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56 Cards in this Set

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Roles and Functions of the nurse
Caregiver, communicator, teacher, client advocate, counselor, change agent, leader, manager, case manager and research consumer.
Nurse practice Act
legally defines and describes the scope of nursing practice for each state, thru liscensing requirements
ANA standards
describes a competent level of nursing care: Assessment; diagnosis; outomes;planning;implementation; evaluation;
additional ANA standards
quality of practice, enhances effectiveness of nursing; on-going education; prof. practice eval.; collegiality-interacting w/peers; collaboration w/clients and family; ethics, research, resource utilization & leadership
Evidence-based practice
The use of some form of substantiation in making clinical decisions.
RN Responsibilities
Assessment, plan care and evaluating care.
LPN Responsibilities
Provide technical care under RN's supervision
1800's:Environmental theory:
the act of utilizing the env. to assist health recovery;
5 enviro factors;
pure air, water, efficient drainage, cleanliness :& light
Psych Nurse 1952; Nurse-client relationship; orientation, id, exploitation & resolution
1966; Like nightingale enviro theory; 14 needs of client<BR>Breathing normally<BR>Eating &amp; drinking adequately<BR>eliminating<BR>moving and maintaing comfort<BR>sleeping<BR>suitable clothes<BR>Body temp<BR>body clean<BR>avoid env. dangers<BR>communication with others<BR>worshipping<BR>work satisfying<BR>playing<BR>learning, discovering
1970, 91; Nurse Anthropologist; transcultural nursing; 3 intervention modes; culture care.
2005 Caring central to Nursing; carative factors
Different types of health care agencies
Public health, Physicians office, Ambulatory care; Occupational Health Clinic; Hospital, Subacute care; extended care; assisted living; rehab;home health; day care; rural care; hospice; crisis care
Different types of services
Primary; secondary & tertiary
Problem of underinsured in america
Number of elderly increasing; advances in tech $; Economics; Uneven Dist of services; access to health insurance
Goals of Healthy People 2010
increase quality & years of healthy life in graying pop.; eliminate health disparities "diversity of population:
Health Promotion
Behavior motivated by desire to avoid illness
Health Prevention
Avoiding development of disease in the future; intervention to limit disease.
Stages of Health Behavior Change
Precontemplation:0 action
Contemplation: not ready to commit, admits to prob.
Preparation: take action soon
Action: Makes Observ. Mods
Maintenance: Strives to prevent relapse
Termination: Copes 0fear of relapse
components of Wellness
Social: Interacts w/peers; intimacy with others
Emotional: expresses feelings
Intellectual: cont'd growth
Spiritual: belief in God
Occupational: work/leisure
Enviro: green
Model of Health & Wellness
clinical Model; Role Perf Model; Adaptive Model; Eudemonistic Model; Agent-Host Environmental Model
clinical Model of Health & Wellness
Absence of signs and symptoms of disease/injury
Role Performance Model of H & W
Ability to do you job
Adaptive Model o H & W
Creative process; disease equals failure in adaptation to environment
Eudemonistic Model of H&W
Actualizing your potential
Agent-Host Environmental Model of H&W
"Ecologic Model", used in practicing illness; results from interactions of agent, host and environment
Concepts related to cultural nursing care
subculture- ethnicity, nurses
Bicultural - cuban/amerilecan
Diversity - differences
Acculturation - adopting traits of host culture
concepts related to cultural nursing care, cont'd.
assimilation - developing a new cultural identity
Race - classifying bio charact.
Prejudice; stereotyping
Ethnocentrism - One culture is better
Culture shock
Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM)s
based on Holism, Humanism, balance, spirituality, energy & healing
Different healing Modalities
Ayurveda - Indian (dosha)
Trad. Chinese Med - acupuncture, qi
Curanderismo - Hispa
Family Assessment
Determine the level of family functioning
Clarify family iteraction patterns
Identify family strengths
Health statis of family members
Communication Process
Modes of Communication
Non-verbal - gestures, facial exp. and touch
Therapeutic Communication
Seeking clarification from client
Consensual validation
offering self
Giving Info
Therapeutic Communication cont'd
Acknowledging clients pos. strides
Clarifying time events
Presenting reality/vs unreal
Focusing; helping client to focus
Reflecting; helping client reflect
Summarizing & Plan; w/ client
Barriers to communication
Stereotyping, agreeing or disagreeing; being defensive; challenging;
More Barriers to communicationment
Probing; Testing; Rejecting; Changing topics and subjects; unwarranted reassurance; Passing Judgement; Giving common advice
Components of Self Concept
Personal Identity
Body Image
Role Performance
Self Esteem
Factors that affect self concept
Stage of development: ie infant
Family & Culture :expectations
Stressors: strengthen or maladapt
Resources: internal - conficence, values
external - support, finances, org.
More factors that affect self concept
History os success or failure
Illness: - ie: mastectomy, amputation
Spiritual Well being
Generally alive, purposeful & fulfilled.
Spiritual Distress
A challenge to the spiritual well being or belief system
characteristics of Spiritual Distress
Lack of hope
Abandoned by God
Refuses interaction w/fam & frds
Sudden change is spiritual practices
Requests to see a rel. leader
0 interest in spiritual things
Related concepts of spirituality
Transcendence - looking beyond self to future event
Beliefs about Birth
Muslims - Call to prayer in infants ear; named 7th day
Christians - infant baptism
Jews - 8th day named
Beliefs about Death
Muslims - dying clients head toward Mecca
Catholic - Sac. of sick
Jews - burial w/in 24 hrs
Hindus - cremation w/in 24 hrs
Defense Mechanisms
Compensation - covering up weakness w/ desirable one
Denial - ignoring crisis
Displacement - trans blame
Identification - imitate someone else to cover anxiety
More defense mechanisms
Intellectualization - Rationalizing
Introjection- allows for acceptance of others norms
Minimization - Ignoring prob.
More def mech
Projection - Blaming someone else or something
Rationalization - faulty logic
Reaction formation - acting opposite of feelings
Sublimation - Controlling promitive sexual desires
undoing - making reparation
Substitution - replacing
Minimizing Anxiety in Client
Explain procedures; help client manage anxiety
Learning Theory: Pavlov, Skinner & Bandura - conditioning behavior, praise &
positive feedback
Learning Theory: theorists:
Piaget, Lewin & Bloom - intellectual learning; cognitive, affective & psychomotor domains of learning
Learning Theory:
Maslow & Rogers
- learning is self motivated, self initiated and self evaluated.
Factors Affecting learning
Motivation;Readiness; active involvement;
nonjudgmental support; simple to complex;
More Factors affecting learning
physiologic Events;
cultural aspects;
Psychomotor ability
Elements in Nursing History that provide clues to learning needs
clients understanding of health
health beliefs and practices
cultural factors
economic factors
learning style
client's support system