It guards our self-esteem. The guru of Getting Things Done is living by the standards of the future, and his hourglass is an icon of an emerging civilization whose exacting demands we may all someday be expected to meet.
"I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do." The Author.speaker is unknown but most will think it originated with Empire Records. Some say Mark Twain some say ancient greek. Twain did say this - "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
No… it's just my low self esteeme is at an all time high. (answer to when somone says "wow your confident, cocky, etc.")
Our Jobs keep changing: The organization we're involved with seem to be in constant morph mode, with ever-changing goals, products, parters, customers, markets, technologies, and owners. These all, by neccesity, shake up structures, froms, roles and responsibilities.
Our Jobs Keep Changing: The average professional is more of a free agent these days…Their aims are just more integrated into the mainstreamnow, covered by the catchall "professional, management, executive development" - which simply means they won't keep doing what they're doing for any exted period of time.
Old Models and Habits are Insuficient: More and more peoples jobs are made up of dozens or even hundreds of e-mails a day, with no latitude left to ignore a singel request, complaint, or order. There are few people who can (or even should) expect to code everything an "A", a "B" or a "C" priority, or who can mantain some predetermined list of to-dos that the first telephone call or interuption from thier boss won't totally undo.
The "Big Picture" vs. the Nitty-Gritty: In practice, however, the well-intentioned exercise of values thinking too often does not achieve its desired results. I have seen toomany of these efforts fail, for one or more of the following three reasons: 1 - There is too much distraction at the day-to-day, hour-to-hour level of commitments to allow for appropriate focus on the higher levels. 2 - Ineffective personal organizational systems creat huge subconscious resistance to undertaking even bigger projects and goals that will likely not be managed well, and that will in turn cause even more distration and stress. 3 - ...
The "Mind Like Water" simile: is the position of perfect readiness... Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond. How does the water respond? The answer is, totally appropriately to the force and mass of the input; then returns to calm. It doesn't over react or underreact. Learn and demand balance and relaxation as much as anything else... Anything that cuases you to overreact or underreact can control you, and often does. Responding inappropriately to your e-mail, your staff, your projects, you unread magazines, your thoughts about what you need to do, your children, or your boss willlead to less effective results than you'd like. Most people give either more or less attention to things than they deserve, simply becuase they don't operat with a mind like water.
Open Loop: agreements or commitments you make with yourself that are incomplete. You've probably made many more agreements with yourself than you realize, and every single one of them - big or little - is being tracked by a less-than-conscious part of you. Can include big or litte - End world hunger - hire new assistant - Replace electric pencil sharpener. It's called the zaganig effect... it's why you remember..
The Basic Requitement for Managing Commitments: Anything you consider unfinished in any way must be captured in a trusted system outside your mind, or a collection bucket, that you know you'll come back to regularly and sort through…. You must clarify exactly what your commitment is and decide what you have to do, if anything to make progress toward fulfilling it.... Once you've decided on all the actions you need to take, you must keep reminders of them organized in a system you review regularly.
Define Projects in Two - five minutes: Write and describe, in a single written sentence you inteded successful outcome for the problem or situation. What would need to happen to check this project off the list.... Now write down the very next physical action required to move the situation forward. The key is thinking, not alot, but just enough to solidify your commitment and the resources required to fulfill it.
In knowledge work… the task is not given: it has to be determined. What are the expected results for this work? Thinking in a concentrated manner to define desired outcomes is something few people feel they have to do. But in truth, outcome thinking is one of the most effective means available for making wishes reality.
I try to make intuitive choices based onmy options, instead of trying to think about what those options are. I need to have thought about all of that already and captured the results in a tursted way. I don't want to wast time thinking about thinkgs more than once. That's an inefficient use of creative energy and a source of frustration and stress.
The Five Stages of Mastering Workflow: We (1) collect things that command our attention; (2) process what they mean and what to do about them; and (3) organize the results, which we (4) review as options for what we choose to (5) do.
1 Collect: The collection tools - Physical in basket - Paper based note taking devices - Electronic not taking devices - Voice recording devices - Email. These collection tools should become part of your life-style. Keep them close by so no mater where you are you can collect potentially valuable thought-think of them as being indispesable as you toothbrush or your driver's license or your glasses.
Collect - Three Requirements to make the collection phase work: Every open loop must be in your collection system and out of your head. (2) You must have a few collection buckets as you can get by with. (3) You must empty them regularly.
Process: To work with "stuff" you must first ask "What is it" and "Is it Actionable". There two anwers are Yes and No. If No Action is Required there are three possibilities: It's trash. There might be an action later and it needs to "Incubate" (someday/maybes/WF). The item is potentioally useful information that might be needed for something later (Reference)
Process: To work with "stuff" you must first ask "What is it" and "Is it Actionable". There two anwers are Yes and No. If Action is required two things need to be dermined - (1) What "project" or outcome have you committed to? And (2) what's the next action required? Some examples - Call Fred regarding fasttrack - Draft thoughts for the next email update - Talk to shona about the filing system we need to set up - Research and QC ACT for Gold Team needs.
Process: Once you've decided on the next action, you have three options: (1) Do it. If an action will take less than two minutes, it should be done at the moment it is defined. (2) Delegate it. If the action will take longer than two minutes ask yourself, Am I the right person to do this? If no, delegate it appropriately. (3) Defer it. If the action will take longer than two minutes, and you are the right person to do it, you will have to defer acting on it until later and track it on one or more "Next Actions" lists.