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19 Cards in this Set

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What makes an animal part of the phylum animalia?
Ingestive, multicellular, heterotophic.
Define radial
from a central point
What is a blastula?
A hollow ball of cells formed after the 8 cell split of a zygote. It goes on to form a gastrulation which invaginates to form mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm.
What type of animal is better suited for radial symmetry?
sessile animals that can encounter the world at all angles.
What type of animal is better suited for bilateral symmetry?
An animal that moves through the water in search of food. It is more beneficial to have the sensory organs located at the front of the animal.
Describe the lifecycle of a zygote to a gastrula.
Zygote --> cleavage --> beta-cell stage --> blastocoel --> invagination in gastrulation becomes gut --> gastrula.
What are the two types of coelem formation?
Schizocoelous and enterocoelous formation.
Describe Schizocoelous formation.
Coelom begins as two pockets of mesoderm within the blastocoel. A split forms within the msoderm in which coelem forms and matures.
Describe enterocoelous formation.
Archenteron invaginates blastula. Future mesoderm evaginates and splits off from devloping gut into a ceolomic pouch which matures into coelom.
What is the primitive connective tissue found in flatworms?
Where are the gonads found in flatworms?
What type of skeleton does a roundworm have?
Hydrostatic skeleton.
Describe radial cleavage.
Planes of zygote are perpendicular to each other. They will substitute lost cells.
Describe spiral cleavage.
Cell splites in a clockwise tierre the first time, then counterclocwise a second time. Each cell encodes for a particular thing. e.g. the 4d cell codes for the mesoderm and is termed the "mesento" cell
Concerning the blastopore, what are the primary differences between deuterostomes and protostomes?
Deuterostomes have blastopores that become the anus and their mouth is a new opening, whereas protostomes have a blastopore that becomes a mouth and their anus is a new opening.
What are the features of deuterostomes?
Blastopore becomes anus, upstream collecting with few cilia as larvae, radial cleavage, eneterocoleous formation.
What are the features of protostomes?
Blastopore becomes mouth, downstream collecting with many cilia as larvae, spiral cleavage, and Schizocoleous formation.
Name the protostome phyla.
Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Nematoda (roundworms), Rotifera, Molluska, Annelida (earthworms), Arthropoda
Name the deuterosome phyla
Lophoporates, echinodermata, chordata