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65 Cards in this Set

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mechanical properties of the lung
static: no airflow

dynamic: during airflow
static passive forces
lung elastic recoil: elastin within the lung parenchyma

coupling b/w lung & chest wall
- pleural fluid couples lung to chest wall ; establishes functional residual capacity: FRC
- thoracic cage holds lungs at FRC; introducing air into pleural space causes lung to collapse
=pneumothorax: air in pleural space
static measurement
compliance: distensibility of lung

defined by slope of pressure: volume curve during a breath
how much P does it take to provide the tidal volume
dynamic active forces
muscle work
- inspriation: diaphragm, external intercostals, sternocleidomastoid
-expiration: passive process except durinig exercise; abdominal muscles (rectus, internal & external obliques, transversus abdominus) and internal intercostals

airway resistance:
- turbulence: mostly in upper airawys
- resistance to laminar flow highest in terminal bronchioles

dynamic compression of airways
- clinically important during forces expiration
lung mechanics
pulmonary function testing
pulmonary function testing includes

lung volumes

diffusion capacity
used to directly measure tidal vol, inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve volume
sume of which is vital capacit

take big breath and blast out as quickly as can
lung volumes in pulmonary function testing
4 methods
- plethysmography, HE dilution, N2 washout and chest imaging

measures VC and total lung capacity
- residual vol calculated TLC-VC = RV
diffusion capacity in PFT
single breath with 0.3% CO

transfer factor
can't directly measure RV
so measuure how much CO comes back when exhale; if taken u well, less CO comes back
lungs: more compliant in emphysema, not all

airways: increased R in asthma, bronchitis

spirometry: FEV1/FVC : low

lung volumes: TLC & RV increased

diffusing capacity decreased

Ex: COPD, CF, Asthma
lungs: stiff ; not always due to fibrosis (pulmonary edema and other infiltrates)

airways usually normal

- FEV1/FVC - normal to high (b/c both suppressed)
- FEV1 and FVC low

lung volumes: TLC decreased

diffusing capacity decreased

Ex: ARDS - atelectasis, fibrotic lung dz, kyphoscoliosis causes chest wall restriction
functional changes include:

- RV

- ERV & Vt

- IRV & IC
spirometry measures
flow volume loop
measures FEV1
ventilation definitions
minute ventilation
alveolar ventilation
anatomic dead space
physiologic dead space
dead space ventilation
minute ventilation
Vt x f
alveolar ventilation
(Vt-Vd) x f
anatomic dead space
volume estimated by ideal body wt in lbs
physiologic dead space
Vd/Vt = PaCO - PetCO / PaCO
dead space ventilation
wasted ventilation decreases with exercise
regional distribution of ventilation
gravity pulls lung mass down

less dependent alveoli are more distended

dependent alveoli are more compliant
- can distend more, accept more of inspired air

effect is less pronounced in supine position

diseasae creates regional variations in ventilation
closing volume
single breath N2 washout

rarely used clinically
pulmonary circulation
low resistance circuit
- shorter, no precapillary sphincters, parallel circuit
- Pressures measured clinically in mmHg (pulmonary A) if higher than 15-30 =pulmonary HTN
regional distribution of blood flow in pulmonary circulation
zones defined by arterial (Pa), venous (Pv) and alveolar Pressures (PA)
zones 1-4
zone 1
alveolar P > arterial P > venous P
- no blood flow
dead space ventilation
alveolar pressure collapses BV; not good gas exchange
zone 2
arterial P > alveolar P > venous P

less blood flow

but zones 2,3 are best gas exchange b/c alveoli open and art P pushes past alveolar P
zone 3
pulmonary A & V P > alveolar P

veins distended
gravity effects flow
zone 4
base of lung
area of decreased blood flow
regulation of resistance
passive & active
passive regulation of resistance
recruitment: increased PASP converts zone 1 to 2 (exercise)

distention: expansion of inflated lung pulls pulmonary caps open
active regulation of resistance
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction

vascular endothelial mediators
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstiction in active resistance
decrease PO2 in alveoli causes local arterial vasoconstriction

diverts perfusion away from poorly ventilated areas to better ventilated alveoli
vascular endothelial mediators in active R
endothelin 1
NO: constituently produces; keeps A's open
fluid exchange
starling forces

pulmonary edema/pleural effusions


starling forces
helps ID pathologic mechanism in pleural effusion

Jv = Kf [(P cap - P int) - (P cap - P int)]
pulmonary edema/pleura effusions example
increase P cap; pulmonary edema

renal/liver dz
decrease P cap: fluid leaks out cap to alveolar and pleural space
anatomic abnormality allowing blood to bypass gass exchange areas
- patent ductus arterioisis & VSD

venous admixture: mixing of oxygenated & deoxygenated blood
- coellesce when go back to L atrium
disorders in fluid exchange
pulmonary HTN
pulmonary embolism
pulmonary vasculitis
gas exchange depends on
diffusion: dependent on area, thickness, soluability, pressure

gas transfer (DLCO2)
- measured using CO as it avidly binds to Hgb
- DCO is 20x greater than DLO2 so its perfusion is limited
- O2 is usually perfusion limited but can become diffusion limited in disease states
alveolar gas equations
- PCO is dependent on ventilation & metabolism

O2 ***
- PAO2 = (FiO2)(patm-PH20) - PaCO2/RQ
- respiratory quotient = VCO2/VO2 = about 0.8

alveolar-arterial gradient
- PaO2 and PaCO2 measured
- calculate PAO2
A-a gradient

normal =age/4
measure of efficiency of oxygenation
lower # = less efficeint oxygenation is
V/Q inequality
spectrum of V/Q

approaching zero
- shunts
- airway obstuction, pulm edema, atelectasis
- little ventilation, large flow

approaching infinity
- alveolar dead space
- pulm embolism, MI (RV)
- not good gas exchange/vent
decreased partial P of O2 in inspired air or content of O2 in tissues
decreased partial P of O2 in blood
5 causes of hypoxemia via lungs
diffusion block
V/Q mismatch
shunt (decreased O2 delivery)

supplemental O2 does not reverse hypoxemia of shunt
control of ventilation
controllers in pons/medulla


pulmonary receptors

fever, increase progersterone increase respiratory rate
chemoR's in control of ventilation
central: sens to PaCO
increases depth of inspiration

peripheral : sens to paCO, PaO
increases rate & depth of inspiration
pulmonary R's in control of ventilation
stretch R's : inhibit overdistention

irritant R's : cough

J R's (C fibers): cause burning sensation
awareness of breathing
increase resp rate
increased tidal vol
periodic or cluster breathing
stairstep, waxing/waning
central: congenital, neuromuscular

obstructive: upper airway obstruction
special environments
high altitude: hypoxemia cuased by low P O2; hyperventilation is first response

oxygen toxicity

fetal gas exchange

diving medicine: P increases by 1 atm for every 33 ft
- descent can cause TM rupture, "squeeze"
- ascent can cause "bends" : gas comes out of solution too quickly, pneumothroax; hyperbaric tx needed for bends
nasal passages
- alpha agonists constrict nasal vasculature
- anti choliinergics block mucus production

trachea & large airways
- muco-ciliary escalator; major role in lung defense
- methacholine challenge may be positive in allergic rhinits & asthma
respiratory defense
resp airay cells: sme in upper & lower airways

- mast cells: release multiple pro-inflammatory meditors
- neutrophils: release elastases, proteases,produce O2 radicals
- eosinophils: more prevalent in allergy/asthma
acid base balance
1 of 3 physiological methods

lungs play role, kidney more effective
respiratory acidosis
PaCO elevatted
pH low

chronic: PaCO2 elevated, pH normal, bicarb elevated
acute on chronic: same as above, but pH low
resp alkalosis
PaCO decreased
pH elevated

can occur if chronic resp acidosis is hyperventilating
reading a chest radiograph
be consistent, follow same pattern
review pt detials & history, orientation, rotation, adequacy of inspiration, penetration, exposure
mnemonic approach to reading CXR
gastric bubble
structural appraoch to reading CXR
look for opacities
check mediastinal contours
check cardio thoracic ratio
check heart borders
check hilar structures
check lung fields
diaphragm contours
diaphragm should be b/w what ribs on CxR
9/10 in midclavicular line
if not = atelectasis
if 11-12: hyperinflation
CT mediastinal views
used to examin LN's and vasculature (if contrast used)
- LN's numbered from top to bottom
- used to stage lung cancer
acid base: physiologic method used in this core

Chest imaging
- chest radiographs; use consistent pattern for reding
- chest computed tomography: lung & mediatinal (at clavicles) windows