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66 Cards in this Set

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Uses the scientific method and makes conclusions based on data


The idea is that human nature is dominated by nature over nurture. "Who your parents are is more important than who raised you."


was a nativist


was an empiricist

Interactive (Cartesian) Dualism

The idea that the mind and body are separate entities and work with each other. Pineal gland is the center of this communication.

Rene Decartes

Founder of interactive (cartesian) dualism


the idea that one could determine activity and size of different brain regions based on bumps on the exterior of the skull. It's BS

Paul Broca

observed lesions in the localized areas of the brain to figure out which areas did certain jobs. Would ask lesion patients about their symptoms, and check the area of the brain affected after death. Discovered Brocas region of the brain

Localization and Lesions

Tested by Broca in human patients after death. Pierre Flourens would surgically create lesions in animal brains for testing.

Broca's region

Region of the brain specific to speech, discovered by Paul Broca


damage of the brocas region. Patients suffering from this still have cognitive thought, and can makes sounds, but cannot speak properly

Wilhelm Wundt

The father of psychology, wrote the first textbook and opened the first psych laboratory


Analysis of the basic elements that constitute the mind. The mind can have numerous different elements to it, such as visual or auditory perception

Charles Darwin

famous for evolutionary theory

Alfred Russel Wallace

studied the same things as darwin at the same time, separately from each other.

Mary Whiton Calkins

First female to complete the work for a PhD, First female president of the APA,

Gestalt Psychology

idea that a human's mind and perception is based on their perception and experience throughout their lifetime

Sigmund Freud

Defined hysteria as a temp loss of cognitive motor function, resulting from psychological trauma. Strongly believed in the subconscious effect on the mind.

Psychoanalytic theory

many disorders a person has can be explained by underlying fears or experiences in their subconscious. Also a therapeutic approach to dealing with the subconscious effect.


An approach to understanding human nature, very very positive.

Unconditional Positive Regard

a principle of humanism which always treats the patient positively, whether they tried to kill you multiple times or not


The scientific study of objectively observable behavior; example: something happens to someone, they react. You only observe stimulus and reaction, don't think about their thoughts or the inner workings of their mind

Burrhus Frederick Skinner (B.F. Skinner)

Known as the father of behaviorism, performed numerous responses to condition reactions in animals, such as teaching pigeons to play ping-pong.

Ivan Pavlov

worked with Ivan Tolochinov on classical conditioning; rang a bell before feeding a dog, the dog started salivating after hearing the bell; conditioned response

Ivan Tolochinov

Worked with Ivan Pavlov on classical conditioning

Classical conditioning

the idea that responses can be conditioned; i.e. a dog was conditioned to salivate when a bell was rang because his food was always brought in after ringing the bell, worked on by the Ivans.

John B Watson

performed the little albert studies; big on behaviorism and conditioning

Little Albert

an observational study in which a baby was made to be afraid of rats, which he wasn't afraid of before, by pairing loud noises, which scared him, with the rats. The response was so strong the baby feared all fuzzy white objects afterwards

Observational studies

studies which focus on observing a subject(s)

case study observes one individual in detail (little albert)

Naturalistic observation doesn't control variables, just observes

Survey is another observational study


the idea of changing surroundings to create a desired behavior; positive gives something when a desired behavior is achieved (you gain an allowance cleaning your room)

negative reinforcement removes something bad with a desired behavior, you clean your room, we remove the rabid oppossums

Margaret Floy Washburn

First woman with a PhD, she also promoted the idea of animal cognition, which is very popular today


the distance between each score in a distribution

construct validity

The relation between a mathematical variable and an idea-based variable; ex) the relation between smiling (quantifiable) and happiness (not quantifiable)

Predictive validity

How well do the measurements of a variable agree with each other? (does the amount of smiling, reported happiness, and brain activity all display the patient is happy?)


how often can you replicate a measure or experiment? (a gallon of water always ways the same on a scale)


how accurately does something measure? (a scale that weighs the gallon of water to be 3.780006 kg has more power than a scale that measures 3.78 kg)

specious reasoning

logic that appears to be sound, but is actually flawed (ie the "you can't eat carbs at night, bro" myth)

The pioneer of behaviorism was...

B.F. Skinner

The 3 rs are...

Reduce refine replace

The Tuskeegee experiments

a 40 year study of syphillis which allowed a control group of black males with the disease to slowly die even though treatment was available


the idea that people will adapt to their environment

Demand Characteristics

the idea that people will change their behavior based on inferred demand while being watched

the IRB (Institutional Review Board)

the group of professionals and citizens in universities who review human experiments

IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee)

the committee which reviews animal experiments

Invertebrates are not..

covered by animal research laws


the relation (not necessarily causal) between two variables

Principle of parsimony/Ockham's razor

the theory stating we should always assume the simplest explanation unless the evidence shows this is not true

informed consent

the basic requirement of research which requires participants are informed of everything they need to know before entering a study

Token economy

a reward system based on reinforcement, which gave patients positive reinforcement for desired behaviors. Was ineffective over time

response to _____, _____, and ____ are learned much quicker than reward

pain, fear, and startle


the tendency to lay down principles as true, cannot dispute. A Catholic arguing about "what the bible says". Someone has a "dogma" which they won't debate over

Studying humans is very difficult due to our _____, ______, and ______.

complexity, variability, and reactivity

Operational Definition

properties of behavior must be defined in measurable terms (happiness measured by smiling)

Hawthorne Effect:

observation affects behavior, i.e. it's impossible to watch photons because by watching them you've changed what you're doing; mario always sees boo as cowering in fear

observer effect

oftentimes in an experiment an observer will have an idea of how it will end. This idea can skew the observation of the data yielding a false or misleading result

Independent Variable (IV)

hypothesized to cause some effect on another variable. This is manipulated and controlled by a researcher

Dependent Variable

Hypothesized to be effected. Is not controlled, just monitored

By randomizing a sample, or using a large sample size...

you can reduce the risk of impact by a third variable

When the P is low...

Reject the H0

Nuremberg Code

when trying nazis for war crimes, their hypothermia research was taken and is still used today. This research had been performed on jews.

Operation Paperclip

the smuggling of nazi war criminals into the US to have them work for our military

Belmont Report

Research should be beneficient, just, and show respect for persons and their rights


use the minimum number of animals required to get useful data


design research to minimize discomfort and maximize knowledge gained


substitute computer models or cell cultures whenever possible


the idea that our ideas of right and wrong are based on our perception, and therefore can never be undisputably true; morals are only emotional responses