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10 Cards in this Set

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Which is more recommended? Vegetable and fruits or meat? Why?

Vegetable and fruits are more recommended cuz mereka lbh kaya nutrisi and rendah lemak jd mengurangi penyakit yg tinggi lemak

What is usually injected to animal that can cause harm to human bodies?


What can Vit C do?

Mencegah penyakit scurvy

Veg and fruits become the source of what? And mention the examples!

Source of provitamin A:

1. Sayur hijau, orange, kuning

2. Tomat

3. Buah2an lainnya

Source of folic acid:

1. Citrus

2. Strawberry

3. Grapes

4. Grapefruits

5. Banana

What is the definition of fruits and vegetables?

Fruits: produk dari tanaman yg dibungkus pulp or daging dan terdiri dari biji

Sayur: bagian dr tanaman (akar, batang daun) yg bisa dimakan

3 kategori sayuran berdasarkan bagian tamaman

1. Seeds and pods

2. Bulbs, roots and tuber

3. Flower, buds, leaves, stem

Specific charateristics of fruits and vegetables


1. Consumed raw

2. PH <4.5 (acidic)

3. Sweet

4. Juicy

5. Dari flower

6. Processed with preservatives: salt, vinegar, sugar, fermentation, drying


1. Consumed cooked

2. PH >4.5 (less acidic)

3. Less sweet or not at all

4. Not juicy or hard

5. From anything: leaf, stem

6. Processed with: drying, heating, pickling and salting

Persamaan buah dan sayur?

1. Komposisi

2. Metode kultivar dan pemanenan

3. Metode penyimpanan

4. Processing

Component cell wall?

9-25% cellulose, 25-50% hemicellulose, 10% pectin and protein

Allow water and mineral to pass through

Faktor yg mempengaruhi buah dan sayur

1. Jenis varietas buahnya

2. Kondisi iklim/cuaca

3. Kondisi tanah/ jenis pupuk

4. Derajat kematanhan saat dipanen

5. Proses kultivar or budidaya

6. Kondisi kematangan