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37 Cards in this Set

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Social psychology

the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others


evaluations of people, objects, ideas, and behavior

Central route processing

the type of mental processing that occurs when a persuasive message is evaluated by thoughtful consideration of the issues and arguments use to persuade

Peripheral route processing

the type of mental processing that occurs when a persuasive message is evaluated on the basis of irrelevant or extraneous factors

Cognitive dissonances

the mental conflict that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts (referred to as cognitions).

Social cognition

the cognitive processes by which people understand and make sense of others and themselves


sets of cognitions about people and social experiences

Central traits

the major traits considered in forming impressions of others

Attribution theory

the theory that considers how we decide, on the basis of samples of person's behavior, what the specific causes of that behavior are

Situational causes (of behavior)

causes of behavior that are external to a person

Dispositional causes (of behavior)

perceived causes of behavior brought about by a person's traits or personality characteristics

Halo effect

a phenomenon in which an initial understanding that a person has positive traits in used to infer other uniformly positive characteristics

Assumed-similarity bias

the tendency to think of people as being simular to oneself even when meeting them for thefirst time

Self-serving bias

the tendency to attribute personal success to personal factors (skill, ability, or effort) and to attribute failure to factors outside oneself

Fundamental attribution error

a tendency to overattribute other's behavior to dispositional causes and minimize the importance of situational causes

Social influence

the process by which social groups and individuals exert pressure on an individual, either delieberately or unintentionally


two or more people who interact with one another, perceive themselves as part of a group, and are interdependent


a change in behavior or attitudes brought about by a desire to follow the beliefs or standards of other people


the social standing of someone in a group

Social supporter

a group member whose dissenting views make non-conformity to the group easier


a type of thinking in which group members share such a strong motivation to achieve consensus that they lose the ability to critically evaluate alternative points of view


behavior that occurs in response to direct social pressure

Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology

the branch of psychology focusing on work and job-relating issues, including worker motivation, satisfaction, safety, and productivity


a change in behavior in response to the commands of others


a set of generalized beliefs and epectations about a particular group and its members


a negative (or positve) evaluation of a particular group and its members


behavior directed toward individuals on the basis of their membership in a particular group

Social neuroscience

the subfield of social psychology that seeks to identify the neurological basis of social behavior

Interpersonal attraction (or close relationship)

positive feelings for others; liking and loving

Reciprocity-of-liking effect

a tendency to like those who like us

Passionate (or romantic) love

a state of intense absorption in someone that includes intense physiological arousal, psychological interest, and caring for the needs of another

Companionate love

the strong affection we have for those with whom our lives are deeply involved


the intential injury of, or harm to, another person


the process of discharging built-up aggressive energy

Prosocial behavior

helping behavior

Diffusion of responsibility

the belief that resonsibility for intervening is shared, or diffused, among those present


behavior meant to help another person without regard for self-interest