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43 Cards in this Set

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How is Deviance Relative and Contextual?

Both historically and sociallyt. Everyon'es definition is different and the things we define as deviant will shift and change as we age. What is deviant to some is not deviant to others.

Cultural relativism: the principle of regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself.

Define Deviance

The violation of norms/rules/expectation

Blue Collar versus White Collar crimesq

White collar crimes deal with corporate types of crime. Usually the more privileged members. Blue collar crimes occur when the structure fails to provide people legitimate opportunites to succeed so they turn to crime - petty theft, murder, street level

Postivie Sanctions

People do not enforce folkways strictly, but they become upset when people break mores. Expressions of disapproval for deviance range from frows and gossip to brimprisonment and death for violating them.

Negative Sanctions

From smiles to formal awards - these sanctions are used to reward people for conforming to norms. Getting a raise for example or getting an A in a class.

Sociobiologists and Deviance

Looks more towards inherited genes play a role in deviance.

The Xyy male

Sociologists and Deviance

Sociology deals with more structure of group based ideas on WHY people commit deviant acts.

Psychologists and Deviance

Psychological sociology looks more towards personality disorders of specific instances in someone's past that would cause a reaction where in people would cause deviant acts.

Serial Killers

Define Stigma

"Blemishes" that discredit a person's claim to a "normal" identity

Neutralize Deviance

1: Denial of responsibility

2: Denial of injury

3: Denial of a victim

4: Denial of condemners

5:Appealing to higher loyalities

Labeling Theory

The reputations we may gain from committing deviant acts prevent us fromd oing so. Think of the many labels we have including tomboy, pansy, sllut, cheater, pervert, any negative ones

Strain Theory

Asserts that society creats deviance, through the unreasonable expectation to reach goals. You will follow four paths - Innovators, rituatlism, retreatists, rebellion

Strain Theory Paths

1: Innovators - Accept it and achieve new means of doing so

2: Ritualism - accept mthe means but reject the goal

3: Retreatists - leave society to follow their own path

4: Rebellion - eject both socieites goals and the means of achieving them

Control Theory

Is very much based on self control. Why don't we all act out in deviant ways? Having large amounts of commitment attachment to people or places, and being involved with the community help dissuade us from deviance.

Differential Association Theory

We learn how to be deviant based on the different people or groups we interact with.


one of the three essential elements of religion - a moral community of believers. WORSHIP NOT BASED ON evangelism, religious expereince, or personal conversion.



A religious group so integrated into the dominate culture that it is difficult to tell where the one begins and the other leaves off

Also called state religion


religious group larger than a cult. Christianity was a sect of Judiaism. Lutherns were a sect of Christianity.


a new religion with few followers, whose teachings and practices put it at odds with the dominant culture and religion.


Civil Religion

Religion that is such an established feature of a country's life that it's history and social institutions becomes sanctified by being associated with god.


State Religion

a government sponsored religion.


the transformation of traditional societies into industrial socieiteis


the process by which worldly affairs replace spiritual interests

How if religion good?

Religion can be used to promote social change. Health benefits, social benefits, community benefits, as well as discouragment of (alcohol, drugs, caffeiene)

How is reliigon bad?

Justification for persecution, bad treatment of devotees, excommunication, bashismne,t negative views on moral issues such as (rape, abortion, incest)

Religion over Science

Science does not offer the emotional benefits that religion does, it may for those that research it. But ultimately, science has failed to provide evidence for the ultimate meanings of life and the afterlife.

Corporatization of the medical industry

Martin Skrelli

Disengagement theory

aging cannot and will not be stopped. It is natural and acceptable.

Activity theory

there is a positive corrlation between the things you do (gardening - old people hobbies) land your life satisfaction level

Continuity theory


What purpose does aging serve in society?

Allows people to mature and advance. Meaning we leave society, making way for new lives

Professionalization of medicine

The development of medicine into a specialty that requires physicians to

1: obtain a rigorous education

2: claim a theoretical understanding of illness

3: take authority over clients

4: regulate themselves

5: present themselves as doing a service rather than just following self interest

Professionalization of medicine

The development of medicine into a specialty that requires physicians to

1: obtain a rigorous education

2: claim a theoretical understanding of illness

3: take authority over clients

4: regulate themselves

5: present themselves as doing a service rather than just following self interest

How can reliigon be contention between groups

Conflict theory

Industrialized versus first world


Life expectancy and birth rates

Social statification

Enhancement and Inequality in technology

US dialysis machines. Martin Skrelli. Cost of medicaiton. Fake organs, dead people organs. National medicla bill.

What is the overabundance of the elderly in America called?

The greying of America

What is the overabundance of the elderly in America called?

The greying of America


The healing specialist of a tribe who attempts to control the spirits thought to cause disease

Four components of health

Physical, spiritual, mental, emotional

Black Market



The process b which (blank) opens and closes doors of opportunity