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47 Cards in this Set

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process by which uterus returns to pre-pregnancy state
what drug and by what administration is given to aid in post partal involution
Pitocin IV
Why is IV pitocin given post partaly?
To facilitate continuous uterine contraction.
Uterine involution is usually complete by what time frame?
three weeks except for placental site which takes six weeks
describe the after pain of a primapara and a multipara
primapara does not experience much pain due to strong consistant uterine contractions of the uterus

multipara- can have very strong pain for 24 to 48 hours due to weaker myometrial muscles and intermitent contraction of uterus
what may be used for pain in the multipara post partaly
an OTC or tylenol 3
Expectation of fundal assessment immediately after dilevery is where?
between umbilicus and symphysis pubis
what happens to the uterine fundus 6-12 hours after dilevery
fundus rises to umbilicus, it is a rebound response
what is the expected rate of involution each subsequent day after dilevery
Fundus descends approximately 1 cm/day untill it is again a pelvic organ and cannot be palpated through the abdomen around 10 days to 2 weeks post partum
Maternal discharge of blood, mucus, and tissue from the uterus
Red, blood-tinged vaginal discharge that occurs following birth and lasts 2 to 4 days
Lochia rubra
Pink, serous, and blood-tinged vaginal discharge that follows lochia rubrua and lasts until the 7th to 10th day after birth
Lochia serosa
White vaginal discharge that follows lochia serosa and that lasts from about the 10th day to the 21st day after birth
Lochia alba
conidtion of the vagina during post partal period
vagina has poor tone & lubrication, edema and lacerations, may need vaginal lubrication until hormones return to pre-pregnancy state
What is appropriate patient teaching for care of vagina after birth
Estrogen levels will return in 6-10 weeks, women must have pelvic rest (no sex, no tampons) until cleared by physician/CNM, vaginal lacerations will heal on their own.
Post partaly, return of menses occurs when?
Non-nursing 6-10 wks/ nursing 24-36 wks
1st mensturation is usually___.
anovulatory-no ovulation, but there is mensturation
post partaly, ovulation occurs when?
non-nursing 10 wks/ nursing (3 months) 17 weeks
breast feeding mom may not have period for up to 18 months but it is not a form of birth control
milk production and maternal breast changes are stimulated/ caused by what part or the brain and what hormone?
Anterior pituitary, prolactin (pro-duction-of milk)
the posterior pituitary produces what important maternal hormone (post partal)
oxytocin/ let down reflex, releases flow of milk
Nursing interventions for lactation supression
avoid stimulation and heat(back to shower), wear a tight bra right away like a sports bra not a demi bra, may use 4 inch elastic binder over bra, ice breasts, must be treated mechanially to implement lactation supression, drug therapy no longer used
Cardiovascular changes of the post partal period
transient bradycardia(pulse in the 50's)
decreased hemotracrit
estimated blood loss of 500mL
Explain the theraputic function of diuresis and the norms for urine output post partaly.
helps to reduce blood volume and can have 3500 to 4000 mL of urine/dayfor a few days

also sweating may occur and dependent edema will be absorbed and excreted out
cabbage leaves
used for engorgement, used to prevent and restrict lactation, one cold leaf works best, use very cautiously in breast feeding women
tanic acid
found in tea, warm tea bags may be placed on nipple to promote healing of nipples
nipple care during lactation
tanic acid from tea bags and colostrum on nipple helps lubricate nipple, leave a little milk to rub on nipple after feading to moisturise and protect nipple
fundal assessment schedule
q15min for the first hour after childbirth, q30min for the next hour, then hourly for approximately 2 more hours, then q8 hours or more frequently if problems arise
problems to check for during post partal fundal assessment
positioning out of midline
heavy lochia flow
presence of clots
heavy lochia flow is determined by ___.
saturation of pad in more than one hour
Taking In
women are passive and dependent, often most concerned with her own needs esp food rest/sleep
transitional state in which mother is passive with baby and uses finger touch to examine/interact with baby, places baby in good en face view to get good eye contact with baby
Taking In
Taking Hold
more independence with regard to management of baby, getting back in control
post partal phase in which mother directs others as to mom and baby's needs, crageling and enfolding are seen
Taking Hold
Letting Go
mom lets go of baby, must adjust to seperation of baby, must let go of childless roll, adjustment to new role and new life responsibility of being a mother
Irritable, restless, anxious, lack of sleep can aggrivate, hormonal changes, mood disorder
Postpartum Blues
Nursing interventions for maternal postpartum blues
use emotional adaption education intervention with mom and SO, may need referal to counseling
signs and symptoms of Postpartum depression
woman may not see herself as a good mother, hopelesness, dispair, helpless, anxiety/panic, unable to redefine self in positive terms, staying in bed not smiling or happy or excited about baby
time frame in which postpartum depression takes place
from 2nd week to 12 months
nursing interventions for post partum depression
this is a serious problem and should be refered for counseling and support groups which will help get them through
Post partum psychosis
only occurs in mom; paranoid, hallucinations, delusions
describe the women most at risk for post partum psychosis
previous pp depression, psychosis, recent stress, lack of support, low self esteem, pre-natal depression, pn anxiety, bi polar (baby may need care by other care giver temporarly)
onset of post partum psychosis
3-14 days post partum
methergonovine maleate
stimulates smooth muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue of uterus is especially sensitive to this drug, used post partaly to stimulate uterine contraction, in order to decrease blood loss by clamping off uterine blood vessles and to promote involution process, has vaso constrictive effect and may result in hypertension esp in women who's bp is already elevated
exerts a selective stimulatory effect on smooth muscle of uterus and bood vessels, increases strength on myometrial muscle contraction,supporting propagation of contraction (movement of the uterine contraction from one moymetrial cell to the next), cautious use of diluted pitocin administered intravenously at term results in a slow rise of uterine activity, cells are more susceptible to pitocin as pregnancy progresses
given intramuscularly as prophylactic measure at 28 weeks gestation, provides passive antibody protection against Rh antigens, 'tricks' body so body does not produce antibodies of its own (active immunity)
At what times is RhoGAM administered?
after any abortion (spontanious or induced), ectopic pregnancy, or amniocentesis, at 28 weeks gestation and within 72 hours of live birth
Rubella--when does it pose greatest risk to featus and what are the titer values, how long should pregnancy be avoided after immunization?
1st trimester has geratest teratogenic risks, should avoid pregnancy for 1 month after vaccination (3 months in book, but is out dated), positive titer of 1:16 shows evidence of immunity, negative titer of 1:8 indicates susceptibility to rubella