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26 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back

Front (Term)

What are the three types of learning?

Back (Definition)

Classical conditioning, operational conditioning, observational conditioning

John B. Watson and BF Skinner believed that ______ should be the foundation of psychological science.

observation of behavior

These are involuntary responses

Unconditional stimulus/ unconditional response

This does not produce a response

Neutral stimulus

This is from the Neutral stimulus

Conditioned stimulus

this is the same as an unconditional response

Conditional response

This refers to the tendency to have conditioned response is triggered by related stimuli


The learned ability to only respond to specific stimuli preventing generalizatio


Law of effect states

Pleasant consequences increase behavior, unpleasant consequences decrease behavior

how did BF Skinner formalize the law of effect?

He said reinforcement strengthens behavior, punishment weakens Behavior

When you present a stimulus in the behavior increases, this is

Positive reinforcement

When you remove stimulus and the behavior increases this is

Negative reinforcement

When you present stimulus and behavior decreases

Positive punishment

When you remove stimulus and behavior decreases

Negative punishment

Reinforcement guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior


Those that can reinforce behavior without prior learning for example food water sex and comfort

primary or unconditioned reinforcement

Stimuli that acquire capacity to reinforce behavior through prior learning

Conditioned reinforcement

reinforcement is contingent on a fixed number of response

Fixed ratio

On average every nth response is reinforced for example working on commission, starting a lawnmower, gambling

Variable ratio

Behavior is reinforced the first time it occurs after a constant interval for example checking the oven, looking at clock during class

fixed interval

Behavior is reinforced the first time it occurs after a variable interval. Example channel surfing or calling someone

Variable interval

Punishment in order to be effective needs to be

Immediate, certain, moderately severe,

You only have to go through this pairing one time in order to have a conditional response

Taste Version

Playing the Breland and Breland experiment

They attempted to get a raccoon to put a coin in the piggy bank, but soon the raccoon thought the coil was food Due to biological tendencies

This means our choices are affected as we see others consequences for the behavior

Vicarious reinforcement and punishment

These fire and reflect the actions or feelings of others

Mirror neurons