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40 Cards in this Set

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what is a heuristic value
stimulates debate among psychologist and motivates both proponents of the theory to persue research.

leads to research.
what is a anedotol evidence
personal experience as evidence
what is pseudo science-
distortion of theories adn research for the purpose of supporitng some kind of claim.
what is the only research that can be used to identify cause and effect relationships
experimental method.
variables can be
manipulated controlled measured.
an experiment needs what two groups?
experimental group and control group
the experimental group is exposed to
independent variable or treatment
the control group is like the experimental group but is measured on what
the dependent variable
what is a cofounding variable
factors/conditions other than ind. variable that can cause a difference among the groups with respect to the dependent variable
what are the three sources of the cofounding variables
placebo effect; selective bias; experimenter bias
what is higher order condition
process creates sequence of signals
what is extinction
tone with out food as a reward
what is spontaneous recovery
after extinction expose to tone again
the rat was what type of response
conditioned response that was generalized to other stimuli like rabbit
what is the degree to which genes prepare animals to acquire classically conditioned responses.
biological predispositions
an example of biological predisposition would be what
taste aversion high dislike of particular foods
what conditioning is a frequency of voluntary behavior changes a result of consequences
operant conditions
what follows a response that strengthens
what is shaping
learning tricks in small steps rather than at once.
what is extinxtion
disappearance of CR as a result of no reinforcement
whata is positive reinforcement in OC
something raises behavior..food for pressing lever
whats negative reinforcement in OC
taking away something not beneficial like pressing lever takes away electricution
what is a primary reinforcer
reinforcer needed for survival
what is a secondary reinforcer
acquired learned through association of other reinforcer
what is a continous reinforcer
every desired correct response
what partial reinforc.
pattern in which some not all correct responsese are reinforced
fixed ratio sched
given after a fixed number of correct responses
variable ratio schedule
reinforcer is given after a varying number of non reinforced responses based on avg of corext
partial reinforcement effect
greater resistance to extinction that occurs when a portion of the correct responses are reinforced
what is positive punishment
when punished behavior decreases after addition of consequence
what is negative punishment
when punished behavior decreases after removal of consequence
biofeedback what is it
getting info about internal biological states use of equitment to give people precise feedback about internal physiological processes
token economy
program that motivates socially desirable behavior by reinforcing it with token that can be exchanged for desired items or privleges
what is the somatic neuron system comprised of
sensory and motor neurons
sensory neurons take neurons from
organs to Central NErvous system
motor neurons take neurons form
CNS to muscles
layers of the brain
hindbrain-vital limbatic-emotions cerebum-logic
four lobes
frontal-motor partial- perception opicatal-sight temporal-auditory