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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 criteria to evaluate the quality of selection measurements?
The degree to which a measure is free from random error, or is more precise.
A score on any measure must contain which two components?
True "score"
random error
unusual circumstances
poorly worded questions
judgement calls
and the mood of a reference giver are examples of
random error
Reliability is calculated using
measurement repetitions
Inter-item reliability is
repitition in intems (same kinds of questions)
Test-retest reliability is
repetition in times (same test)
Inter-rater reliability is
repetition in raters (various interviewers)
Reliability is tested through
inter-item, test-retest, inter-rater
A perfect positive relationship for reliability is
A perfect negative relationship for reliability is
Strength of a reliability correlation is seen in
the compactness of x and y values on a scatter plot
The more compact a scatter plot is the
stronger the correlation
The less compact a scatter plot is the
weaker the correlation
what is a "good" level for reliability?
Refers to the extent to which the measure correlates with some criterion of interest
Measures must be ____________ to be ____________.
Reliable, Valid
Statistically valid is the actual correlation between two measures is the "true correlation" multiplied by the _____________ of their reliabilities.
Square root
Intuitively valid is if a measure is mostly random error how can you expect it to correlate with ________ or ______.
Job performance, retnetion
A good level for validity measures is r=
.2 or .3
What are the methods for assessing validity?
criterion related
The reliability method does not rely on statistical derivation but is based on expert judgement
content validity
Validation method of establishing the validity of a personnel selection method by showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores.
Validation that gices measure to people already on the job, correlating with performance (or some other criterion) at that time.
concurrent validation
Validation that gives measure to job applicants, but is not used to hire. Then correlates it with performance several months later.
Prediction validation
Restriction in range is found with _________ validation, and is when most of your applicants already have high levels of what you're measuring.
Concurrent validation
Predictive validity is too
time consuming
In _________ the question of whether our validity of our measure generalizes to other jobs, organizations, kinds of people, and time period.
When measuring _________ we ask, "how useful is the measure in terms of increasing overall profitability and allowing us to accurately select those who will succeed in the job, in a 'batting average' sense".