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17 Cards in this Set

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Dr. Jean-Marc Itard is most famous for his contributions to...
The earliest recordings of developmental history which focused on the "nurture side" of the nature vs. nurture phenomenon
Who focused on the nature side of the nature vs. nurture debate?
Charles Darwin
Who was the first to study personality development?
Sigmund Freud
Who first laid out the psychoanalytic theory?
Sigmund Freud
What are the 3 areas of mental functioning as described by Freud?
The id, ego, and superego
Which of the 3 areas of mental functioning is responsible for taming our primitive, animalistic desires?
the ego
Which area of mental functioning gives us the capacity to feel guilt?
the superego
List the developmental stages of Freud's psychoanalytic theory in order from infancy to adolescence
Oral Stage
Anal Stage
Oedipal or Phallic Stage
Who developed a theory of cognitive development?
Jean Piaget
What was Piaget's first stage in cognitive development?
For the first year of life, the infant is in what cognitive stage of development?
The Sensorimotor Stage
In what cognitive stage of development would a child be who has a very limited, self-focused perspective?
In what cognitive stage of development would a child be who is very actively exploring the world and how things work?
Describe the 3rd stage in cognitive development (Concrete Operations)
Concrete Operations is experienced during grade school years. Child begins to think logically, systematically, and with a purpose.
List the cognitive stages of development in order
Concrete Operations
Abstract Operations
What theorist went beyond Freuds stages of development which stopped at adolescence?
Eric Erikson
How does the ego deal with anxiety in order to keep it under control?
Defense mechanisms