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30 Cards in this Set

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Interface Builder

The graphical environment for building a UI in Xcode.

intrinsic content size

The minimum size needed to display all the content in a view without clipping or distorting that content.


To perform repeatedly.

library pane

An area in Xcode that displays one of the ready-to-use libraries of resources for your project, like the Object library.


A constant or variable defined only within a particular, limited scope, like a loop, conditional statement, or function.


A control flow statement that executes the same piece of code multiple times


A reusable, named piece of code that’s associated with a particular class, structure, or enumeration.

modal segue

A segue in which one view controller presents another view controller as its child, requiring a user to perform an operation on the presented controller before returning to the main flow of the app.

Model-View-Controller (MVC)

A pattern of app design in which view controllers serve as the communication pipeline between views and the data model.


A value that is able to be changed (or mutated) after it’s initialized, like a variable.

navigation controller

A specialized view controller subclass that manages transitions backward and forward through a series of view controllers.

navigation stack

The set of view controllers managed by a particular navigation controller.


The absence of a value or no value.

nil coalescing operator

An operator (??) placed between two values, a ?? b, that unwraps an optional a if it contains a value, or returns a default value b if a is nil.


An instance of a class.

Object library

Part of the Xcode workspace window that shows a list of objects that can be added to a storyboard, including each object’s name, description, and visual representation.


A value that contains either an underlying value or nil to indicate that the value is missing.

optional binding

The process of attempting to assign an optional value to a constant in a conditional statement to see if the optional contains an underlying value.

optional type cast operator

An operator (as?) that attempts a downcast and returns the result as an optional value.


A reference to an object in a storyboard from a source code file.

outline view

A pane in a storyboard that lets you see a hierarchical representation of the objects in your storyboard.


To replace an implementation of a method defined on a superclass.


An additional piece of information that must be passed into a function, method, or initializer when it’s called.


A type of file in which you can change and play around with Swift code directly in Xcode and see the immediate results

project navigator

Part of the Xcode workspace window that displays all the files in your project.


A piece of data encapsulated within a class, structure, or enumeration.

property observer

A piece of code that’s called every time a property’s value is set that’s used to observe and respond to changes in the property’s value


A blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that suit a particular task or piece of functionality


A value that can only be viewed (read) but never changed (written)


A value that can be both viewed (read) and changed (written).