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21 Cards in this Set

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What is an informal fallacy?
An informal fallacy is a poplular but invalid (or unhelpful) from of argument.
What are three informal fallacies?
Three informal fallacies are:

1. Fallacies of distraction
2. Fallacies of ambiguity
3. Fallacies of form
Tell me about the fallacy of distraction.
The fallacy of distraction is an argument that confuses the issue by pointing to information that is actually irrelevant to the conclusion.
What are some forms of fallacies of distraction.
Some forms of fallacies of distraction are:

1. Ipse dixit
2. Ad populum
3. Ad baculum
4. Ad hominem
5. Bulverism
6. Tu quoque
7. Ad ignorantiam
8. Chronological snobbery
Tell me about Ipse dixit.
Ipse dixit is an illegitimate appeal to authority. In Latin, ipse dixit means "he has said it himself".
Tell me about the fallacy ad populum.
The fallacy, "ad populum" is an illegitimate appeal to a majority or an appeal "to the masses".
Tell me about the fallacy ad baculum.
The fallacy "ad baculum" is an illegitimate appeal to force. (appeal to the stick)
Tell me about the fallacy ad hominem.
The fallacy, ad hominem, means "to the man". It is a verbal attack on a person rather than his argument.
Tell me about the fallacy Bulverism.
The fallacy, Bulverism, (the genetic fallacy) is attacking a position by pointing out how the arguer came to hold it.
Tell me about the fallacy tu quoque.
The fallacy, tu quoque, points to an inconsistency between a person's argument and behavior. It means in essence, "Yeah! Well, you do it too!"
Tell me about the fallacy ad ignorantium.
The fallacy, ad ignorantium, is an argument from lack of evidence,i.e. "nobody has proven it to be false, so it must be true."
Tell me about the fallacy of Chronological snobbery.
The fallacy of chronological snobbery is an argument based merely on the passage of time. It is when you reject or affirm a position solely based on how old or new it is.
What must we always use when identifying an argument as a fallacy?
We must always use wisdom when identifying an argument as a fallacy.
Tell me about fallacies of ambiguity.
Fallacies of ambiguity are arguments that confuse the real issue with multiple, vague, or otherwise unclear meanings.
What are five types of fallacies of ambiguity?
Five types of fallacies of amiguity are:

1. Equivocation
2. accent
3. amphiboly
4. composition
5. division
Tell me about the fallacy equivocation.
The fallacy of equivocation is changing the definition of a term in the middle of an argument.
Tell me about the fallacy of accent.
The fallacy of accent alters the meaning of a statement through changed emphasis.
Tell me about the fallacy of amphiboly.
The fallacy of amphiboly is vagueness of grammar that disguises or alters meaning.
Tell me about the fallacy of composition.
The fallacy of composition is the fallacy of transferring attributes from part to whole.
Tell me about the fallacy of division.
The fallacy is the fallacy of transferring attributes from whole to part.
When do fallacies of ambiguity occur?
Fallacies of ambiguity occur when an argument is unclear in some way. This can be due to the lack of clarity of individual words or of the sentence as a whole.