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62 Cards in this Set

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A ball is dropped from the top of a tall building. As the ball falls, the upward force of air resistance becomes equal to the downward pull of gravity. When these two forces become equal in magnitude the ball will . . .

fall at a constant speed (terminal velocity)

What the units for force?

F=ma unit is Newtons

Name the three laws of motion?

1. Law of Inertia

2. Law of Force

3. Law of Reaction

Which law explains why a force will cause a stationary object to move?

Law 1 - Law of Inertia

Which law explains the repercussions of a force?

Law 3 - Law of Reactions

Which explains acceleration due to the magnitude of the force?

Law 2 - Law of Force

If a box is being pushed from the left with 50N and from the right with 50N, what is the net force of the box and to which side does the box move?

Net Force = 0N Does not move

What is the formula for distance? If the speed of a dog is 9 km/1 hr and the dog runs for 30 minutes, how far will the dog travel?

S = d/t

S = 9 km/hr

t = 30 min. = .5 hr

d = X

9 km/hr = x (.5 hr)

4.5 km = X

The average speed of a particular horse is 2 m/s. How much time will it take the horse to travel a distance of 100m?

S = d/t

S = 2/m/s

t = X

d = 100m

2 m/s = 100m x t

50s = t

Why must a space shuttle use great force to get into outer space?

To escape Earth's gravity. It is going against Earth's gravity.

What would cause humans to be able to jump higher in another planet or moon?

A planet or moon with less gravity then Earth.

A pitcher throws a .27 kg baseball at 40 m/s towards the catcher. What is the momentum of the baseball while moving at 25 m/s?

P = mv (mass x velocity)

m = .27 kg m2 = .27 g

v = 40 m/s v2 = 25 m/s

P = 10.8 kg.m/s P2 = 6.75 kg.m/s

What is momentum?

Momentum is the force of the reaction.

What will cause an object to have greater momentum?

Momentum depends on velocity and mass. The more mass or more velocity = more momentum

Name six types of simple machines and give an example of each.

Pulley ex. belts and gears

Lever ex. seesaw

Wheel & Axel ex. tire

Wedge ex. scissors

Incline ex. stairs

Screw ex. bottom of light bulb

Describe what potential energy is, what would cause an object to have greater potential energy than another?

PE = mgh (mass x gravity x height)

The greater the height the greater the potential energy.

Name the different types of energy and give examples for each.

Mechanical ex. potential & kinetic energy

Radiant ex. solar

Chemical ex. food

Thermal ex. heater

Electrical ex. lights

Nuclear ex. bombs

Hydroelectric ex. water

What is kinetic energy?

KE = energy of motion

What are the ties between potential and kinetic energy?

Potential energy gets converted into electrical energy.


If a 5 N force is required to move a trash can through a distance of 3.2 m, how much work is being done?

W = fd

W = X

f = 5N

d = 3.2 m

X = 5 x 3.2m

X = 16J

How much potential energy does a 43 kg person gain when they are standing at the top of a hill 30 m tall?

PE = mgh

PE = X

m = 43 kg

g = 9.8 m/s

h = 30 m

X = 43 x 9.8 x 30

PE = 12 642 J

When a solid phase object goes to a liquid phase, does the object lose or gain heat energy? What is this transformation called?

It gains heat energy. The transformation is referred to as melting.

Describe solids, liquids, and gases. Which have definite volumes and definite shapes?

Solids = definite shape and definite volume

Liquids = no definite shape; definite volume

Gases = no definite shape or volume

Which phase of matter has the least amount of heat energy? Describe its particles.

A solid, all of its particles are held tightly together in a fixed shape.

Which phase of matter has the greatest amount of heat energy? Describe its particles.

Gases, all of its particles are spread apart and fill the container with lots of space.

Describe the gas phase of matter, what do the particles in the phase "look" like?

Gases are far apart. They move around continually (have a lot of kinetic energy) and they are hot.

When an object goes from a liquid to a solid phase what happens to the energy of the object? What is this transformation called?

It loses energy to freeze.

What is conduction?

Conduction is heat transfer through direct touch of molecules, particularly metals. Metals are good heat conductors. (ex. popcorn on the stove)

What is radiation?

Heat transfer through waves. Energy travels and does not need direct touch. (ex. microwave popcorn)

What is convection?

Convection is the process of gas or liquid particles heating and rising to the top. (ex. air pop popcorn)

What do the elements Carbon, Nitrogen, Krypton and Oxygen have in common?

They are all nonmetals found in the upper right hand corner of the Periodic Table.

What are characteristics of Metals?

Metals are. . .

good conductors of heat and electricity

shiny (luster)

solid except Hg


lose electrons (cations)

found on the left side of Periodic Table

What are characteristics of Nonmetals?

Nonmetals are . . .


dull (usually)

gas or liquid at room temperature


gain electrons (anions)

found on the right side of Periodic Table

Oxygen has a atomic number of 8. What other element or elements are most similar to oxygen?

Oxygen is found in Group 16. Every element in Group 16 is similar in the way it will react. Oxygen in a nonmetal.

How are elements placed on the periodic table?

Elements are arranged by the atomic number, which is the number of protons.

What are the four different types of matter?

Matter can be divided into either a pure substance or mixture. A pure substance is either an element or compound (chemically combined elements). A mixture is either homogeneous (same) ex. koolaid or heterogeneous (different) ex. salad

For the element Boron list:

Atomic number

Atomic mass

# protons

# electrons

# neutrons

# valance electrons

Group #

metal, nonmetal, metalloid

Boron (B)

Atomic # 5

Atomic Mass # 11

# protons 5

# electrons 5

# neutrons 6

# valance electrons 3

Group # 13


What is the smallest particles of the element silver (Ag) that can still be classified as silver?

An atom

What are elements?

An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down.

What kind of substance is water?

Water is a compound (H2O)

What kind of substance is air?

Air is a mixture made of O, N, H, etc. that are not chemically combined.

Sodium (Na) is highly reactive, which other element or elements will react similarly to sodium?

Sodium (Na) is in Group 1. All group one elements would react similarly. They are highly reactive with water.

Which pure substance is composed of more than one element?

Compounds ex. CO2, H2O

What is a group and what does the group indicate?

A group is a vertical column (up & down). Elements in the same group react in the same manner, because they have the same number of valance electrons.

What is a period and what does a period indicate?

A period is a row (left to right). It is the number of electron shells.

Name the element in Group 1 and Period 4.

Potassium (K)

What is malleability?

The characteristic an element that can be hammered into thin sheets.

What kind of element is more than likely to be malleable and conduct heat?

A metal is malleable and conducts heat and electricity.

Name the type of matter that Br2, CO2, HF, and NaCl belong to.

Br2 is an element.

CO2 is a compound.

HF is a compound.

NaCl is a compound.

How can an atom remain with a neutral charge?

A neutral atom has an equal number of protons and electrons.

How can an atom have a positive charge?

It is a positive ion (cation) that has fewer electrons then protons.

How can an atom have a negative charge?

It is a negative ion (anion) that has more electrons then protons.

Why would any member of Group 18 most likely be unreactive?

Group 18 are the Noble Gases which have full orbitals having all valance electrons.

What does the atomic number of an element indicate?

The atomic number is the number of protons of an element.

What are the three subatomic particles of an atom and where are they located?

Subatomic particles are . . .

Protons found in the nucleus

Neutrons found in the nucleus

Electrons found outside the nucleus in a specific orbital shell.

Which group of elements will gain one electron in an ionic reaction?

The halogens, they have 7 valance electrons and need one more for 8 to fill the outer energy level.

Which particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?

The nucleus of an atom contains both protons and neutrons.

What is Ernest Rutherford know for?

Ernest Rutherford performed a gold foil experiment which allowed him to identify that an atom has a small positive center he identified as a nucleus with small negative particles outside.

What kind of bond will potassium (K) and flourine (F) more than likely form?

Potassium (K) is a metal and Flourine (F) a nonmetal will form an ionic bond.

What type of bonding occurs when elements share electrons?

Covalent bonding is the sharing of electrons between atoms.

What is the chemical formula of Barium iodide and what kind of bond is formed?

Barium Iodide = BaI2

Barium is a metal and Iodine is a nonmetal which forms an ionic bond.

What particles are most important for bonding?
