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54 Cards in this Set

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Type of bond between a metal and a nonmetal is....

Ionic bond
How can you quickly find the number of valence electrons in a atom?
Look at the group number.
When atoms share electrons, what kind of bond is created?
Covalent bond
In an ionic bond, nonmetals tend to ______ electron(s).
In an ionic bond, metals tend to _____ electron(s).
When metals lose electrons, they tend to have the configuration of the noble gas that ______ them.
When nonmetals gain electrons, they tend to have the configuration of the noble gas that _____ them.
What type of oxidatioon number is formed when metal atoms become ions?
positive; called cations
What type of oxidation number is formed when nonmetal atoms become ions?
negative; called anions
How many dots do the dot structures of the alkali metals have?
How many dots do the dot structures of the alkaline earth metals have?
How many dots do the dot structures of the halogens have?
How many dots do the dot structures of the noble gases have?
eight, except for helium, which has two
How many dots do the dot structures of group VI A have?
How many dots do the dot structures of group VA have?
How many dots do the dot structures of group IV A have?
How many dots do the dot structures of group III A have?
Because of the d electrons of the transtion metals, what is typical of oxidation numbers in B elements?
They have multiple oxidation numbers, typically 2+ and another one or two
What oxidation numbers do Zinc and Cadmium always have, due to their location in the d-block?
What oxidation number does Silver always have due to its location in the d-block?
Do groups I A and II A ever have multiple oxidation numbers?
When an element has multiple oxidation numbers, how do you show it in a formula's name?
Use a Roman Numeral to show which positive charge it has.
What are the names of Fe^2+, Fe^3+, and Fe^6+?
Iron II ion
Iron III ion
Iron VI ion
Which Noble Gas does Rubidium resemble, when it loses one electron?
Which Noble Gas doe Bromine resemble when it gains one electron?
When halogen elements become ions what do we call those anions?
What is the name of the ion made from chlorine?
chloride ion
What is the name of the ion made from fluorine?
fluoride ion
What is the name of the ion made from iodine?
iodide ion
What is the name of the ion made from bromine?
bromide ion
What is the name of the anion made from oxygen?
oxide ion
What is the name of the anion made from sulfur?
sulfide ion
What is the name of the anion made from nitrogen?
nitride ion
What is the name of the anion made from selenium?
selenide ion
What is the name of the anion made from carbon, (which is rare)?
When single nonmetal element becomes an anion, it carries the _____ suffix.
When a nonmetal element is combined with oxygen in an anion, it usually carries the _____ suffix.
Ions of only one element are called _____ ions.
Ions of more than one element are called ____ ions.
When an ion has 2 elements in it, the second element is usually _____.
How would you determine the formula for Iron III oxide
How would you determine the formula for Iron II oxide?
What is the name of CuS?
Since the S is 2-, and there are no subscripts, then the Cu must be 2+
It must have a Roman Numeral since Cu is a transition metal?
Which common transition metals never have more than one oxidation number & thus don't need Roman Numerals when naming them?
Silver (Ag)
Cadmium (Cd)
Zinc (Zn)
What happens to ionic compounds when hit with a hammer?
They shatter because they are hard & brittle.
Ionic compounds are typically ______ solids.
Dry Ionic compounds are typically _____-condutors of electricity.
When ionic compounds are dissolved in water or are melted, they become ______ electrical condutors.
What is the chemical formula for Potassium oxide?
Potassium, K is 1+
Oxygen, O is 2-
Ionic compounds tend to have a______ melting point temperature.
The ____ of electrons typical of metals is what causes malleability, conductivity, and luster.
Blends of metals together are called...
Bonds holding metal atoms together are called.....
metallic bonds
Why isn't MgO called Magnesium II oxide?
Magnesium is NOT a transition metal, & thus doesn't need a Roman Numeral.