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32 Cards in this Set

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How do viruses reproduce?
they use the host cells metabolic processes for reproduction (reason why it is hard to target virus and not host too)
nucleic acid core
Best prevention for Influenza
Two types of Flu vaccines
live, attenuate Influenza vaccine; inactivated Influenza Vaccine
Respiratory sycytial Virus
S/S of influenza
abrupt onset of fever, myalgia, HA, severe malaise, cough, sore throat and rhinitis
Two subtypes of Influenza
Type A (mutation shift due t antigen shift); Type B- less likely to mutate
Why is the inactivated influenza vaccine reformulated each year?
to follow virus mutations
Is the intranasal live attenuated or inactivated?
live attenuate virus
What groups should get priority with the flu shot (Trivalent inactivated vaccine)?:
kids 6-23 mths, adults over 65, pregnant women in 2nd and 3rd tri, persons 2 years and older with chronic conditions; then--> household contacts for high risk people and healthcare workers
What groups is Flu Mist approved for?
healthy kids age 5-17 and adults 18-49
Once the Flu Mist is thawed, how many hours do you have use it?
within 60 hours
When should you consider chemoprophylaxis for influenza?
high risk ppl who have not been vaccinated, allergies to eggs, immunocompromised persons, and to control outbreaks in institution housing
What type of influenza does Amantadine and Rimantadine cover?
Type A only
MOA of Amantadine and Rimantidine
blockade of the viral membrane (M2) which acts as an ion channel required for viral/cell membrane fusion
Amantadine and Rimantidine can be used in conjunction with what?
Which one- Amantadine or Rimantidine- readily crosses BBB?
Which is metabolized by liver---Amantadine or Rimantidine?
Adverse effects of Amantadine
CNS related-- insomnia, dizziness, and ataxia
What patients do you use caution with when using Amantadine and Rimantadine?
pregnancy ad nursing
What flu types are covered by Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and Zanamivir (Relenza)?
Type A and B
Tamiflu and Relenza reduce duration of flu by how many days if started within 12-48 hours of onset?
1-3 days reduction
hoe many days is Oseltamivir taken for prevention of flu?
QD for 7 days
Form of Zanamivir
dry powder inhaler (not for asthma or COPD)
Form of Tamiflu
oral capsule taken with food or as suspension for kids
MOA of Tamiflu and Relenza
inhibition of viral neuraminidase and virus replication
How is RSV spread?
person to person
What population can RSV be fatal in?
premature babies less than 6 mths old, immune deficient babies, and infants with chronic lung disease
Types of respiratory infections caused by RSV
common cold in lower respiratory tract, bronchiolitis, and bronchopneumonia
Drug prevention of RSV
Palivizumab (Synagis)
What patient population gets Synagis?
high risk kids under 2