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118 Cards in this Set

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Behavioral Therapy for Migraine
Avoid Triggers, biofeed back, stress reduction, application of ice, sleep and relaxation
Medications for prophylactic migraine
Beta Blockers,Calcium channel blockers, antidepressants, antiepiletic, NSAIDs, cyprohyepatidne, methysergide,
Acute Exacerbation/ Relapse MS Tx
Steroids: Immunonmodulatory- reduces t lymphocytes
block gamma IFN, reduce IgG synthesis inhibit PGE2
Methylprednisolone, Dexamethasone, prednisone
or PLasma exchange
Relapse Remiiting MS Tx
Interferon beta -1b
interferon beta -1a
glatiramer acetate
interferon beta 1 b
betaseron-produced in E coli
SC injection,
interferon beta 1-b/a MOA
immunomodulating activity, altering the immune response against he mylein sheath. decreases cell migration into CNS, Peripheral and BB
interferon beta 1 a
Avonex, Rebif
mammalian cell line, identical to human interferon
Ave: IM q week Rebif: SC 3x a week.
glatirmaer acetate
immunomdulating activity, blocks the binding of MHC class II products to myeline bacis protein, synthetic poplypetptide. SC daily
therapies used to treat worsening or progressive MS
Rituxumab: non FDA
Mycophenolate: non fda
for pts w inadequate response or intolerance to other MS therapies. Partial humanized mAb against VLA-1 works in BBB. IV infusion q 4 weeks. can cause PML
reduces relapse rate, disability progression and MRI activity. IV q 3 months. can cause secondary leukemia
chimeric murine/human mAb CD 20 IV at baseline
visual loss: MS Tx
IV methylprednisone
weakness: MS Tx
PT, OT, Dalfampridine: K channel blocker
Spacticity: MS tx
Baclofen, tizanidine, Dantrolene
bladder dysfunction: MS tx
DDVAP, cholinergic agents, prazosin, oxybutin, tolterodine, fesoteradine, darfinencin, solfenacine, trosopium
Urinary tract infection: MS tx
bactrim, keflex
Fatigue: MS tx
amantadine, methylphenidate, fluoxetine, modafinil, dexedrine
Goals of MS medication therapy
shorten recovery time from exacerbations, decrease the nmber/severity of relapses, Prevent development of secondary progressive disease, stop the firther progression of progressive MS, provide symptomatic modalities, improve quality of life.
primary headache
no 2nd cause
Migraine w Auroa
Migraine w/o Aurora
Tension headache
2nd headache
due to secondary cause,
trauma, headache
medidcation over use headache
rebound headache due to:
analgesics, ergotamines, caffeine and triptans
withdrawal symptoms on d/c, toxic effects from med. escelating use leads to escelating headache
migraine w/o aura
at least 5 HA with: last 4-72 hrs
Has 2 of: Unilateral location, pulsating, inhibits ADLs, aggravated by routine physical activity
During HA: n/v and/or photophbia
migraine w aura
2 attacks with three of:
at least 1 fully reverisable
at least one aura symtom developing over 4 mins or two in sucession
no aura symptom ? 60 mins
migrain headache follows aura within 60 mins. may begin with or before aura
migraine triggers
sleep: too little or too much
dehydration, stress, emotional letdown, missing meals, meds, EtOH, weather changes, smoking, strong perfumes, foods with preservatives
fortification spectra
objects appear surrounded by luminous angles
shimmering, sparkling, flashing light
hazy or lost vision
burning, prickling sensations without external stimuli
cluster headache
usually male, onset 27-30 years
duration 15min-3hours
excruciating, unilateral, n/v rare, awakens from sleep with headache, cannot remain still and usually paces
tension headache
attacks 15days/month, pain does not prohibit activity, dual like, bilateral, no n/v, photo/phonophobia
migraine generator
brain stem
migraine patho
reticular activating systme-> stimulates brain stem nuclei(vagas) -> stimulates NO and plasma protein release from meningeal blood vessels
Plasma protein + NO=
irritation of trigeminal nerve
Stimulation of peripheral trigeminal nerve
calcitonin gene related peptide-vaso dilator
sub P
Neurokinin A
Plasma protein extravastation and inflammation
neurogeic inflammation
potent vasodilators
Calcitonin Gene related peptide
Sub P
Neurokinin A
Central Brain stem trigeminal nuclei
central pain transmission through thalamus
goals of migraine therapy
Acute/abortive: reduce intensity and duration,no effect on aura must take at at onset of pain
Preventitive: to reduce occurance,
overall: pain free, reduce or prevent disability, improve QOL, educate
FDA approved for prevention of migraine
FDA approved Beta Blocker
Timolol-Adult- not commonly used
Beta blocker for migraine pro
MOA: unknown
Reduce HR, reduce BP, may require several months of tx, sexual dysfunction
Calcium Channel Blocker for migraine pro
no FDA approved
MOA: interaction with CNS neurotransmission, unknown
may require 3 weeks-2 months
SE: constipation
antidepressants for migraine pro
TCAs-not fda labeled
MOA: inhibition og 5-HT2
SE: sleepy, increase falls, anticholinergic effects
Amitripyline can cause weight gain
AEDs for migraine pro
Topiramiate-taste aversion, tired, parasethisia-FDA labeled
Valproate-FDA labeled
serotonin and histamine antagoinst
MOA: unknown
SE: sedation, anticholinergices, weight gain!
serotonin receptor antagonist
SE: fibrosis- endocardial, pulm, retroperitoneal
compound only
importance of dose delivery form
gut motility slows down during migraine
triptans recommended uses
moderate to severe pain
cluster headache-sumatriptan
menstral migraine
triptans MOA
neuronal inhibition blockks depolarization of sensory affeents at the trigemninal nerve. Thus blocking vasoctive peptide release of neurovascular inflammation of the meningeal and dural vasculature
vasoconstriction of meningeal, dural and cerebral arteries
does not affect regional cerevral blood flow,
hits more seratonin receptors besides b/d, (f)
duration of action: short, can repeat dose
SC injection works the fastest
half life: 2
metab: MOA-A
naprosin: inhibits PG synthesis
approved for acute tx
can repeat,
Short acting
Nasal, melt tablet-gastric abs, tablet
Met: CYP and MAO
Bio: higher than imitrex
repeat time is 4 hours
long duration of action
higher Bioavailbility
repeat at 2 hours
short duration of action
MLT-melt tablet, gastric, mint
met: MAO
pts taking propanolol: reduced dose
repeat at 2 hours
short duration of action
higher bioavailbility
Met: CYP 2D6 and 3A4, MAO,
better tolerated
longest duration acting
can repeat at 2
long half life: 26 hours!
Menstral migraines-scheduled or stressful event
Met: renal cyp1A2
BCP can increase Cmax and AUC-decrease dose
repeat at 2 hours
duration: short 4hours
Bio is increased with fatty meal
Met: CYP 3A4-do not use within 72 hours of inhibitor
propanolol increases AUC-decrease dose
don't use in hepatic impairment
ADRs for triptans
chest pain
flushing, dizzy
neck pain
MI, vasospasms
CI for triptans
Coronary artery disease, hypercholesterolemia, hepatic disease, prinzmal angina, hemiplegic or complicated migraine, breastfeeding/pregnancy
MAO-I use, within 24 hours of other vasoconstricotrs
SSRI use
contains APAP
weird dosing schedule
Antiemetics for migrine
mild to moderate pain adjunct
chlorpromazine, metoclopramide-role in preg
prochlorpreazine: 1st line in ED - role in preg
corticosteriods in migarin
rescue therapy in status migrainus-abortive
pain due to tumor
analgesics in migraine
cause rebound but can be used in abortive or rebound, limit to 3x a week
IV depakon in migraine
moderate to severe headache - as rescue therapy! works great when can't use another vasoconstrictor
Narcotics for migraine
abortive therapy
Butalbital+/- APAP- addictive!
ergot deritvates recommened use
moderate to severe, menstral migraine, cluster headahce, intractable migrain, chronic daily headaches
ergotamines MOA
high affinity for 1b/1d/1f adn 2,
affinity for alpha, beta and D2
reuptake inhibition of NE
reduction of vasogenic/neurogenic inflammation
dihydroergotamine mesylate
IV or IM, NS, for status migraine
SE: nasal irritation, fatigue, diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, n/v, taste perversion
Category X
Drug interactions: vasoconstricotrs, abx
Neuropathology of MS
Demylination: reversible
Axonal loss: irreversible
immune mediated damage: disability
immunopathology of MS
T cells activated in periphery-> adhesion molecules-> activate MMP->
Release of cytokines, upregulation of immune response, BBB opens more
damage to myelin and axons via antibodies, complement protein, free radicals and cytokines. Variable path between pts
pseudo exacerbations
infections: UTIs
stress: emotional, physical
3 components of pain
sensory, emotional and cognative
nociceptive pain
stimulation of somatic and visceral peripheral nociceptors by stimuli that damage tissue, post op, sports injury
neuropathic pain
pain resulting from injury to or dysfunction of the peripheral/central NS. No useful biological function. postherpetic, phantom limb, peripheral neuropathy
Mixed pain
neuropathic + nociceptive
complex regional pain syndrome
failed low back pain surgery
conversion of stimuli into electrical action potential by nociceptors
movement of electrical stimulus info into and through the spinal cord: A fibers, C fibers
modulation of nerve impulse by SC and higher CNS areas, calc excit vs inhib, if it should go higher into CNS
what receptors inhibit pain transmission
opioid: Mu, Kappa, gamma
GABA: A and B
Alpha 2
blocked Na and Ca ion channels
opening of ion channels
neuropeptide Y
summation of steps 1-3
transduction, transmission and modulation
peripheral sensitization
decreased thershold, increased intensity and prolonged firing, ectopic discharges, abnormal accumulation of Na channels
25 mg/day increase 50-100mg q 3-7 days, max 400 mg/day - can be divided
trial: 4 weeks
Consider: childern>16, adults <75 (max 300/day) renal: max 200/day, cirrohosis: 50 mg q12
evidence: OA, Neuropathic, diabetic neuropathy
TCAs for pain
10-25 mg q HS, increase 10-25mg q 3-7 days, max 75-150 mg as tolerated
trial: 6 weeks
SE: Anticholinergic: Am worst
DI: Cimitidine, antiHTN, SSRI, class I antiarryhthmics
Benefit: neuropathic pain
SNRI,60 mg qD-120mg qD
not for renal or hepatic insufficiency
SE: anorexia, ataxia, HTN
DI: 2D6, 1A2
evidence for: postherpatic, diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia
SNRI, IR: 25 mg BID increase 50-75 mg q 7, XR: 37.5 mg increase 37.5-75 mg q 14. max150-225/day
DI: antiHTN, 2D6, 3A4
benefit: diabetic, polyneuropathy
modulation of N type Ca channels
100 mg-300 mg qHS
adjust for renal,
trial: 3-8 weeks for titration, 1-2 for max
benefit: neuropathic
schedule V
start 150 in divided doses
evidence: diabetic, postherptic, fibromyalgia
lidocaine 5% patch
Na channel modulator
max 3 patchs/day for 12 hours. 12 on 12 off
trial 2 weeks
evidence: neuropathic
trial 4 weeks
evidence: diabetic, postherpatic, limited use when alone
2nd line
MOA: seratonin, NE and Dopamine
evidence: neuropathic
2nd line
Seratonin, NE reuptake inhib
trial 3 weeks
reduce renal
DI: CYP450
evidence: fibromyalgia
2nd line pain
Na modulation
ADR: leukopenia, aplastic anemia
DI: tramadol, fluoxetine, war, BC
benefit; trigeminal, diabetic, postherpatic
2nd line pain
DI: CBZ, pheny, val, APAP
evidence: trigeminal, diabetic, CPSP, spinal cord injury, HIV neuropathy
2nd line pain
SE: hypoNa
DI: BCP, felodipine,
evidence: trigmeinal, diabetic, refractory
2nd line pain
Na channel modulation
benefit: diabetic, peripheral
increased sensitivity to stimulus
abnormal or unplesant sensation
painful stimulation, burning
pain with non-noxious stimuli - light touch
exagerated pain in response to noxious stimuli
hyperalgesia that persist after stimulus removed
pain in region of sensory loss
5 main functions of endogenous opioid system
analgesia, modulate anxiety and stress, regulation of hormonal function, thermo regulation, and homeostasis
opioid peptide families
proopiomelancortin-B endorphins
sensory vs affective perception
sensory: nociceptor-> assending pathway
affective: psychological
raising thereshold vs increacing pain tolerance
threshold: release of enkephalins in dorsal horn, or release of opiods from leukocyte that inhbit sub P
tolerance: psych associated
Central affects of opiods
neuronal activity, analgesia, mood, resp depression, mood change, sedation
peripheral effects of opioids
histamine release, GI effects, bradycardia, decrease BP due to decrease pain
therapeutic uses for opioids
preioperative sed
cough suppresion
replacement therapy for addiction
overdose, opiate induced resp depression
Use: analgesia, pre op, MI, Pulm edema
Epidural: tx of abdominal surgery
CI: Hypersens, acute broncho asthma, pulm disease, head injury, compromised renal function
use: analgesia mild to mod, anti-tussive (low dose)
little euphoria
potent - perpidine
adjunvant to surgery
CI: preg, bradycardia, hypotension
morphine, more potent
pre -op, post op with thiophental
use: pulm and cancer pt
little anti-tussive
SE: tachy, blurred vision and dry mouth
not for renal or liver failure due to metabloite-> convulsions and hallucinations
not for seizure pts
morphine agoinst, mod to severe pain
replacement therapy
tolerance and phycisal dependence is slow
TCA and benzo increase accumulation
partial agonist, premed for surgery
CI: MI, epilepsy, head trauma, psychosis
less constipation and n/v
need more nalaxone if OD
pure antagonist
reversal of opioid OD
half life is 1 hour, need repeated doses
met: glucuronidation
decrease bioavailib with oral
less potent than codien
used for cough supression
acts on cough center in medulla