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35 Cards in this Set

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Edwin L. Drake
the man who drilled the first oil well in the U.S.; located in Titusville, Pennsylvania
Bessemer Process
new way to make steel; developed in the 1850s that led to a dramatic increasing in steel productivity
Thomas Edison
self-educated inventor who patented over 1,000 items
Christopher Sholes
inventor of the typewriter
Alexander Graham Bell
inventor of the telephone
Transcontinental Railroad
a railroad line which stretched across the U.S.
George M. Pullman
the man who invented the sleeping car on railroads
Interstate Commerce Act
established the right of the federal gov't to supervise railroad activities
Andrew Carnegie
Scottish immigrant who made a fortune in the railroad
Vertical Integration
when a company buys the raw materials, transportation systems, and suppliers needed to manufacture and transport its product
Ellis Island
the main immigration station in the U.S. from 1892-1924
Angel Island
the primary west coast immigration station
favoritism given to people born in the U.S.
Chinese Exclusion Act
virtually stopped Chinese immigration
Gentlemen's Agreement
an agreement in which Japan limited emigration of unskilled workers into the U.S.
Social Gospel Movement
an early reform movement which preached salvation through service to the poor
Jane Addams
an influential member of the settlement house movement
Political Machine
an organized group which controlled a political party in a city
the illegal use of political influence for personal gain
Boss Tweed
became head of Tammany Hall, New York City's Democratic political machine
The Gilded Age
a term used to describe the 1870s-1890s when life was shiny and bright on the outside but corrupt and ugly on the inside
Progressive Movement
a movement of the late 19th and early 20th century that sought to correct the social and political ills of the time
to prohibit the sale and consumption of alcohol
journalists who wrote about the corrupt side of business and public life
Robert M. La Follette
Republican governor from Wisconsin who led progressive reforms against business
Seventeenth Amendment
passed in 1913 that allowed the people to elect their state senators
Susan B. Anthony
a leader in the suffrage movement
Upton Sinclair
wrote The Jungle, which exposed conditions in the meatpacking industry
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
became president in 1901 when McKinley was assassinated and was the first progressive president
the right to vote
Square Deal
president Teddy Roosevelt's plan to see that common people were not victimized by business and politicians
Meat Inspection Act
part of Roosevelt's Square Deal that set cleanliness and inspection requirements for meatpackers
John Muir
conservationist who persuaded Roosevelt to begin the National Park System
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in 1909 and its goal was full equality among races
W.E.B Dubois
helped establish the NAACP and was in favor of voluntary segregation